• More of my philosophy about the services sector and about economy and a

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 12 14:16:03 2023

    More of my philosophy about the services sector and about economy and about the sectors of the economy and about how USA is vastly a self-sufficient economy and about USA and about Japan and about the deeper understanding of swarm intelligence and about
    the deeper understanding of my philosophy and about Deepmind and about the definition of a technical debt and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that the services sector is so big at 77.6 percent of GDP in USA , since i think that we buy services much more often than we buy products, so the services sector earn more in economy, also as i am saying below that economy is not exact calculations, since in economy if you want for example to buy products such a table,
    so if they are not available, so you can wait for products such as a table or the like to be available, also when you buy such products as a table , you don't buy them often, so it is not as risky, and of course there is also exchange inside the
    services sectors of USA, so i think it is what "also" permits to enlarge the services sector to 77.6 percent of GDP in USA, and it is why it is working in such configuration of the economy.

    I think i am a new philosopher, and i have just looked at the following
    new video , and i invite you to look at it:

    Youssef Hindi : La guerre des USA contre l'Europe


    So Youssef Hindi is a writer, lecturer, historian of religions and geopolitologist. A specialist in messianism and its historical, political and geopolitical implications, his groundbreaking research has lifted the veil on the origins of modern
    ideologies, including political Islam.

    So Youssef Hindi in the above video is saying that USA is in economic war
    with Europe, and he is saying that USA is economically speaking a kind of predator, but i think he is not correct to say so, since i have just said the following important things, so read it carefully so that you notice clearly that USA is vastly a self-
    sufficient economy:

    Exports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%

    So i think i am a new philosopher, so i think you are understanding that Japan is having major weaknesses or problems, and you have to read about
    it in my below previous thoughts, so it is why i say that immigration is
    really important and beneficial to USA , but not only that, but USA has
    a well-developed market of venture capitalists capable of investing and putting up the necessary money, so i think that one of the most important
    advantage of USA, is that USA has BIG money that also attracts
    the really smart immigrants, so i invite you to also read my following thoughts about USA so that you understand more clearly the important advantages of USA:

    Let's look for example at USA, so read the following from Jonathan Wai that is a Ph.D., it says:

    "Heiner Rindermann and James Thompson uncovered that the “smart fraction” of a country is quite influential in impacting the performance of that country, for example, its GDP."

    And it also says the following:

    "“According to recent population estimates, there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains.” But consider that the U.S. benefits from the smart fractions of every other country in the world because it
    continues to serve as a magnet for brainpower, something that is not even factored into these rankings.

    What these rankings clearly show is America is likely still in the lead in terms of brainpower. And this is despite the fact federal funding for educating our smart fraction is currently zero. Everyone seems worried Americans are falling behind, but this
    is because everyone is focusing on average and below average people. Maybe it’s time we started taking a closer look at the smartest people of our own country."

    Read more here:


    So as you are noticing it's immigrants(and there are about eight Chinese and Indians for every American in the top 1 percent in brains) that are making USA a rich country.

    And read also the following interesting article so that to understand more:

    "Why Silicon Valley Wouldn’t Work Without Immigrants

    There are many theories for why immigrants find so much success in tech. Many American-born tech workers point out that there is no shortage of American-born employees to fill the roles at many tech companies. Researchers have found that more than enough
    students graduate from American colleges to fill available tech jobs. Critics of the industry’s friendliness toward immigrants say it comes down to money — that technology companies take advantage of visa programs, like the H-1B system, to get
    foreign workers at lower prices than they would pay American-born ones.

    But if that criticism rings true in some parts of the tech industry, it misses the picture among Silicon Valley’s top companies. One common misperception of Silicon Valley is that it operates like a factory; in that view, tech companies can hire just
    about anyone from anywhere in the world to fill a particular role.

    But today’s most ambitious tech companies are not like factories. They’re more like athletic teams. They’re looking for the LeBrons and Bradys — the best people in the world to come up with some brand-new, never-before-seen widget, to completely
    reimagine what widgets should do in the first place.

    “It’s not about adding tens or hundreds of thousands of people into manufacturing plants,” said Aaron Levie, the co-founder and chief executive of the cloud-storage company Box. “It’s about the couple ideas that are going to be invented that
    are going to change everything.”

