• More of my philosophy about the value and about the atheistic system an

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 29 18:11:58 2023

    More of my philosophy about the value and about the atheistic system and about the human behavior and about the right model and about morality and about my experience and about my personality and about the "guard rails" or "safety barriers" and about
    religion and about the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche and about the advantages and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am a new philosopher, so you have to understand what i mean,
    so for example Israel or America and France want to show that they are civilized and that the arabs are not the civilized, but i think it is the same problematic, since in philosophy you don't get the value by comparing yourself in this kind of way
    with the others and say that the others are not yet civilized and that you are the civilized compared to them, since i mean that you get the value from the being the high standards and from being the high standards in morality, so it is why i am not in
    accordance with neo-nazism or white supremacism, since they are making the same mistake, since what i also mean is that as i saying below that the atheistic system has defects and that western countries are lacking in high standards, since for example
    you can rapidly notice that people of western countries are still stupid by there lacking in education in philosophy and politics, so it is
    why i say that we have to be critical thinking and logical thinking too.

    So i think i am a new philosopher, so the atheistic system is violent ,
    since in the atheistic systems of western countries the self-interest or egoism and competition is not what we call responsability , so when you look at the appearances of morality of western countries, you will think that it is a civilized way , but the
    atheistic system is also violent and it is not the civilized way. So when you kill God you have to think about it twice. So i invite you to reread my below previous thoughts:

    I think i am a smart guy, so i invite you to look at the following video
    about mixed couples of black and white:

    Couples mixtes en 1971


    So i think i am a new philosopher, so when i look at the above video,
    i am rapidly discovering important patterns with my fluid intelligence,
    and it is that the problematic of western countries is that they have killed God of the monotheistic religions like Christianity like has said it the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche , so then after that the atheistic system has ruled the way of life of
    western countries, i mean most of western countries, so then i think that the behavior of humans in western countries have changed, i mean when you kill God , you have the tendency of not trusting humans and not loving humans, so it is i think what is
    happening today , so you can say that a modern way of life include LGBT way of life or a mixed couples of black and white or the like, but it remains that you have not solved the problem since western countries have killed God as has said it philosopher
    Friedrich Nietzsche, so it is why i think that the low level layer of morality has a problem, so it is why we are not trusting humans and we are not loving humans and we become racist. But you have to notice that i am coming with my below new
    monotheistic religion so that to solve the problem.

    So i think i am a new philosopher, and i have just looked to the following video about Russia's rise in conservative family values , and i invite you to look at it:


    So i think you have to understand what is the right model, so in
    Christianity and Islam and Judaism, the Bible and Qur'aan say to
    you to have a family and to have children and they say to you to
    be this or that by using laws or rules, but it think it is not the smart way , since , firstly , the laws of the Bible or the Qur'aan are not universal laws, and secondly, the right model is the efficient model that is creative of the rest of the laws or rules, so look at my following thoughts of my new monotheistic religion, so i
    think that the new model of my new monotheistic religion is efficient and is creative of the rest of the laws or rules, so look for example
    at my following universal laws of my new monotheistic religion, so i am logically inferring the efficient universal laws from the nature of God, so in my new monotheistic religion here is the nature of God:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So i am explaining in my new monotheistic religion why the nature of God has to be greatly arrogant, and from the above characteristics of the nature of God i am logically inferring the efficient universal laws of my new monotheistic religion that are
    creative of the rest of the laws and rules,
    and here they are:

    First law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

    My new monotheistic religion is not darkness, since in my new
    monotheistic religion God has the following characteristics:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    My above abstraction of God is so important, since even if God is not
    like Love in my new monotheistic religion, notice that he is a greatly arrogant God, and from this great arrogance of God we can logically infer that God doesn't like a kind of arrogance of others, so then we can logically infer from it that we have to
    know how to help others and to Love others and be righteous with others by not being arrogance or a kind of arrogance that doesn't like God.

    Second law of my monotheistic religion is the following:

    So notice that here are the characteristics of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So then from the above characteristics of God, you have to be an "effort" of being "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, but you have to understand much more God, since when you adhere to my new monotheistic religion you will start
    at level 0, but at level 0
    you have to be decently "presentable" when you communicate with God
    by glorifying Him and say to Him that he is so beautiful etc. but
    after this first level you can go to the other superior levels by being
    better and better presentable than decently presentable in front of God in your day to day life.

