• Re: Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part N - Daryl Ka

    From Kristjan Robam@21:1/5 to Squeaky Squeaky on Sat Oct 14 10:48:31 2023
    Look out:

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    On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 2:17:28 AM UTC+3, Squeaky Squeaky wrote:
    Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part N - Daryl Kabatoff September 20th 2023 8:30 am 223,633 words (261 pages)

    “The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to
    comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “If you’re not willing to embrace Islam, you’re not a part of our society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

    “Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

    www.gab.com posts continued:

    Numbers - Fifty Seven:

    The main books of end-times prophecy are Daniel, with 357 verses, and Revelation with 404 verses, or 57 plus the 57th prime (269) plus the 57th non-prime. Isaiah contains a great deal of end-times prophecy, it contains an average of 19.575757… verses
    per chapter. There are 57 verses at Genesis 41, interesting as 57 is the 41st number that is not prime. Isaiah, Daniel and Revelation deal with tribulation, while Genesis 41 with the 57 verses results in your death if you do not comply with the
    instructions within (stockpile food in anticipation of a period of adversity). The churches never taught you to store up food in anticipation of a period of adversity, they instead taught you to spend billions of dollars annually turning your homes,
    schools, shopping malls and entire cities into blinkin’ temples of fertility. The western sheep tithed to churches thinking that the money would be used to feed the starving in Asia in Africa, or to feed the Asians and Africans that moved here. The
    number 57 is found repeatedly in American (USA) history, too often to be a random occurrence.

    Sam’s Family:
    Dad 21 12 1929 355/10
    Mom 10 5 1930 130/235
    A 25 5 1954 145/220
    B 17 2 1957 48/317

    Sam was born in 1929. The first kid was born on the 145th (5x29th) day of the year, the second kid was born 58 (29+29) days after dad’s birthday. The sons of Sam were born on days of the month adding to 42 (the 29th number that is not prime). Mom and
    the last kid were born in years adding to 87 (29+29+29). Mom gave birth a total of 298 days after her birthdays. The kids were together born exactly 73 weeks after their parent’s birthdays, it is a combination of the Lucas numbers up to 29 and is the
    number of verses in Bible Book 29. The family was born on days of the month adding to the 73 verses of Bible Book 29. Mom and the kids were born on days 10, 25 and 17, these are the 6th non-prime, the 16th non-prime and the 7th prime, together for 29.
    First and Second Samuel span a range of 116 (4x29) verses.

    Dad was born in ‘29 and became a copper (the 29th element), there is a copper riding a horse on the 1973 Canadian 25 cent piece, pretty as the Lucas numbers up to 29 and is the length of Bible Book 29. The letters in this 29th element C (3) O (15) P (
    16) P (16) E (5) R (18) add to the 73 verses of Bible Book 29. Joel is Bible Book 29, the letters in Joel add to 42 (the 29th non-prime).

    73 – the 73 verses of Bible Book 29 is a combination of the seven Lucas numbers up to 29

    There are 29 chapters in Bible Book 13 and 29 verses in Bible chapter 666, pretty as 29 is a combination of 6 plus the 6th prime (13) plus the 6th non-prime (10). Sam was born in ‘29 (6+6p+6np) then his last child was born with 317 (66th prime) days
    remaining in the year. The first child was born with 220 days remaining in the year, it is 66.666…% of the 6th and 66th primes (13 and 317).

    The last kid was born in ‘57 and was born 269 days closer to the beginning of the year than to the end of the year (the 57th prime). Dad and that last kid were together born 57.57 weeks into their years. In leap years dad and the last kid have their
    birthdays on days of the year adding to the 404 verses of Book 66 Revelation, or 57 plus the 57th prime (269) plus the 57th non-prime (78). The first of the kids was born with 220 days remaining in the year (Judges 9 with 57 verses). The chapters
    containing the length of 57 verses are chapters 41, 104, 220 and 1008, together for 1373 (the 220th prime). We were warned in Genesis 41 to accumulate food reserves in anticipation of a period of adversity. People instead spent billions of dollars
    annually turning trees into decorated idols and spent their time singing Jingle Bells, were certain that their churches were Bible based. Anyway, similar examples of mathematical harmony between the math of family birthdays, names, and the math of the
    Bible, can be found in most every other family. All are gifts from God and so there should be relationships.

