• More of my philosophy about my model and about how we define a civiliza

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Sep 2 18:42:34 2023

    More of my philosophy about my model and about how we define a civilization and about the Cyborgs and about my efficiency and about the energy and about the universe and the left political parties and about capitalism and about the relationship between
    minimum wage hikes and inflation and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i have just said below the following:

    "Since notice that when you go to a country where people are well educated , you will feel that they are civilized"

    Since it is my below model that is creative of the rest that defines it. So i invite you to reread so that to understand:

    So i think i am a new philosopher, and i have showed you the new ideas of my philosophy, and you can read them in the below web link, but now i will ask a philosophical question of:

    What is a civilization ?

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so if you start
    to say that civilization has to be technologically and scientifically advanced , i think it is not the right way, since i think you have to show the model that is creative of the rest, i mean the model of what is a civilization is that it is that you
    have to make the people well educated so that they be conscious and so that they be good professionalism that is the creative of the rest, so i think it is how you define what is a civilization, since notice that when you go to a country where people are
    well educated , you will feel that they are civilized, and of course you have to know that when i say well educated, education comprises "experience", and i think it is how we define a civilization.

    So i have just looked at the following video , and i invite you to look at it carefully:

    The Dawn of Superhumans - Evolution 2.0


    So i think that the above video is not saying that we are already in the era of Cyborgs, and here is my logical proof of it:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so i have just received the following answer from a person in the french newsgroup forum of fr.soc.politique, so
    here it is and read it carefully:

    "Inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms is a great achievement, but it does not necessarily make someone "smart." "

    So i think that i am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence and it is that the above person is saying that the process of inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms doesn't necessarily make someone "smart", but i think that the above person
    is not answering correctly, since i think that the above person is speaking about the "process" of "inventing", but you have to know that the scalable algorithms and algorithms can be the finished invented tool and you can also make yourself smart by
    using or selling this finished invented tool, so the making yourself smart doesn't come just from IQ and the culture , but the making yourself smart can come from using or selling the finished invented tool. So then you can for example make yourself
    smart by knowing how to "use" the tool of internet, and the knowing how to use the tool that we call internet can be a not so difficult process that make you smart, so then we can logically infer that the smartness that is the tool of internet is an "
    extension" of smartness of humans that is used so that to become smart, so then we can then logically infer that you can become like a Cyborg by using this or that tool such as internet, so then smartness is not only IQ and culture, but it is the "
    extension" of you and of your smartness that is the "tool" such as internet, since the tool such as internet is also an artificial smartness, so we are not just humans, but we are becoming like Cyborgs by using smart tools such as internet or ChatGPT as
    extensions of us.

    And here is more logical proof of a video from Elon Musk that says that we are already Cyborgs and look at it carefully:

    We are already cyborgs | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016


    And i invite you to read my following important thoughts about Generative AI and about Reinforcement learning and about my new model of what is consciousness, so hope you will read it carefully:


    So as you have just noticed , i have just given a logical analogy between
    the vigorous movement of the particules in the universe that creates
    energy and competition in general , including of that of the left political parties , so read it in my below previous thoughts, and here is more of my thoughts in form of my following smart questions to ChatGPT and following answers from ChatGPT so that
    to understand more the importance of the vigorous movement of the particules in the universe, so i invite you to read them carefully so that to understand my views:

    Here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    But does the Heat Death of the universe comes from having less and less vigorous movement between the particules ?

    And here is what ChatGPT has just answered me:

    "Yes, the concept of heat death in the universe is closely related to the idea of the universe evolving toward a state of maximum entropy, where there is less and less vigorous movement between particles.

    Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In the context of the second law of thermodynamics, it tends to increase over time in a closed system. As the universe expands and particles and energy become more spread out, the overall
    entropy of the universe increases.

    In a highly ordered and energetic state, such as the early universe or a region with many stars, there is a lot of vigorous movement and organization of particles. However, as the universe evolves, stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, and galaxies move
    farther apart due to cosmic expansion, the overall level of energetic and organized motion decreases.

