• Jihadism Lives in USA - Massive Gun-Battle in Fargo

    From 540k.1055@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 18 20:33:49 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Intense bodycam video of hero cop neutralizing Syrian refugee
    armed with 1,800 rounds of ammo and explosives, possibly thwarting
    mass casualty event in Fargo

    On July 14, Fargo Police Department officers responded to an
    automobile accident. Mohamad Barakat was not involved in the
    car crash, but he reportedly ambushed three police officers.

    The video comes from the body camera of Fargo Police Officer
    Zach Robinson, who was working the car crash on a busy road.
    Suddenly, Barakat unleashed a barrage of bullets on the three
    officers and a bystander.

    Barakat shot and killed 23-year-old Fargo Police Department
    Officer Jake Wallin.

    Barakat was armed with a .223-caliber rifle modified with
    a binary trigger, two other rifles, four handguns, and two
    knives. Investigators discovered 1,800 rounds of ammunition,
    a homemade grenade, and explosives in his vehicle.

    . . .

    Mr. Jihad was armed for bear - carrying big weapons
    AND explosives. What was his real destination that
    day ???

    Oh, and while I understand why the MSM would have
    buried this story, I don't remember hearing it last
    month on the 'alternative' media either. It appears
    that jihadism is still going strong in the USA and
    recent beloved, probably un-vetted, 'refugees' are
    its prime soldiers.

    Hey ... did CANADA send us Barakat ???

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