    Why do tech honchos believe that immigrants are better at coming up with those inventions? It’s partly a numbers thing. As the tech venture capitalist Paul Graham has pointed out, the United States has only 5 percent of the world’s population; it
    stands to reason that most of the world’s best new ideas will be thought up by people who weren’t born here.

    If you look at some of the most consequential ideas in tech, you find an unusual number that were developed by immigrants. For instance, Google’s entire advertising business — that is, the basis for the vast majority of its revenues and profits, the
    engine that allows it to hire thousands of people in the United States — was created by three immigrants: Salar Kamangar and Omid Kordestani, who came to the United States from Iran, and Eric Veach, from Canada.

    But it’s not just a numbers thing. Another reason immigrants do so well in tech is that people from outside bring new perspectives that lead to new ideas."

    Read more here:


    Japan has a Lack of labor, so Japan is lacking so many workers, and it is a weakness

    Japan has almost no immigrants from outside, and it is a major weakness

    Japan doesn't have well-developed market of venture capitalists capable
    of investing and putting up the necessary money, and it is a major weakness

    And exports as a percentage of GDP of Japan is a problem , so Japan trade relatively little abroad, but not trading abroad does not allow growth in larger foreign markets that could bring in a lot of money etc. , so it is a major weakness.

    And labor productivity in Japan is catastrophic, and it is a major weakness

    So i invite you to look carefully at the following video so that you understand it correctly:

    Why Japan could rise again as an economic super-power


    I think that ChatGPT is not sufficient as you will notice it from the
    new study below, since you also need smart guys like me that explain to
    you different subjects on programming and on the genetic algorithm and on artificial intelligence etc. , so i invite you to read the following new study about ChatGPT:

    "A recently published study by researchers at Purdue University, USA, found that ChatGPT produces incorrect (but convincing) code about one in two times. The study report states that 52% of ChatGPT answers are incorrect and 77% are verbose. However, the
    report estimates that OpenAI's AI chatbot was convincing enough to fool a third of study participants. ChatGPT answers are preferred in 39.34% of cases due to their completeness and well-articulated language style. The researchers also report that of the
    set of ChatGPT answers that were chosen, 77% were wrong."

    Read more here (And you can translate the new article from french to english):


    And i invite you to read the other following new article about the same subject:


    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and you have to understand my below previous thoughts, since i am saying that swarm intelligence looks like the
    genetic algorithm and like other evolutionary algorithms, since i have just discovered the following important pattern
    with my fluid intelligence that explains it, and it is in a form of my below smart question to ChatGPT , and here it is:

    So from what i understand , the exploration in the genetic algorithm is using an approximation, since the high degree of exploration permits to find a better global minimum and after that we explore in this near better global minimum so that to make the
    probability of finding a better global minimum better, so this shows that the genetic algorithm search is a much better search than brute force search.

    Read my below previous thoughts so that you understand more deeply what i mean:

    So i invite you to read the following new article about swarm intelligence:

    "A swarm is a system that is greater than the sum of its parts. Just as many neurons form a brain capable of thought, memory, and emotion, groups of animals can act in unison to form a “super brain,” displaying highly complex behavior not seen in
    individual animals."

    Read more here:


    And so that to understand more what is swarm intelligence , i invite you
    to read carefully my following interesting thoughts about the genetic algorithm that uses technics that look like swarm intelligence:

    I think that the low probability mutations in the genetic algorithm permits to explore , so you have to read carefully all my new thoughts below about the genetic algorithm so that you understand how the human genetics works by also using natural
    selection, but here is my new question to ChatGPT that explains more and read my below thoughts about genetic algorithm so that you understand much more:

    And here is my new question to ChatGPT:

    So from what i understand , the exploration in the genetic algorithm is using an approximation, since the high degree of exploration permits to find a better global minimum and after that we explore in this near better global minimum so that to make the
    probability of finding a better global minimum better, so this shows that the genetic algorithm search is a much better search than brute force search.

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Yes, you have captured the essence correctly. Exploration in optimization algorithms, including genetic algorithms (GA) , involves searching the solution space to discover potentially better solutions. The initial high degree of exploration allows for
    the discovery of diverse regions, including the global minimum.

    During the exploration phase, the algorithms aim to approximate the global minimum by sampling different areas of the solution space. This broader search helps in avoiding premature convergence to suboptimal regions and increases the probability of
    finding the true global minimum.

