• The Border - 800% Increase in CHINESE Wetbacks

    From 51b.1055@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 21 20:46:33 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Border Patrol agents at the U.S.-Mexico border have seen an
    increase of more than 800% in Chinese migrants entering the
    country illegally since fiscal year 2022.

    There are still two months remaining in fiscal year 2023,
    yet the number of encounters with Chinese nationals still
    dwarfs the totals from previous years.

    . . .

    First off, note that Chinese are fleeing HERE instead
    of US citizens fleeing to China. So much for the BS
    about the Maoist Utopia ......

    The number so far this year is over 17,000.

    However we STILL don't want them coming over the
    border uninvited.

    Oh, and we're not sure how many are spies and
    saboteurs ....

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