• More of my philosophy about the Mediterranean lifestyle and about the p

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 19 11:16:02 2023

    More of my philosophy about the Mediterranean lifestyle and about the philosopher Albert Camus and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I invite you to read the following interesting article:

    Adherence to a Mediterranean lifestyle associated with lower risk of all-cause and cancer mortality


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    I have just looked at the following video about absurdism of the french philosopher Albert Camus, and i invite you to look at it:

    L'absurde de Camus - La philosophie d'Albert Camus 1ère partie


    So I think i am a new philosopher and have just discovered an important
    pattern in the philosophy of Albert Camus, so Albert Camus is saying
    that human life has no meaning, so it is absurd, and he says that absurdism comes from the fact that humans are waiting for the meaning of human life, but life has no meaning and i think there is a weakness in the reasoning of the french philosopher
    Albert Camus, and it is that we humans are not constantly waiting for "the" meaning of human life, since humans have the capacity of forgetting, so humans are "most" of the time doing things in there lives that give "a" meaning to there lives and that
    makes them forget that life has no meaning , and humans have also the capacity of forgetting that makes them not think about the how human life has no meaning, so it is why we can not say that human life has no meaning as has said it the french
    philosopher Albert Camus, so it is why i say that Albert Camus is not right, and notice that this capacity of forgetting of humans is by logical analogy like the capacity of imagination of humans that solves problems, and here is my new proverb about it
    and read it carefully:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    And i invite you to read the new ideas of my philosophy in the following web link:


    Of course i have not talked about the how to give a decent minimum wage, but you have to understand that you have to know how to be efficient at that, but i invite you to look at my following thoughts of my philosophy about how to make an effective tax
    on robots and how and why to make the reforms of progressive capitalism and about the two different ways of how to grow economy and about productivity and about automation and about capitalism etc., so i invite you to read my following thoughts about
    them in the following web link:


    And you can read my new proverb in the following web link:


    And you can read my poems of Love and poems in the following web link:


    And i also invite you to read my interesting new thoughts in the following web link about the new and future technologies:


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    And read more of my following thoughts about cancer and about health and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs etc.:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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