• More of my philosophy about the sectors of the economy and about the re

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 3 16:09:16 2023

    More of my philosophy about the sectors of the economy and about the reasons for the high cost of living of western countries and about European Union and about USA and about balance of trade and the big firms and about the balance of imports and exports
    and about capitalism and about AI and employment and about philosophy and about regression to the mean and about the definition of what is human identity and about the deeper understanding of the kinds of human identity and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i invite
    you to read the following data for the services sector of USA in percentage of GDP and i invite you to discover an important pattern with your fluid intelligence in it, and here is the data:

    "Value added in the Exports as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%

    For that indicator, we provide data for the USA from 1997 to 2021. The average value for the USA during that period was 75.24 percent with a minimum of 71.81 percent in 1997 and a maximum of 78.14 percent in 2020. The latest value from 2021 is 77.6


    So i will now discover rapidly an important pattern with my fluid intelligence in it, and it is first to notice that USA is vastly a self-sufficient economy , and you can read the following so that to notice it:

    Exports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports of USA as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%

    So you are noticing that USA is vastly a self-sufficient economy,
    but the philosophical question is: how can the economy of USA works
    correctly with a services sector of 77.6 percent of GDP ? i mean that
    there has for example to be a balance of values in terms of exchange of value of money between the services sector and the other sectors , so it is why i think that the important pattern to discover is that i think that generally, the raw materials that
    are widely available and have large-scale production tend to be lower in cost compared to scarce or difficult-to-obtain materials, and it can be the same for other sectors that transform the materials into more final or final products, i mean that they
    can be low cost, so i think that it is the way that balances the services sector and the other sectors so that the economy can work by exchanging between those sectors with the value of money that represent the value of the product or service of the
    sectors, other than that, there is another pattern that i can logically infer from it, and it is that when the economy is not self-sufficient and it is not well diversified and the exports are appreciable in percentage of GDP, so you have to make the
    exports a "resilient" economy , since you can be in a competitive market that is risky, so you have to think about making the exports resilient without making the economy well diversified,
    or there is the other way of making the economy well diversified that can take much more time.

    I have just said that western countries have a high cost of living compared to arab countries that have a lower cost of living, and here is why:

    - Economic Development: Western countries, such as the United States, Canada, and those in Western Europe, tend to be highly developed economies with advanced infrastructure, technology, and industries. This higher level of development often translates
    to higher costs for goods and services.

    - Currency Strength: The strength of a country's currency can affect the cost of living for foreigners. Western countries often have stronger currencies relative to Arab countries, which can make imported goods and services more expensive.

    - Education and Healthcare Systems: Western countries often have well-established and advanced education and healthcare systems, which come with higher costs. These expenses can contribute significantly to the overall cost of living.

    - Labor Costs: Labor costs in Western countries are generally higher due to higher wages and better labor standards. These costs can be reflected in the prices of goods and services.

    - Housing Costs: The cost of housing in Western countries is often higher due to various factors, such as urbanization, population density, and demand for housing in metropolitan areas.

    - Transportation: Western countries often have well-developed transportation systems, but they can come with higher costs in terms of fuel prices, public transportation fees, and tolls.

    - Taxation: Taxation policies can differ between Western and Arab countries, which can affect disposable income and, subsequently, the cost of living.

    - Subsidies and Government Policies: Some Arab countries provide subsidies for essential goods and services, which can help keep costs lower for their citizens. In contrast, Western countries might have different approaches to social welfare and public

    And i invite you to read all my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    So i think we have to be smart, so as you are noticing, i have just spoken about the balance of trade in percentage of GDP in for example USA
    and France, so for example i have just spoken about some important advantages of the USA economy etc., but there is still an important thing
    that i have to talk about, and it is the cost of living, so the cost of living in Western countries is high, but the cost of living in my country Morocco
    is low , so it is at index 64, but for example USA has a high cost of living at index 17 and Israel has a really high cost of living at index 5, so i think you have to visit Morocco my country since it has a low cost of living and it is beautiful to
    visit, and here is the index of cost of living of many countries around the world, look at it carefully here:


    I think the balance of trade in European Union countries is different from USA , since USA trade, in general, plays a relatively small role in the overall USA economy , read about it in my below previous thoughts, and the low percentage of imports and
    exports as a portion of GDP indicates that USA economy is relatively self-sufficient and well-diversified, but in European Union countries the imports and exports can be of a much bigger percentage of GDP, so let's us for example take a look at the
    balance of trade of France in percentage of GDP so that to notice it:

    Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) in France was reported at 38.20 %

    Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) in France was reported at 34.01 %

    And according to the estimate, the trade deficit (goods) in France reached almost EUR 160 billion in 2022, after 85 billion in 2021. This sharp deterioration is mainly due to the rise in the prices of French energy imports, including oil.