    Theodore Charmbury’s Family:

    C (3) H (8) A (1) R (18) M (13) B (2) U (21) R (18) Y (25) = 109 (the 29th prime)

    Dad 14 5 79 134/231 - Theodore Henry James Charmbury
    Mom 13 9 80 257/109 - Aphra Rountree (Jones) Charmbury
    A 2 1 03 2/363 - Theodore Charles Gordon Charmbury
    B 7 5 04 128/238 - Phyllis Aphra Charmbury
    C 30 12 05 - Robert Wellington Charmbury
    D 27 4 08 - Rosina Elizabeth Charmbury
    E 10 - Harry Ellis Charmbury
    F 8 11 11 - Aphra Rountree Charmbury
    G 30 9 13 - Patricia Helen Charmbury
    H 16 - Jeanette Margaret Charmbury
    I 17 - Theodora Mae Charmbury

    Charmbury adds to 109 (the 29th prime). Theodore was born in 1879, Bible chapter 79 is Exodus 29. Theodore married on April 29th 1902. And Theodore married Aphra Rountree Jones, her initials A (1) R (18) J (10) adds to 29. Aphra was born on the 13th
    day of the month (Bible Book 13 contains 29 chapters). Aphra Rountree Jones Charmbury (109) was born on September 13th 1880, there were 109 (the 29th prime) days remaining in the year.

    Theodore and Aphra Charmbury had 9 children, children 4, 5 and 6 were born in years adding to 29, children 7 and 8 were born in years adding to 29, and the remaining children were born in years adding to 29.
    Theodore was a professional photographer in Saskatchewan, his negatives spontaneously combusted in Saskatoon in ‘31 and again in ‘42 (42 is the 29th non-prime). His negatives spontaneously combusted in years adding to the 73 verses of Bible Book 29
    (and is the Lucas numbers up to 29). Joel is Bible Book 29, the letters in Joel add to 42 (the 29th non-prime).

    Phyllis was born on the 7th day of the month and passed away on the 12th day of the 12th month (the 7th non-prime). She was born exactly 227 weeks into the century (the 7x7th prime). She was born in and died in years averaging 7. She was born in and
    died in months adding to 17 (7th prime). She was born on the 128th day of the year (2 to the 7th). She has an average of 7 letters in her names. Her first name is 7 lettered while her given names together contain 12 (7th non-prime) letters. She has 21 (7+
    7+7) letters, the number of chapters in Bible Book 7. She has 7 vowels and 14 (7+7) consonants. The vowels in her first name add to 36, or 7 plus the 7th prime (17) plus the 7th non-prime (12). The vowels in her last two names add to 49 (7x7). Her 12 (
    7th non-prime) different letters add together for 147 (7x(7+7+7)). Only the first and second children have a 7 lettered name, together these two children have 7 names, they were born in years adding to 7.

    Note that mom was born on the 257th day of the year. Phyllis has consonants adding together for 171 (57+57+57). Phyllis has letters having values with upsidedown and/or flippable attributes (A, A, A, C, H, H, H, I, M, P, P, R, R, R and S) adding to 157.
    Phyllis has given names differing in value by 57. Phyllis (101) Charmbury (109) adds together for 220, Bible chapter 220 contains 57 verses. The 57’s in the Bible are at chapters 41, 104, 220 and 1008, together for 1373 (the 220th prime). Note that
    Genesis 41 contains 57 verses (the 41st non-prime). We were warned in Genesis 41 to accumulate food reserves in anticipation of a seven year long period of adversity.

    Theordore (88) was provided with a wife who was 488 days younger than him, they ended up with 8 surviving children. The 8th of the children is Jeanette (8 letters) Margaret (8 letters) Charmbury, she was born in year ‘16 (8+8).

    Names, husbands, wives, children and the numbers in the Bible are all gifts from God, since they are coming from the same source there should be relationships.

