• Maui Disaster - Already Someone Else's Fault

    From 24k.305@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 13 01:59:31 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Maui inferno death toll rises to 89, making it deadliest
    wildfire in modern US history, as lawyers claim Hawaii
    Electric may have stoked blaze by failing to shut off
    power to Lahaina

    . . .

    Wow ... TWO fuckin' days and the deep-pockets
    ambulance-chasers are already on it ........

    It's the job of an electric utility to make sure
    the power stays ON regardless. It had no real way
    to know that such a totally weird thing was
    suddenly happening.

    In any case, once lit, the high downslope winds
    ensured the firestorm, not a few sparky power

    But the ambulance-chasers can't make any MONEY
    off such truths .....

    This was a SERIOUS firestorm - the (ex) city looks
    like NK sent over a tac-nuke - everything but everything
    is total toast and it all happened in a relative instant.
    No time for anyone/anything to react properly.

    There are still hundreds of "missing" ... but they
    haven't started sifting the ashes for bone fragments
    yet. This level of shit CAN happen - and in this
    weird case DID. One day, maybe soon, there's going
    to be a west-coast tsunami - a big growing crack in
    the ocean floor has recently been found. Won't be
    enough warning or time for that either. The lawyers
    will probably blame it all on the solid-waste
    authority ......

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