    The heat death scenario envisions a universe where entropy has reached its maximum possible value, and there is no more potential for work to be done because everything is in a state of thermal equilibrium. In this state, there is no more organized or
    vigorous movement between particles, and the universe becomes a cold, dark, and homogeneous expanse. This concept reflects the idea that the universe's energy becomes increasingly diffuse and less available for any kind of meaningful processes or
    interactions, leading to a state of maximum entropy and minimal usable energy."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    So then as i am saying that the vigorous movement between the particules creates energy like of that of the Sun.

    And here is what ChatGPT has just answered me:

    "Yes, you are correct. The vigorous movement between particles, such as the fusion reactions occurring in the core of the Sun, indeed creates energy. In the case of the Sun and other stars, this energy is generated through a process called nuclear fusion.

    In the core of the Sun, where temperatures and pressures are extremely high, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium in a process known as nuclear fusion. This fusion process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat.
    This energy, in the form of photons (particles of light), is what we see and feel as sunlight and solar heat on Earth. It is the source of energy that powers the Sun and provides the necessary conditions for life on our planet.

    So, in stars like the Sun, the vigorous movement of particles, specifically the high-speed collisions and fusion reactions between atomic nuclei, is indeed the source of the energy that they radiate into space. This process is a fundamental way in which
    energy is generated in the universe and is responsible for the light and heat emitted by stars."

    And here is my third question to ChatGPT:

    So the general way is that the vigorous movement between particules creates energy, but since the universe has the tendency to expand so it is losing energy by being less and less vigorous movement between the particules.

    And here is what ChatGPT has just answered me:

    "Yes, you've captured the essence of it. In the universe, many forms of energy are generated through the vigorous movement and interactions of particles. Stars, for example, shine brightly due to nuclear fusion reactions in their cores, which involve
    high-energy particle collisions. Similarly, many other energetic processes in the cosmos, such as supernovae and quasars, result from intense particle interactions.

    However, as the universe expands, particles and energy become more diluted, and on a cosmic timescale, these interactions become less frequent. This leads to a gradual decrease in the overall "vigorous movement" or energetic processes in the universe.
    Over vast spans of time, the universe tends toward a state where energy is more evenly distributed, and the availability of high-energy interactions diminishes.

    This concept is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy (a measure of disorder) tends to increase over time in a closed system. As the universe expands and evolves, it moves toward a state of maximum entropy, where energy
    becomes less concentrated and less available for doing work. This scenario is often associated with the concept of heat death, where the universe reaches a state of thermal equilibrium, and there is no more potential for organized or vigorous energy
    transfer between particles.

    So, in summary, the universe's expansion does indeed contribute to the overall trend of having less vigorous movement between particles and a decrease in the availability of concentrated energy for various processes, although the total energy in the
    universe remains conserved."

    So i have just looked at the following interesting video, and i invite you
    to look at it carefully:

    - EXCLU -- Emmanuel MACRON à Charleville-Mézières


    So i have just looked at the above video, and i am noticing that the above french individuals that are talking to Emmanuel MACRON are members
    of political parties of the left, so from a philosophical point of view, i think
    that this competition from the left is necessary, since for example i am noticing that the left is defending the lower class and the weakest members of the society, so from the philosophical point of view we can also notice that the energy in the universe comes from vigorous movement like of the Sun, and the Sun's vigorous
    movement and nuclear fusion are significant contributors to the energy in the universe, so it is by logical analogy like the of fact that we humans need the vigorous movement of competition so that to bring quality, like of the vigorous movement of the
    left that is criticizing Emmanuel MACRON in the above video so that to defend the lower class and the weakest members of the society.