    Third law of my new monotheistic religion is the following:

    In my new monotheistic religion, God doesn't like human smartness since he is like a perfect God, so he is so powerful, but God can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so then God can be
    curious like a human and wanting to look at humans and he can love the fact that a human is surpassing of himself with smartness and/or actions in the way of God, so i think that
    with the other engines below that are logically inferred from the characteristics of God, this is an engine that pushes us forward towards more and more perfection.

    Fourth law of my new monotheistic religion that brings more precision is
    the following:

    So notice that here are the characteristics of God in my new monotheistic religion:

    1- He is a great God
    2- He is a greatly arrogant God
    3- He is like a perfect God
    4- He is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically".

    So from this we can also logically infer the way of communicating with God, since from those above characteristics of God we can logically
    infer that when you communicate with God, you have to believe in Him and you have to glorify him, and fear Him and ask Him for help, and you have to be a beautiful patience with God and you have to be "presentable" in front of Him when you communicate
    with Him, i mean that you have to be an effort of being decently "clean" or "much" more clean when you communicate with God, since God is "pure" from "dirt" and i also define dirt "symbolically", and also you have to be beautiful patience with God since
    he is greatly arrogant, this is how you must behave with God in my new monotheistic religion.

    So i invite you to read my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion in
    the following web link so that to understand it correctly:


    I think i am a new philosopher, and i am also saying that i am a messenger from God, and i am showing you my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion, so you have to be smart and notice that i am
    a smart guy, since you have to understand the philosophy of my new monotheistic religion, so morality is about the good and bad, and i am
    explaining in my below thoughts of my philosophy that we can not transcend morality, since i mean that it is the high standards that make morality, and the high standards that make morality include what we call the Positive Non-Conformism, and i also
    think that morality of humans is not enough , since it needs the right "guard rails" or "safety barriers", and it is why i am a smart guy that has quickly invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient so that to have the right "guard
    rails" or "safety barriers" of morality, so i mean that in my new monotheistic religion it is not required that you believe 100% in God, but when you read the below thoughts of my new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient, you have to be like
    scientific and not neglect the probability that God can exist, since i think that it is an appreciable or important enough to be noticed probability that you have not to neglect, so i have just made my new monotheistic religion "logical" so that you don'
    t neglect this probability that God can exist, so when you don't neglect this probability that God can exist, it will serve as the right "guard rails" or "safety barriers" by not neglecting the universal laws of my new monotheistic religion. So as you
    are noticing that i am speaking about the right "guard rails" or "safety barriers" of morality that we have to have, but it is not like the meaning of human life, since here is what i have just said about the meaning of human life:

    And I have just looked at the following video about absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, and i invite you to look at it:

    L'absurde de Camus - La philosophie d'Albert Camus 1ère partie


    So I think i am a new philosopher and have just discovered an important
    pattern in the philosophy of Albert Camus, so Albert Camus is saying
    that human life has no meaning, so it is absurd, and he says that absurdism comes from the fact that humans are waiting for the meaning of human life, but life has no meaning and i think there is a weakness in the reasoning of the french philosopher
    Albert Camus, and it is that we humans are not constantly waiting for "the" meaning of human life, since humans have the capacity of forgetting, so humans are "most" of the time doing things in there lives that give "a" meaning to there lives and that
    makes them forget that life has no meaning , and humans have also the capacity of forgetting that makes them not think about the how human life has no meaning, so it is why we can not say that human life has no meaning as has said it the french
    philosopher Albert Camus, so it is why i say that Albert Camus is not right, and notice that this capacity of forgetting of humans is by logical analogy like the capacity of imagination of humans that solves problems, and here is my new proverb about it
    and read it carefully:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    So i can talk more and more about my personality, so i think that so that
    to be smart, you have "also" to learn from experience, i mean look for example at me, i am an experienced white arab, and here is what i have just said about me so that you notice it:

    I have worked both in Quebec Canada and in New Brunswick Canada as a software developer and as a network administrator, and i have also worked for an Hospital in USA as a software developer consultant and they were satisfied about my work, and I can talk
    more and more about me, so i am an experienced white Arab too, since i have also travelled around the world and i have visited Soviet Union in year 1986 for around 4 months when i was 18 years old and i have also learned about communism when i was in
    Soviet Union for around 4 months , and i have also travelled and visited Western Europe for around 1 year period when i was 14 years and when i was 19 years old , so i have then visited Spain and France and Belgium and Germany and the Netherlands and i
    have also travelled from my country Morocco to visit Libya for 4 months when i was 17 years old and i have learned about it , and i have also travelled and visited Algeria , and i have of course lived in Canada since year 1989 , and of course i know a
    lot about USA and i have already worked for an Hospital in USA as a software developer consultant, and of course i can think and speak and write and read english or french or arabic, and i am now 54 years old. So i invite you to read my below previous
    thoughts so that to understand more about my personality and so that to understand my views on different subjects:

    So you have to understand what kind of personality i am, so i am showing you my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion, but it is not to get money from it, also i am making you understand my new ideas of my philosophy below and it is not to get money
    from them, and of course i have invented many poems of Love and poems and they look like my personality and i have not done it for money and you can read them in the below web link, and i have invented many proverbs and you can read them below, so you
    have to
    notice my kind of personality, but of course , i have also invented many interesting scalable algorithms and algorithms and i have invented some interesting software programs , and i think i will sell them and i want to help
    the poor and the needy with the money that i will make and get from them. Other than that , so that to know more what kind of personality i am , i invite you to read my following new proverbs that look like my personality:


    So i think i am a new philosopher, so as you have just noticed , i have
    quickly invented a new monotheistic religion that i think is efficient, and of course i am saying that i am a new messenger from God that is inspired by God, but the philosophical question to ask is the following:

    Why do we need a new efficient monotheistic religion ?

    So i think that we need a new efficient monotheistic religion since we need a good framework with the right "guard rails" or "safety barriers",
    so you are noticing that i am saying that the new laws of my new monotheistic religion are universal and i have logically inferred them from the nature of God of my new monotheistic religion, so then you have to understand that they are universal taking
    into account that we have to have
    some "guard rails" or "safety barriers" that are necessary, and as you have just noticed that i have just said that i have invented my new monotheistic religion since the previous monotheistic religions contain many logical contradictions and many
    scientific errors, so it is why it is difficult to believe in Christianity or Islam or Judaism, so i say that i am the new messenger from God that is here so that to solve this problem, so you have to compare the new model of my new monotheistic religion
    with the other models of previous monotheistic religions such as Islam and Christianity and Judaism, and notice that the laws of my new monotheistic religion are universal and i have logically inferred them from the nature of God, but the previous laws
    of the previous monotheistic religions are not universal, so here is the web link of my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion and i invite you to read them carefully so that to understand correctly my new monotheistic religion:


    So i have just looked at the following video of Raël who founded and leads the Raëlian Movement, an international UFO religion, and i invite you to look
    at it:

    Le fou de Rael dans quel état il est. Il raconte ses conneries


    So i think that Raël in the above video has to attract people to his movement, and it is about the self-interest of Raël, so the self-interest
    of Raël is going against the fact that he has to be critical thinking
    and logical thinking, so notice in the above video how he is wanting to please africans, but wanting to please africans is not what we call critical thinking or logical thinking, so it is why i say that you have to be careful. So
    i invite you to read about my new monotheistic religion in my below thoughts so that to notice how it looks like, and i invite you to read my below thoughts about my new ideas of my philosophy:

    So i think i am a new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas
    of my philosophy in the below web link, so i have to be clear about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy says that we have to transcend morality of the good and bad, but i am not in accordance with Friedrich Nietzsche,
    since there remains what we call the Positive Non-Conformism , but from my definition below, i mean that it is high standards that make morality, so i say that the high standards that make morality "include" Positive Non-Conformism, so it is why i say
    that Friedrich Nietzsche was not right and is not right. So i will give examples so that you understand Positive Non-Conformism and Negative Non-Conformism:

    - Positive Non-Conformism: Challenging the status quo and traditional norms can lead to positive change. Think of social movements that fought against discrimination, segregation, and injustice. Non-conformity in these cases has been instrumental in
    achieving more just and inclusive societies.

