• Fla School Principal Authors Racially-Segregated "Motivational" Affair

    From 51b.1055@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 23 21:44:51 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Florida school principal Donelle Evensen called out for assembly
    threatening high-achieving black student with jail if they do not
    improve their test scores

    Only black students - whatever their test scores - were hauled
    into the special assembly at Bunnell Elementary School

    A new school principal has outraged parents at a Florida
    elementary after she attempted to improve grades by ordering
    only her black students into a special assembly where they
    were warned they risk jail.

    The fourth and fifth-grade students at Bunnell Elementary
    School were pulled together, irrespective of their test
    scores, and told that black students were underperforming.

    ‘It became racial for me when they included and boxed all
    of the black children together no matter if they were below
    average, average or above average,’ the mother of one
    high-performing student said.

    Parents said their children were warned those with lower
    grades have a higher chance of going to jail, getting
    shot or getting killed.

    . . .

    Ok, like it or not, that last bit is true - do-nothings
    often wind up earning a living from crime and ....

    However, racially-segregated gatherings/affairs at
    taxpayer-funded institutions - I think that's illegal.

    Oh, and The Problem isn't JUST "blacks" who can't/won't
    do the schoolwork ... this is a serious issue that cuts
    across all classes/races/religions at this juncture.

    The very survival of "public schools" is now in question
    and for a number of good reasons. Many states have now
    extended "school funding" to private/charter schools
    as well. The national-scale teachers unions seem intent
    on producing ignorami too ill-informed to question
    anything they are told - when they're not busy trying
    to convince 1st-graders to have their fun bits hacked
    off by modern Dr. Mengele's ..

    The IDEA of "public schools" was/is good ... but the
    REALITY, once heavy POLITICS get involved ... oh dear ....

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