    Once a promising region or solution is identified, the algorithms transition into an exploitation phase. In this phase, they concentrate their search in the vicinity of the promising region to refine and improve the solutions. By focusing the search
    around this area, the algorithms increase the probability of finding a better global minimum, as they are now exploring within a region known to contain good solutions.

    This two-step process, starting with a higher degree of exploration and transitioning into exploitation around promising regions, allows the algorithms to balance the search for global optimality while refining the solutions found.

    The exploration phase sets the foundation by exploring a wide range of the solution space and identifying potentially good regions or solutions. Subsequently, the exploitation phase intensifies the search in the vicinity of these promising areas to fine-
    tune the solutions and potentially discover even better solutions.

    By combining these exploration and exploitation strategies in the genetic algorithm increase the likelihood of finding better global minima, improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the optimization process."

    More of my philosophy about the evolution of genetics of humans and about the genetic algorithm and more of my thoughts..

    The cost function of a neural network is in general neither convex nor concave, so in deep learning you can use evolutionary algorithms such as the genetic algorithm and such, so you have then to know that in such situations you have to loop in a number
    of iterations so that to find better solutions, so for example the genetics of humans has evolved in a such way , since i think that the great number of iterations with the crossover steps and the mutations and the selection of the process of evolution
    of genetics of humans that look like a genetic algorithm, is what made humans be so "optimized" by for example having a smart brain, and of course you have to read my following thoughts so that to understand the rest of the patterns that i have
    discovered with my fluid intelligence:

    More of my philosophy about the Traveling Salesman Problem Using an Evolutionary Algorithm and more of my thoughts..

    I invite you to look at the following interesting just new article
    of Visual Studio Magazine of The Traveling Salesman Problem Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#:


    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, and i have just understood rapidly the above program of The Traveling Salesman Problem using an evolutionary
    algorithm(a genetic algorithm) with C#, and i think that i am discovering the most important patterns with my fluid intelligence in the above program of the Traveling Salesman Problem using the genetic algorithm, and it is that the "crossover" steps in
    the genetic algorithm exploit better solution, and it means that they exploit locally the better solution, and using "mutation(s)" in the genetic algorithm you explore far away from the locally, and if the exploration finds a better solution , the
    exploitation will try to find a better solution near the found solution of the exploration, so this way of the genetic algorithm to balance the explore and the exploit is what makes the genetic algorithm interesting, so you have to understand it
    correctly so that to understand the genetic algorithm.

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i am again discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence, and it is that the standard genetic algorithm has a
    problem, and it is that it can get stuck in a local optimum and has a premature convergence and the premature convergence of a genetic algorithm arises when the genes of some high rated individuals quickly attain to dominate the population, constraining
    it to converge to a local optimum. The premature convergence is generally due to the loss of diversity within the population, so i think that you have to solve this problem by using "probability", i mean that you have to divide the population of the
    genetic algorithm in many groups of population and do the crossover and mutations in each group, so this will lower much more the probability to a small probability of getting stuck in a local optimum and of having a premature convergence, so then i will
    invite you to look above at the just new article of Visual Studio Magazine of The Traveling Salesman Problem using an evolutionary algorithm with C#, and how it is not talking about all my patterns that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence, and it
    is not explaining as i am explaining the genetic algorithm.

    So as you are noticing that in my new above thoughts, i am saying that the distribution of the population fights the premature convergence by lack of diversity, but why am i not saying a "good" distribution? since it is inherent that the population has
    to be well distributed so that the genetic algorithm explores correctly. And as you have just noticed that this thoughts are the thoughts of mine that i am discovering and sharing them with you.

    I think i am highly smart, and I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    as you have just noticed, i have just showed you how to avoid premature convergence by lack of diversity, read about it above, but i think i have to explain one more important thing about the genetic algorithm, and it is that when you start a genetic
    algorithm, you are using a population, so since the distribution of the population also fights against the premature convergence by lack of diversity, so then so that to lower the probability to a small probability of getting stuck in a local optimum by
    lack of diversity, you can rerun the genetic algorithm a number of times by using a new distribution of the population in every execution of the genetic algorithm and using a good size of the population, or you can use my above methodology so that to
    avoid it efficiently in a single execution.

