• WalMart No Longer To Favor College Grads For Executive Positions

    From 56d.1144@21:1/5 to All on Thu Oct 5 00:40:01 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Is a college degree no longer a good investment? Walmart
    plans to AXE degree requirements from hundreds of its
    corporate job descriptions

    The retail giant aims to get rid of 'unnecessary barriers'
    to career advancement

    . . .

    These days, a college 'degree' is almost a NEGATIVE.
    It's almost sure to mean a seriously UN-qualified
    individual, yet with a huge sense of entitlement, with
    rad/wokie/anti-cap sentiments which will lead to thousands
    of pesky lawsuits over various interpretations of

    Not worth it.

    Competent regular Joes/Janes are the way to go.

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