    So i have just looked at the following video about capitalism, and i invite you to look at it:

    Capitalism is good. Let me explain


    But i am noticing that the above video is not talking about other things in capitalism, so i invite you to read my following new thoughts about it and to read all my below thoughts about it:

    The biggest benefit of finance, is to provide opportunities to people,
    in the sense that in a world where there is no finance, the only way to
    start a company is to be born rich or to have saved for a long time. In
    a world where finance works well, the people with talent can actually
    start firms and reach their dreams without waiting to either have saved
    the money, or be lucky and receive it from their parents, and once you
    create this opportunity, you will have the most talented people take
    advantage of those opportunities, which favors growth, which favors a
    good allocation of resources and, ultimately, innovation.

    And I think that the public investment has the tendency to be efficient where capitalism is not efficient, for the long-term research and development, but the private sector of capitalism has the tendency to invest on projects promising commercial
    advantages in the short-to-medium term, and this investing on the short-to-medium term of capitalism is also good, so then i can say that capitalism is good for an "optimal" efficiency.

    So there is still another variable that you have to take into account and it is the relationship between minimum wage hikes and inflation , so here is
    what the studies say:

    Research findings on the relationship between minimum wage hikes and inflation are mixed. Some studies suggest that there is a modest, if any, impact on inflation, while others argue that the effect can be more pronounced in certain circumstances.

    But i think that for example the rent for the poors is not affected by the modest increase of minimum wage etc. so the increase of inflation from the modest increase of minimum wage has much more localized effect on the poors of the minimum wage, so it
    is why i think that the increase of inflation from the modest increase of the minimum wage is not so problematic, so i think my below thoughts are still correct.

    So i have to be more precise so that you understand how i am
    talking about the important pattern that i have just discovered with
    my fluid intelligence in the below empirical study, so i have to
    talk about another important variable other than the poverty rate,
    and it is the relationship between the minimum wage increases and unemployment, and here is what says the studies:

    Research on the relationship between minimum wage increases and unemployment has produced mixed findings. Some studies suggest that modest minimum wage increases have little to no effect on overall employment levels, while others indicate a modest
    negative impact on employment, particularly for low-skilled or younger workers.

    So i think that the modest minimum wage increase still has a localized negative impact on employment that is not so problematic , so it look like
    the localized effect on the poverty rate that i am talking about below, so i think my below previous thoughts are correct, so i invite
    you to reread them carefully:

    In the 1980s the Margaret Thatcher administration in United Kingdom made it clear it would not accept a national minimum wage. Finally, with the return of Labour, the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 set a minimum of £3.60 per hour, with lower rates for
    younger workers, so the important question in political philosophy is:

    Do we have to have a decent minimum wage ?

    So i have just looked at the following article about the minimum wage,
    so i invite you to look at it:


    So i say that the above article is not so smart, since i think i am discovering an important pattern with my fluid intelligence in the above article, so it is the following:

    So notice that it is saying the following:

    "A study published in Labour Economics this year examined minimum wage increases in nine Canadian provinces over two decades, from 1981 to 2004. The authors found that a 10 per cent increase in the minimum wage increases poverty rates by four to six per

    So notice carefully from the above empirical study that increasing the minimum wage so that to give a decent minimum wage is good, since notice carefully that a 10% increase in minimum wage is "general", but the four to six per cent increase in poverty
    rates is "localized" to a small part of the poors of the poverty rate.

    I think i am a new philosopher, so i think we have to be smart, so notice how i have just said the following:


    And of course here is the exports and imports of USA as percentage of GDP and notice how it is really small, so notice how the USA economy is a largely a self-sufficient economy , so i think we can not say that USA wants to steal from other countries:

    Exports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%


    So of course notice how i am saying in my above thoughts the following:

    "...so i think we can not say that USA wants to steal from other countries"

    But we have also to look at the deficit and at the debt of USA and here is what i am saying about it so that to notice that i am logical by saying the above:

    So i think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently,
    and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is
    borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that the USA government can
    handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, since the USA
    debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem, so China is
    constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively,
    and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to
    understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    So i think i am a new philosopher, so you have to discover an important pattern with your fluid intelligence , and here it is: So the problem is that you can think that competition in capitalism is on the cost and/or quality and/or quantity, so since it
    is also on the cost so it can hurt the wages of workers, but it think it is not the smart way to look at it, since capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most,
    and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, so you have to look at it in a holistic way
    or in a general way and say the even if there is competition in capitalism on for example the cost and it can hurt the wages locally here and there, but holistically or generally capitalism is not a zero sum game so it is holistically or generally a
    positive thing even inside a country, even if competition on for example the cost in capitalism can hurt the wages of the workers in a local manner here and there inside the country, so the smart idea is that you have to know how to adapt efficiently so
    that to minimize at best the disadvantages of competition in capitalism that can hurt locally here and there the wages of the workers. So then the important key is efficient adaptation. Other than that you have to read about the other problem in
    capitalism that has to be solved by "progressive" capitalism in my the following thoughts in the following web link:


    So you have just noticed , i have just talked in my below previous thoughts about capitalism, but of course you have to understand that capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living
    standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, other than that , you have to understand more capitalism of USA, so here is what i have just said about it:

    So i think that the services sector is so big at 77.6 percent of GDP in USA , since i think that we buy services much more often than we buy products, so i think that the services sector earns more in USA economy, also as i am saying below that economy is not exact calculations, since in economy if you want for example to buy
    products such a table, so if they are not available, so you can wait for products such as a table or the like to be available, also when you buy such products as a table , you don't buy them often, so it is not as risky, and of course there is also
    exchange inside the services sectors of USA, so i think it is what "also" permits to enlarge the services sector to 77.6 percent of GDP in USA, and it is why it is working in such configuration of the economy. And of course here is the exports and
    imports of USA as percentage of GDP and notice how it is really small, so notice how the USA economy is a largely a self-sufficient economy , so i think we can not say that USA wants to steal from other countries:

    Exports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%

    And i invite you to read "carefully" my following important thoughts in the following web link about productivity and about capitalism and about how to make an effective tax on robots and how and why to make the reforms of progressive capitalism and
    about the two different ways of how to grow economy and about automation etc.:


    So i think i am a new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link, and you have just noticed that i have talked
    more and more about my Diploma and my experience etc. , so as i am
    explaining below, that in philosophy and capitalism the good professionalism is really important, since the good professionalism makes you successful, and it is why i am talking in a more professional manner by
    also showing you my new ideas of my philosophy and by talking like i am talking, so you have to understand that the digital identity is also really important, so i am honestly talking below about different subjects of philosophy and of artificial
    intelligence and of macroeconomics and of software development etc. , so that to also construct my digital identity and my human identity, so it is why i think that you have not to be negligent , and of course i think that i have just grouped all my
    important thoughts and of the web links of my important thoughts in this post, so i invite you to read them carefully below so that to understand my views on different subjects, and of course i am saying as a new philosopher that i think that the meaning
    of human life is not a problem by explaining it as the following:

    And I have just looked at the following video about absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, and i invite you to look at it:

    L'absurde de Camus - La philosophie d'Albert Camus 1ère partie


    So I think i am a new philosopher and have just discovered an important
    pattern in the philosophy of Albert Camus, so Albert Camus is saying
    that human life has no meaning, so it is absurd, and he says that absurdism comes from the fact that humans are waiting for the meaning of human life, but life has no meaning and i think there is a weakness in the reasoning of the french philosopher
    Albert Camus, and it is that we humans are not constantly waiting for "the" meaning of human life, since humans have the capacity of forgetting, so humans are "most" of the time doing things in there lives that give "a" meaning to there lives and that
    makes them forget that life has no meaning , and humans have also the capacity of forgetting that makes them not think about the how human life has no meaning, so it is why we can not say that human life has no meaning as has said it the french
    philosopher Albert Camus, so it is why i say that Albert Camus is not right, and notice that this capacity of forgetting of humans is by logical analogy like the capacity of imagination of humans that solves problems, and here is my new proverb about it
    and read it carefully:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    And i have just said in my below previous thoughts about my experience that i was the creator of PerlZip product that looked like PkZip of PKware software company, but i have implemented it for Perl , and i have implemented the Dynamic Link Libraries of
    my PerlZip that permit to compress and decompress etc. with the "Delphi" compiler, so my PerlZip software product was very fast and very efficient, and here is more logical proof of my expertise in this area of compression and decompression etc., so i
    invite you to look at my following new open source software project of compression and decompression etc. called Parallel Archiver, you can read about it and download it from here:


    Here is more about my experience:

    More about my education and my Diploma and more..