    As far as you are concerned, it had better be an acceptable sacrifice to God:

    They either laughed at or they ignored the victims of psychiatric horror. Decades of reports of veterans and other stripped of their rights and brutally tortured to death in psychiatric facilities and all you folks want to do is turn trees into
    decorated idols and sing Jingle Bells. I was stripped of my rights and brutally tortured for years because I criticized the pagan fertility rites taught to you by your churches. Even though God proclaims in Scripture that He is ENRAGED when He sees you
    arseholes turn trees into decorated idols, you do not care. Your sacrifice is to kill a tree and turn it into a decorated idol, and as far as you are concerned, it had better be an acceptable sacrifice to God, or else. You love your blinkin' trees so
    very much that you elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because you assumed he shared your values when you saw the photographs of him posing with
    the pagan idols. The psychiatric abuse was horrendous, I begged in vain for assistance to flee the country, people laughed at me (and assaulted me further) and flew to tropical resorts where they would pose for photographs with the pagan idols there. It
    was so damn important for them to post these photographs on Facebook, that they would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. The witches cruise Facebook looking for a child that appeals to him or her, they place
    an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed.

    The priests and ministers taught you to turn trees into decorated idols. Then this corrupt church co-opted and used all other institutions to help them teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is essential for them to get you to abide by the
    winter fertility festival for different aspects of this festival are in opposition to God's First Three Commandments, which they hate, then you lie to your children about the nature of this shit and violate God's 9th Commandment as well. Then the priests
    and ministers parroted their own media and parroted their own politicians (the Catholic church owns these institutions) and demanded that their sheep take the bullshit Covid death jabs, and they did, for they trusted the priests and ministers and thought
    they were holy.

    The sheep were programmed to shit upon any person who tried to warn them to flee the idolatry. First they mocked those who tried to warn them, they told those who spoke up against the blinkin' trees that they were legalists and were wearing tinfoil
    hats. If the individual also pointed out the Egyptian penises on the roofs of the churches and pointed out that the Scriptural references to cannibalism were being censored, then the individual would be laughed at, assaulted, expelled and shunned, and
    efforts would be made to have the individual arrested and tortured for he or she was upsetting the public order. Then when the victim of psychiatric horror complained of the “treatment”, he or she was assaulted further and told to take another pill.

    They are fertility idols. You defended your pagan fertility idols with brutal horrid violence and thought it was funny, and then took injections that removed your fertility and your lives, and you deserve it. Now you blame Jews for all your problems.

    To those who expose the pedophilia on GAB and Bitchute and other social media sites:

    Most everybody posting material on the uncensored sites who are condemning and exposing pedophilia are like the Freemasons who write books purported to expose the evils of Freemasonry, while at the same time censoring their acts of cannibalism. The
    Freemasons and other witches write copious quantities of books discussing Aleister Crowley without mentioning the content of his book White Stains, where he describes his Rite of Spring. Crowley writes that he would get naked with a young boy and enter
    into the body cavity of a freshly killed bovine, where he would rape the child and then eat his testicles and nipples. He sets that to poetry in White Stains. People here harp on and on about pedophiles while avoiding the issue that many are actually
    cannibals, they not only rape the children, they torture, kill and eat them too!!! Portions of the children are eaten before they are killed.

    Similarly those people who expose the evils of the Catholic Church do so without indicating that God is ENRAGED when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. They purport to expose the evils of that church without indicating that the
    Protestant churches were co-opted in the counter-reformation and now join with the Catholics in teaching people to turn trees into decorated idols. They purport to expose the evils of that church but do so without mentioning that the church censors
    Scriptural references to cannibalism.

    Cannibals run the churches, these cannibals teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. It is very important for these witches to get you to abide by this pagan fertility rites because different aspects of this pagan winter festival are in opposition
    to God’s First Three Commandments, which they hate, and because it ENRAGES God.

    The Catholic Church owns and uses the other institutions to assist them to teach you to turn trees into decorated idols. The sheep embrace the Catholic fertility rites with every ounce of their souls and then blame Jews for all their problems. The
    problem is that the sheep embrace pagan fertility rites and then they lose their nations to members of alternative fertility cults. The sheep are eager to shit upon me for I criticize their pagan winter festivities, which they love more than Jesus and
    life itself. The sheep join together with the Freemasons and other witches in their embrace of pagan idolatry and with their censorship of Scriptural references to cannibalism. The sheep are at war against God, and are utterly compassionless to the
    victims of psychiatric horror, so much so that they will not even acknowledge that people are stripped of their rights and tortured to death in the psychiatric facilities. The only time they acknowledge that people are being tortured to death is when
    they laugh at them for criticizing their pagan fertility rites, they tell them that they are wearing tinfoil hats and that they should shut up and take another pill. You are agents of Satan who assist him in censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism,
    and who assist him in censoring Scripture that condemns your pagan idolatry.