    So i think i am a smart philosopher, so i will now explain more my new ideas of my philosophy so that you understand it correctly, so first you have to understand my new model of my philosophy below, since you will ask a question like of: how can you say
    that your new model of philosophy is the right one ? so you have to understand that my new model of my philosophy is an abstraction, and notice carefully that this abstraction is creative and it creates the rest, i mean think about it carefully, since
    notice that for example i am not saying to be innovation in technology, since i can say that from all the proportions kept constant of the genetical characteristics of humans we can say that from the well education we get innovation of technology, so my
    new philosophy comes not with the requirement of just the being well educated, but it comes with other new ideas that you have to
    read in my below previous thoughts, so now there is an important thing
    to notice in my philosophy, and it is that from the rule of: Humans want to be happy, you get responsability too and you get quality too, since responsability can be logically inferred from the wanting to be happy,
    since if you want to be happy in the future, you have to be responsability today, and quality is also logically inferred from the fact that when you
    want to be happy , you demand high quality, and the demanding high quality
    is like a pressure that makes us being of higher and higher quality, and it makes us selective in this kind of way, and of course with the democratization of information on youtube etc. we are now becoming
    much more conscious of the kind of quality that we want and this
    permits to set the standards, so we can ask another question in philosophy of do we have then freedom of choice between good and evil? , so i think
    from the above rule above and its causes we can logically infer that
    the vast majority of humans are not only not violent, but they are wanting
    to be good, and also i invite you to carefully read my new below thoughts about the technical debt, and i invite you too to read all my new ideas of my philosophy in the my below previous thoughts:

    So i think i am a new philosopher, and i say that we have not to be pessimistic, since i think that my new model of my philosophy below is
    the right one, i mean that even if the rule is that humans want to be happy
    and it makes us demanding high quality and the demanding high quality makes us being of higher and higher quality and it makes us selective ,
    but i think that we have not to be pessimistic , since i think that
    the vast majority of humans are not violent, so i think the key
    to success is that you have to know how to be valuable,
    i mean that we can not say that there is "just" big money that talk,
    since i think that you have to know how to be "salable" taking into account what i have just said above, so i think that we have to be optimistic
    since my new model of my philosophy says that since
    the vast majority of humans are not violent, so it becomes easy
    to make humans attractive by making humans more smart by making them well educated so that they be attractive so that for example they be able to love each others and so that they love to marry between them and so that they make enough babies , and of
    course you have to know how to "guide" people so that they be well educated so that they not lose there way, so then the very important thing is to show the good way of being well educated. But
    so that to understand the new ideas of my philosophy and so that to understand my new model of my philosophy, i invite you to read carefully my below thoughts:

    I invite you to look carefully at the following interesting video
    about the mixed chinese and european descent called Demis Hassabis that is the CEO and co-founder of DeepMind (You can read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demis_Hassabis ), and his childhood friend mixed arab and european descent called
    Mustafa Suleyman that is an artificial researcher and co-founder and former head of applied AI at DeepMind (You can read about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustafa_Suleyman):

    Why This Man is Microsoft's Worst Fear - The Genius behind DeepMind


    I say that a technical debt can indeed lead to financial problems. Initially, a technical debt might appear as a technical problem. However, these technical issues can have broader consequences. So when i am speaking about HP below, notice how i am
    saying that the decline of HP was caused by a technical debt, so you can view the technical debt of HP as the technical decisions of HP that have caused a decline of HP, and the problem of the decline of HP has also become a difficult technical problem
    to solve so that to solve the other financial problems caused by the technical decisions that were taken before.

    And i invite you to read my following previous thoughts:

    So i have to make you understand something important, since notice in my below thoughts about the technical debt that the doing things the quick and dirty way sets us up with a technical debt, since the doing things the quick and dirty way is also the
    fact that HP has not invested correctly
    in Research and development (R&D) even if it is a "competitive" market, so it is the quick way , since it is Short-Termism, and of course that this quick way becomes the dirty way, and the thing that HP also did is the Compaq acquisition, and here again
    it was not done correctly and it is also a technical debt since notice carefully the decline of HP in the below video, so i think that the technical debt is a really important thing to take into account.