    My name is Amine Moulay Ramdane, i am a white arab from Morocco, i am a gentleman type of person, and i live in Quebec Canada since year 1989, and now i will talk about my education and my Diploma: my Diploma is a university level Diploma, my school in
    Morocco where i have studied and gotten my university level Diploma in Microelectronics and informatics was under the control of Paris Academie in France (we call it Académie de Paris), and here it is:


    And i have continued to study one more year of applied mathematics in university of Montreal in Quebec Canada, and i have succeeded this one
    year in applied mathematics in university of Montreal, so with my Diploma and this one year of applied mathematics i have studied and succeeded 3 years at the university level, after that i have studied Network administration and i have also worked as a
    network administrator and as software developer consultant, the name of my company was and is Cyber-NT Communications in Quebec Canada, and around years 2001 and 2002 i have started to implement some of my softwares like PerlZip that looked like PkZip of
    PKware software company, but i have implemented it for Perl , and i have implemented the Dynamic Link Libraries of my PerlZip that permits to compress and decompress etc. with the "Delphi" compiler, so my PerlZip software product was very fast and very
    efficient, and in year 2002 i have posted the Beta version on internet, and as a proof , please read about it here:


    And after that i have sold the release version of my PerlZip
    product to many many companies and to many individuals around the world,
    and i have even sold it to many Banks in Europe, and with that i have
    made more money.

    And after that i have continued to work like a software developer
    consultant and network administrator, the name of my company was and is CyberNT Communications, and here is my company in Quebec(Canada) called CyberNT Communications, i have worked as a software developer and as a network administrator, read the proof


    And here is a book from O'Reilly called "Perl for System Administration"
    that you can buy from Amazon, and this book is talking about my name that is Amine Moulay Ramdane and is talking about some important Perl modules that i have implemented with Delphi as a Windows DLL(Dynamic Link Library) with a Perl interface to the DLL
    that are called Win32::MAPI and Win32::AdvNotify:

    Look here is the web link to the book from Amazon so that to read about it and notice it:


    And here is the other web link to the book from Amazon so that you read about it and notice it:


    And here is more of my proof as my other "new" software project for Delphi and Freepascal that is called PLDelphi for Delphi and Freepascal and that permits to connect to Perl in a sophisticated manner :


    and here is my other software project for Delphi and Freepascal
    that is called Regexp-ERE for Delphi and Freepascal and that also connects to Perl in a sophisticated manner:


    So as you notice that creating a "trusthworthy" relationship between me
    as a software developer and the customers is so important for me, and it is my way of doing.

    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    So i think i am a new philosopher and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link, so now i will talk more about my personality, so how can i define my personality ? , so what i want very much and what i am doing very much is to be a
    creator and an inventor , so for example i have invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms and i can continu to invent more scalable algorithms and algorithms, and i have invented some interesting software programs, and i have invented a new model
    that explains what is human consciousness and here it is in the following web link:


    So i am this kind of inventor, but of course i have a university level Diploma in informatics and microelectronics and i have studied university level operational research and i have studied more university level mathematics, but i define myself as a
    creator and an inventor, other than that, i have just invented many interesting proverbs and you can read them in the below web link, and i have invented many poems of Love and poems in english and french and you can read them in the below web link, and
    i have quickly invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient and you can read about it in my below thoughts, and of course i am an experienced white Arab , since so that to be smart you have not only to study and to be a creator and to
    be an inventor , but you have also to be experienced, so here is more of my thoughts about my experience:

    [continued in next message]

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