    The comparison is spot on. People publish books purporting to expose the evils of Freemasonry, but they are actually Freemasons who censor the real evil being conducted within their own covens, the cannibalism of your children. Then you folks write
    your spews here on GAB to expose pedophilia, but you do so while ignoring the issue of witches raping, torturing and eating children. You not only ignore the existence of cannibals by focusing solely upon pedophilia, you also ignore the Christians and
    others who were stripped of their rights and brutally tortured in psychiatric facilities for daring to raise the issue of the cannibalized children, or for daring to criticize your pagan idolatry (your blinkin' trees).

    Anastasia Marie Weaver:

    Anastasia Marie Weaver got the jab for her 5th birthday present and died 440 days later (the first 17 primes). The shot is not the problem. The corrupt church taught them to turn trees into blinkin' fertility idols. Then later the priests and ministers
    parroted their own politicians and parroted their own media (the corrupt church owns these institutions) and demanded the sheep take the jabs. The family abided by the word of pedophiles and cannibals rather than by The Word of God.

    Anastasia's twin sister Caitlin got the jab at the same time, and both received the "booster" less than 2 months later. The parents should expect to lose this other child soon, and lose their own lives as well. The parents were both jabbed and "boosted"
    , mom may start to necrotize before she drops dead, dad's sperm is now toxic.

    Mom is Jessica, J (10) E (5) S (19) S (19) I (9) C (3) A (1), the name adds to 66. The parents (Andrew and Jessica) and Anastasia have first names adding to 65, 66 and 85, together for 216 (6x6x6). Anastasia was born on and died on days of the month
    adding to 36 (6x6). Anastasia died at age 2266 days.

    Anastasia died on the 25th (Lamentations). The 154 verses of Lamentations is a combination of the first 13 non-prime numbers (1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21). Anastasia died 75 days after her birthday, or 13 plus the 13th prime (41) plus
    the 13th non-prime (21). Anastasia has a preponderance of letters (13 letters) that have numerical values that have upsidedown and/or flippable attributes (A, A, S, A, S, I , A, M, A, R, I, A, R), and 6 out of the 7 letters in “Jessica” have
    upsidedown and/or flippable attributes.

    The twins were born on the 11th day of the 11th month. Bible Book 11 contains 11+11 chapters and 11x11 more verses than Bible Book 10. Anastasia has 11 vowels. She has 11 letters in her last two names, and those last two names average 60, or 11 plus
    the 11th prime (31) plus the 11th non-prime (18). Anastasia’s consonants exceed her vowels by 127, it is the 31st prime while 31 in turn is the 11th prime (127 is the 11th prime in prime position). Anastasia’s upsidedown and/or flippable letters add
    together for 111. She died 440 (11x40) days after her first bullshit snake-venom, gene altering jab. God gave Anastasia her name and her birthday and provided it all in harmony with each other, and also in harmony with the numbers in Scripture.

    It is unlikely that Anastasia knew what day of the year or century she was born on, nor how many letters she has in her name. She was a typical child, she liked to watch the witches in Harry Potter movies and no doubt desired to be a good witch. A
    typical child being taught Satanism and the accompanying homosexuality, and being taught to turn trees into decorated idols, and to bestow gifts to the tree, and to bow to the tree when placing and then later retrieving the now second-hand presents (the
    tree got the presents first).

    People laughed and laughed at the sheep who warned them to avoid the idolatry and said they were wearing tinfoil hats. When mocking and laughing at them wasn't sufficient to shut them up, they escalated the abuse, expelled them from their churches and
    shunned them. If the squeaker also indicated that the church was capped with an Egyptian penis and that the church was censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism, then the squeaking individual was arrested and tortured to death in psychiatric

    Squeakers who contradict the official Catholic church narrative and who say the dead are asleep and in the ground (as opposed to have gone to heaven and are now in the arms of Jesus) are simply shat upon and told that they are horrible persons. They
    ignore Scripture condemning the act of turning trees into decorated idols and then hand over cash to the priests and ministers for teaching them to turn trees into decorated idols and for assuring them of their salvation. Then after the child dies, the
    parents return to church to hear assurance that their dead child is in heaven and in the arms of Jesus, at which time they hand over yet more cash to hear the absolute bullshit. The Catholic church teaches necromancy (talking to the dead), by claiming
    the child is up in heaven with Jesus (rather than asleep and in the ground awaiting judgment), it opens the door for family members to start praying to their child who is supposedly up in heaven watching over the surviving family members.