    - Negative Non-Conformism: Non-conformity can also manifest as rebelliousness without a clear purpose or constructive goal. It can involve rejecting norms solely for the sake of rebellion, without considering the potential consequences. This type of non-
    conformity might lead to chaos, disruption, and harm.

    And you can read my below previous thoughts:

    I think i am a new philosopher, so i think that the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is not correct, since his philosophy says that you have to be transcendence beyond morality by the surpassing oneself,
    but i think that morality looks like humans, and humans are defective,
    but i think i am a new philosopher and i say that we have to be pragmatic, since the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is not pragmatic, so what do i mean by pragmatic ? , so i mean that even if humans are defective, we have
    to be the high standards that minimize at best the defects, so it is like
    the Intel CPUs, so even if there can be defects or bugs inside the Intel CPUs , so i think that Intel is minimizing at best the defects in its CPUs by being the high standards, so hope you are understanding what i mean , so i mean that we have to be the high standards that minimize at best the defects, and we have to be the high
    standards that minimize at best the defects when making morality, other than that i have invented quickly my new monotheistic religion so that it also be like a "guard rail" or "safety barrier", so i invite you to read carefully my thoughts of my new
    monotheistic religion below and to read all my thoughts below:

    So i think that in philosophy , beauty is like a knife that has advantages and disadvantages , and money is the same, so i think that the good philosophy is the one that makes you use beauty and money and the knife and such things in a civilized way, so
    i think it is the same for my philosophy that i call
    my new monotheistic religion , it has also the same goal, but of course
    you can read the other new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link
    so that to understand my other philosophy that i think is interesting too.

    So i have just talked about my new monotheistic religion, so of course
    you have to understand why i have invented my new monotheistic religion,
    so you have to understand that my story with the Angel from God is truth,
    other than that , i have invented my new monotheistic religion since
    the previous monotheistic religions contain many logical contradictions
    and many scientific errors, so it is why it is difficult to believe in Christianity
    or Islam or Judaism, so i say that i am the new messenger from God that is here so that to solve this problem, so you have to compare the new model of my new monotheistic religion with the other models of previous monotheistic religions such as Islam and
    Christianity and Judaism, and notice that the laws of my new monotheistic religion are universal and i have logically inferred them from the nature of God, but the previous laws of the previous monotheistic religions are not universal, so here is the web
    link of my thoughts of my new monotheistic religion and i invite you to read them carefully so that to understand correctly my new monotheistic religion:


    And i think that have just grouped all my important thoughts in the below web links, also i invite you to read all my thoughts about artificial intelligence
    and about Generative AI and about Reinforcement learning in the following just below following web links, so you have to read them carefully since i am
    talking in them about the limitations of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT , and of course i am talking about my new model that explains what is consciousness, so i invite you to read them carefully:

    And I have just read the following new article , and i invite you to read it carefully (And you can translate it from french to english):

    Can AI be the author of its own works? No, according to a judge.


    But here is what i have said before so that you understand my views on it:

    And i think ChatGPT has another problem, and it is that the generated content can infringe on the copyright of existing works. This could occur if ChatGPT generates content similar to existing copyrighted material of the data on wich it has been trained.
    So you have to be careful, since it can hurt your business, but you have to know that copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. But copyright law for example protects the expression of ideas rather than the ideas
    themselves. In other words, copyright law protects the specific form in which an idea is expressed, rather than the underlying idea or concept. And you have to also know that there is another problem with ChatGPT and it is that it can generate an
    invention (but it is limited by the data on wich it has been trained), but it could be argued that the creators of the model, OpenAI, should be able to patent the invention. However, it could also be argued, that the source material used to train the
    model should be considered as prior art, meaning that the invention would not be considered new and therefore not patentable.

