• Super-BedBugs Over-Run France ... Airline Schedules Cancelled, Major Fu

    From 56d.1148@21:1/5 to All on Sun Oct 8 19:39:56 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Flights will be grounded if 'super-bedbugs' are found on board
    aircraft, and hotel owners will deploy pest control experts to
    deep clean the rooms of those arriving from France - as the
    UK tourist industry braces for an invasion of the critters
    from Paris

    A hotel chain has been quizzing guests at check in about prior
    visits to France

    Air France has announced that it will ground aircraft with bed
    bugs on board

    . . .

    How many 'migrants' had the hotel been housing ?

    In any case, yes, these things ARE a super-pest
    at this point. The cheap and safe insecticides
    won't work against them anymore. They hide in
    clothing, then escape elsewhere to breed like wild.

    There was an old thing they sometimes said to kids
    in the USA "Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs
    bite !" .... well, the USA kinda got rid of the
    damned things, but now they're just a plane flight
    away. Remember how authorities were tardy shutting
    down traffic from the EU/UK as Covid was starting ...
    by the time they did, WAY too late and NYC and
    others had massive lethal outbreaks, bodies rotting
    in overflowing morgues and mortuaries.

    The bedbugs won't KILL you (not sure if they can
    carry other diseases) - but ...

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