    United With Cannibals, Homosexuals and Islamists:

    The left and the right are united in turning trees into decorated idols. The atheists and the homosexuals (people who hate God and Christians) join with the Christians in turning trees into decorated idols, actually the Christians join with the
    atheists and the homosexuals and turn trees into decorated idols. The Doukhobors used to avoid the glitter of the Catholic fertility rites but now join with the Catholics, and join with the left, the right, the atheists and the homosexuals and turn trees
    into blinkin' idols and turn their homes into blinkin' temples of fertility. The bullshit-Covid-jabbed poisoned unite with the pure bloods in turning trees into decorated idols. What will happen when their voter base starts dying off, you ask? You will
    use Catholics, Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus to staff the psychiatric wards and torture to death those who criticize your Catholic fertility rites. The Islamists, Sikhs and Hindus will join with you Catholics and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror.
    Then you will fly to tropical resorts and pose for photographs with the pagan idols there (and post the photos on Facebook where the witches shop for your children). Then you will continue to elect and re-elect homosexual, Indonesian Islamists (who are
    also pedophiles and cannibals) to the presidency of the United States of America, because you will continue to assume that the individuals share your values because they posed for photographs while standing next to your beloved pagan fertility idols.

    One may criticize the church for pushing pagan fertility rites in place of God's Commandments, but do so carefully. If you point out that they are capping their church roofs with Egyptian penises and if you point out that they are censoring Scriptural
    references to cannibalism, then you have upset the social order - be prepared to have psychiatric drugs injected into your arse. No matter how many of you Catholics die from the bullshit Covid death jabs, you will get others (Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists)
    to staff the psychiatric wards and torture to death those who speak out against the false Christian churches.

    It starts by mocking those who question why your churches are pushing the pagan fertility idols in place of God's Commandments, then the abuse is escalated. The abuse gets escalated to horrendous psychiatric torture. The mocking of those who criticize
    your pagan fertility rites is turned into psychiatric torture and open laughter. Then you hear people beg for assistance to flee the country and you openly laugh at the individual and assault him further. Complain to a psychiatric nurse that the
    psychiatric medications make your hair fall out, makes your jaw lock open, makes your skin and tongue turn into hard leather, makes your brain and entire being pulsate in horrific pain, and she will laugh at you and say it’s your own damn fault for not
    drinking enough water. Then the individual cries out to God against you, you then take the bullshit Covid death jabs and get homosexuals to educate your children. Those who manage to survive the abuse cry out to God against you and eventually laugh at
    you as you necrotize and die from the bullshit Covid death jabs, and laugh at you when your children cut their dinks and tits off. This is how the world works. Just as you think it hilarious that I get brutally tortured in Saskatoon’s psychiatric
    facilities, I think that your deaths and the deaths of your children is equally hilarious (Proverbs 1:24-26). You are like Hitler, Hitler liked to turn trees into decorated idols and persecute those who were opposed to his blinkin’ trees, let Hitler
    save you.

    Bible Versions:

    The King James Version (KJV), the Revised Standard Version (RSV), and the New American Standard Bible (NASB) are three Bibles that are worth your time to read. Compare some of the poetry in Ecclesiastes between these versions and see which sounds the
    most polished to you. My suggestion is that you own your own Bible, purchase a King James Version Bible (KJV) and also the RSV and NASB.

    A parallel Bible I wish was published would combine the Revised Version (RV 1881-1885), with the American Standard Version (ASV 1900-1901), with the Revised Standard Version (RSV 1946-1952) and with the New American Standard Bible (NASB 1963-1971). I’
    d be thrilled if somebody published such a parallel Bible, I’d buy one for myself and at least one as a gift. Another possible parallel Bible (containing four versions) would united the KJV, RSV and NASB with either the RV or with the ASV.