    And you can read my new thoughts about artificial intelligence and about the limitations of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 in the following three web links:


    And here:


    And here:


    Also i invite you to read my interesting new thoughts about the new and future technologies in the following web link :


    Also I am grouping the web links of my thoughts in this post,
    and here is the other web link of my thoughts about Generative AI
    and about Reinforcement learning and about my new model of what is consciousness, so hope you will read it carefully:


    And the rest of the web links of my thoughts are below and hope you will
    read them carefully:

    So i have just talked more yesterday about the Maghrebis , but i think that
    we have to be pragmatic , since we have not to waste too much
    our time with racial nationalism or ethnical nationalism, since here
    is what i have just said:

    So i have to explain my way of thinking so that you understand me more,
    so my way of thinking is that we have to evolve our way of thinking, since we are progressing in an exponential way , so we will be really powerful in the near future, so we have not to waste our time with racial nationalism or ethnical nationalism,
    since we are going to be able to enhance our genetics in the near future, so genetics is not the problem, and of course in science there is only one human race that we call humans, so the most important thing is how to manage correctly the exponential
    progress of our humanity, so it is about reliability, but i think that performance is not the problem, it is reliability that is the problem, so we have to ensure that we well manage this exponential progress of our humanity, and i think it is the most
    important thing to do. And so that to know about this exponential progress of our humanity, i invite you to look at the following important video about it:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And read the following article:

    The Law of Accelerating Returns, Superintelligence and The Technological Singularity


    More of my philosophy about genetics and about the Era of genetically modified superhumans and more of my thoughts..

    New CRISPR-based Tool inserts large DNA sequences at desired sites in cells

    The following new technique, known as PASTE, could hold promise for treating diseases that are caused by defective genes with a large number of mutations, such as cystic fibrosis.

    Read more here:


    And new CRISPR-Cas approach permits more precise DNA cleavage

    So-called SpRYgests enable DNA cutting at practically any sequence for DNA editing.

    Read more here on ScienceDaily:


    And i invite you to look in the following video at what is saying the Geneticist Jennifer Doudna that co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9, and she is a Nobel prize and she believes that the technical
    obstacles to gene editing have been overcome and the world is rapidly approaching the day when it will be possible to make essentially any kind of change to any kind of human genome, so i think we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of
    humans so that humans become much more smart or much more beautiful or such, and look at the following video so that to notice it, so we have to know how to be patience, and you have to take into account our exponential progress of humanity, read about
    it in my thoughts below:

    The Era of Genetically Modified Superhumans


    More of my philosophy about intelligence and genetics and exponential
    progress and more..

    I think i am smart, and i will say that you have to read the following:

    "Genome-wide association studies allow scientists to start to see how combinations of many, many genes interact in complicated ways. And it
    takes huge data sets to sort through all the genetic noise and find
    variants that truly make a difference on traits like intelligence."

    Read more here on the following interesting article:


    So i think that it needs huge data sets to detect the "patterns" that
    explain human intelligence and such human traits, so i think that the
    data, that permits it, is growing exponentially and really fast and the computer power is also growing exponentially and really fast, so i think
    that we will be able to find all the genetic variants in the human
    genome that make a difference on traits like intelligence.

    More of my philosophy about the knee of the exponential progress curve..

    I think that the easy part is that we will soon be able to enhance much more the genetics of humans and become much more smart and much more
    beautiful, since i think that we have "just" already attained the knee
    of the exponential progress curve, this knee of the curve is the place
    where growth suddenly switches from a slower to an even faster
    exponential mode, so now the curve of exponential progress of our
    humanity has "just" already started to go exponentially even much
    faster, this is why in about 10 or 15 years from now we will become much more powerful because of it. And you have to look at the following video so that to understand this exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    I think i am a new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link, and i have also just talked about absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, read it in my below thoughts, and now i will talk about communism
    and marxism, so i think that thesis and antithesis and the synthesis of dialectical materialism of marxism and communism, is by logical analogy like the process of competition between ideas or between people that brings quality, so you can have a “
    synthesis” of private property and socialism understood as thesis and antithesis, and you can have collision of the bourgeoisie and the working class as competing thesis and antithesis that can bring a synthesis as quality, so i think that marxism and
    communism say that the bourgeoisie of the capitalistic system is not capable of treating correctly the working class, and i think it is from where comes marxism, but i think that this way of thinking of communism and marxism is too extremist in our today
    world , and of course i have not talked about the how to give a decent minimum wage, but you have to understand that you have to know how to be efficient at that, but i invite you to look at my following thoughts of my philosophy about how to make an
    effective tax on robots and how and why to make the reforms of progressive capitalism and about the two different ways of how to grow economy and about productivity and about automation and about capitalism etc., so i invite you to read my following
    thoughts about them in the following web link:


    [continued in next message]

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