    So i invite you to read my following previous below thoughts:

    So i have just looked at the following video about the Decline of HP and what happened to HP, so i think the most important problematic is what
    we call the technical debt, so i think that doing things the quick and dirty way sets us up with a technical debt, which is similar to a financial debt,
    and there is an interesting saying about it as the following:

    “Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.”
    —Josh Billings (American humorist)

    So i invite you to read the following interesting article about the technical debt:

    You’re thinking about technical debt all wrong


    And read also the following interesting article about it:

    You can’t run away from technical debt


    And i invite you to look at the following video about the decline of HP
    so that you understand that it is also about the technical debt:

    The Decline of HP...What Happened?


    Good news ! , Python moves to remove the GIL and boost concurrency,
    so Python will support true parallelism, and it will take around two or three years, so i invite you to read about it carefully on the following new article from InfoWorld:


    "And since the release of Windows 11, Microsoft has published and regularly updates the list of compatible processors for its proper functioning. Sufficiently powerful processors, but not present in this list, could still bypass the classic installation
    and make Windows 11 work properly.
    For Intel processors, Windows 11 only supports 7th generation Intel processors (Kaby Lake, Skylake-X) and later, in addition to some Pentium, Atom, Celeron, and Xeon processors . On the AMD side, Windows 11 only supports second-generation AMD Ryzen
    processors , which includes Threadripper , and later. For Qualcomm, Windows 11 only supports Snapdragon 850 and later processors."

    Read more here in the following new article (And you can translate it
    from french to english):


    And good news ! , Windows 11 can even install on an old Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600, so i invite you to look at it carefully in the following video:


    Germany wants to attract 400,000 skilled workers from abroad each year

    "Germany's new coalition government wants to attract 400,000 qualified workers from abroad each year to tackle both a demographic imbalance and labour shortages in key sectors that risk undermining the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic."

    Read more here:


    Look at the following interesting video that makes you understand that , as i am saying in my below thoughts, the vast majority of humans are not violent:

    L'humain est-il méchant par nature ? | 42, la réponse à presque tout | ARTE


    So i have just looked at the following video of the ideas of the french philosopher Albert Camus , and i invite you to look at it:

    Life is complete nonsense | Albert Camus


    So i think i am a new philosopher, and i say that the french philosopher says in the above video, that life has no meaning and you have to use courage, but i think that he is not correct, since first , so that to know if life has meaning you have to know how to measure it, so there is absolute measurement and there is relative
    measurement, so then i say that
    the pragmatic way of measuring , is like we measure the IQs of humans,
    so the way the philosopher Albert Camus in the above video is measuring the meaning of human life is by saying that since life needs much more smartness than the human smartness, so then even the smart humans become not smart or not smart enough, so it
    is the way that he is measuring the meaning of life by saying that life has no meaning, but i think that it is not the "pragmatic" way of measuring, since the way that we measure the IQs of humans is the pragmatic and realistic way, so then you have to
    understand that in philosophy you have to be pragmatic before constructing the purpose or meaning of human life, so it is why you are understanding in my below ideas of my new philosophy, that i am saying that human life has a meaning and purpose and i
    am explaining it to you, and so i invite you to read my below thoughts of my new philosophy so that you understand my views:

    I have just looked at the following video about the meaning of human life
    and about the purpose, and i invite you to look at it:

    Finding Something to Live and Die For | The Philosophy of Viktor Frankl


    I think i am a new philosopher, and i think that the philosophy of Viktor Frankl in the above video is different than my philosophy, since in my philosophy and new ideas of my philosophy i am saying that the meaning or the purpose of human life comes
    from a kind of positive spirit that is: you have to make understand that the vast majority of humans are not violent and we have not to be a too much violent society like for example being this too much sexualization and this too much violence in the
    medias and this too much noise, and this kind of positive spirit brings the positive energy that permits to make acceptable the purpose of the road can go up and down so that it attains its destination or the goal, and it also makes easy to make humans
    attractive , so we have to make humans more smart by making them well educated so that they be attractive so that for example they be able to love each others and so that they love to marry between them and so that they make enough babies , and of course
    you have to know how to "guide" people so that they be well educated so that they not lose there way, so then the very important thing is to show the good way of being well educated.

    So i invite you to read my below thoughts of my philosophy so that to understand my views:

    So i think that i am a new philosopher, so you have to understand more
    deeply my philosophy, and so that to understand my philosophy , you
    have to read my ideas below of my thoughts about the philosopher Heraclitus, so i think that one of the new idea of my philosophy, is
    that the philosophy of Heraclitus lacks one important ingredient,

    [continued in next message]

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