    Ghosts are not real, I do not appreciate hearing God's Holy Spirit being referred to as a Holy Ghost (or to the uncapitalized holy spirit) but each to their own... overall I like the Revised Standard Version (RSV), it is clear and written eloquently,
    more eloquently than perhaps any other Bible, yet it has problems (it dothn’t capitalize Deity pronouns for example). I prefer reading from the RSV and consider it overall better than the KJV, RV, ASV, NASB or the NKJV. A parallel Bible containing six
    versions (KJV, RV, ASV, RSV, NASB, NKJV) would be very nice.

    Some of the Bible versions are very corrupt and contain many purposeful errors, such as The Good News Bible (GNB), the New International Version (NIV), and the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), they are not only corrupted but the versions lack
    eloquence, the words do not flow. Doth your version of the Bible have Jesus disagreeing with the woman over the issue of His mother being blessed? Or doth your Bible have Jesus in full or partial agreement with the old woman? (Luke 11:28) The New King
    James Version (NKJV) fails here at Luke 11:28 and has the old woman agreeing with Jesus that His mother is blessed.

    I personally would not purchase a parallel Bible that contains any one of these three trashy versions (GNB, NIV and NRSV), or any Catholic Bible that censors God’s Second Commandment. May you come to an understanding that God and Satan and witches
    and angels are real while ghosts are not…. the dead are asleep and know nothing. Consider reading the Bible, and a reputable version of it as well. If you desire, spend a few weeks doing comparison studies between versions of Bibles, if you are serious
    in your study you should find that the three I mention here (GNB, NIV and NRSV) are purposely corrupted, they are evil. There are other versions of Bibles as bad as these three, but I mention these three as they are often accepted as legitimate. Funny
    that no matter which version of Bible people read from, they continue to turn trees into decorated idols and tithe to churches that push traditions that are in direct conflict with God’s Commandments.

    Devotion for Pagan Traditions:

    People love turning trees into decorated idols. God proclaims in Scripture that it ENRAGES Him when He sees you arseholes turn trees into decorated idols. This is the supposedly acceptable sacrifice people make for God, too bad if He dothn't like it.
    And Christians get arrested and tortured to death in psychiatric facilities when they speak up about the censorship of Scripture condemning the decorated trees, and when they speak up about the churches censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism,
    that is the other sacrifice you folks make for God. You laugh and laugh at the victims of psychiatric horror and tell them to shut their mouths and to take another pill.

    Americans spent billions of dollars via their CIA to develop the horrid drugs and to develop torture techniques using these drugs, and did much of this research at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, most everybody who was "treated" died.
    Americans respond by flying to Saskatoon to catch a connecting flight up north so they may hunt and fish. Some Americans arrive with 12-gauge shotguns costing tens of thousands of dollars. None of the Americans stray too far from the airport, they do not
    go see the psychiatric facilities that they built and run.

    Then Americans elected and re-elected a homosexual Indonesian Islamist who is also a pedophile and a cannibal to the presidency of the United States of America because Americans assumed he shared their values when they saw the photographs of "Obama"
    posing with the pagan idols.

    It is so damn important for people to pose for photographs with the pagan idols then post the photos on Facebook that they would do so even if one of their children was playing with his penis in the photograph. They hear people begging for assistance
    to flee the country and they instead fly to tropical resorts and pose for photos with the pagan idols there. They post the photos of their children posing with the idols on Facebook, were the witches shop for children. The witches cruise Facebook looking
    for an attractive child, they place an order, the child is abducted, delivered, raped, tortured, killed and eaten. Portions of the child are eaten before the child is killed.

    People were complaining in the 1980's of the priests and ministers raping their children, the complaints were widespread and finally made it into newspapers. I decided that I would add to the discussion. I said that it was no surprise that the priests
    and ministers ram their penises up your children's arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their filthy churches, and that they were censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism. They arrested me and drove
    me past the four obelisks (penises) built into the front gates of the University of Saskatchewan and delivered me to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about children, penises and cannibals, and then tortured me on and off, on and off,
    on and off, on and off... for years. Now I no longer beg for assistance to flee the country, now I beg God to terminate your lives and the lives of your children.

    Laugh and Laugh and Laugh and Laugh and Laugh Some More:

    [continued in next message]

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