    So i have just updated a little bit my below previous thoughts, so i invite you to reread them:

    So i think i was just right about the balance of trade of USA , and here is what has just answered me ChatGPT about it:

    So my just new question to ChatGPT is the following:

    "So from the following balance of trade of USA, we notice that the imports and exports are of a really small percentage of GDP , so what does it means?:

    About. Overview In April 2023 United States exported $162B and imported $251B, resulting in a negative trade balance of $88.3B. Between April 2022 and April 2023 the exports of United States have decreased by $-10.7B (-6.19%) from $173B to $162B, while
    imports decreased by $-22.4B (-8.21%) from $273B to $251B

    And the GDP of USA is 23.32 trillion USD (2021)"

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "The data you provided indicates that the United States has a negative trade balance, meaning it is importing more goods and services than it is exporting. The negative trade balance in April 2023 amounted to $88.3 billion. Additionally, the data shows a
    decrease in both exports and imports between April 2022 and April 2023.

    To analyze the significance of the trade balance as a percentage of GDP, let's calculate the percentages based on the data:

    Exports as a percentage of GDP:
    $162 billion (exports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 0.69%

    Imports as a percentage of GDP:
    $251 billion (imports) / $23.32 trillion (GDP) * 100 ≈ 1.08%

    The results indicate that both exports and imports are relatively small compared to the size of the US GDP. Both values are less than 2% of the GDP. This suggests that trade, in general, plays a relatively smaller role in the overall US economy.

    A low percentage of trade relative to GDP may indicate that the US economy is largely self-sufficient in many areas and can produce a significant portion of its needs domestically. It might also suggest that the US economy is highly diversified and not
    overly reliant on external trade for its growth and stability.

    However, it's important to note that the trade balance and its impact on the economy are complex. A negative trade balance can have both positive and negative implications, depending on various economic factors and government policies. For instance,
    importing goods can provide consumers with access to a wider variety of products and potentially lower prices, while exporting can boost economic growth and create jobs in specific industries.

    In summary, the low percentage of imports and exports as a portion of GDP indicates that the US economy is relatively self-sufficient and well-diversified. However, drawing deeper conclusions about the overall economic health and policy implications
    would require a more comprehensive analysis of various economic indicators and factors."

    Also i think that USA will solve its deficit problem efficiently,
    and i think that's not the problem, since i also think that USA is
    borrowing mostly at a low interest rates, since i think in a long-term the interest rates at wich it is borrowing are low since USA is also a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that the USA government can
    handle a "much" heavier debt load since also USA is a well diversified and powerful economy that is really resilient, so it is why i think that USA debt is not problematic, also I think that USA will still be a super power in the future, since the USA
    debt is not problematic as i am explaining it, and i also say that we can not compare USA to China, since China has many defects like the "productivity" of China is not good both qualitatively and quantitatively, and China has a debt problem, so China is
    constrained by this factor of its debt problem, so China can not attain the level of productivity both quantitatively and qualitatively of that of USA in the near to medium future. But the productivity of USA is good both qualitatively and quantitatively,
    and China has other problems such as the quality of education of its workforce is much less than that of USA, it is why China is also lacking much in productivity both qualitatively and quantitatively. And you can look at the following video so that to
    understand more:

    Why won't China Surpass the United States? - VisualPolitik EN


    Luigi Zingales , that is a finance professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, highlights the concerns that big firms can engage in practices like using money to influence politics and subvert regulations, leading to a vicious cycle
    that consolidates their power and hinders fair competition.

    To approach this problem, it is important to consider both short-term and long-term solutions to ensure a healthier business environment and protect the interests of society as a whole. Here are some potential strategies to address the issue:

    - Stricter Regulation and Enforcement: Strengthen regulations that govern corporate behavior, political lobbying, and campaign financing. Increase transparency and disclosure requirements to make it harder for corporations to hide their political
    activities or manipulate the system.

    - Antitrust Measures: Enforce and strengthen antitrust laws to prevent monopolistic behavior and break up companies that have become too large and dominant in their industries.

    - Corporate Governance Reforms: Improve corporate governance practices to ensure that decision-making is more transparent and accountable. Enhance the role of independent directors and shareholders in overseeing the company's actions.

    - Media Regulation and Independence: Protect media independence from corporate influence to maintain a free and unbiased press. Ensure that media outlets provide objective reporting and hold businesses and politicians accountable.

    - Promote Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Encourage the growth of SMEs through financial incentives, access to resources, and reduced barriers to entry. This can create a more competitive landscape and reduce the concentration of power in a few big

    - Public Awareness and Education: Increase awareness among the public about the potential risks of concentrated corporate power and how it can affect democracy and consumer welfare. Educate people about their rights and encourage them to demand
    responsible corporate behavior.

    - Political Reforms: Advocate for political reforms that limit the influence of money in politics, such as campaign finance reform and publicly funded elections.

    - International Cooperation: Encourage international cooperation to address the global nature of big corporations and their impact on various countries' political and economic systems.

    It's worth noting that addressing this problem will require a multi-faceted approach involving governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals. Additionally, finding the right balance between regulating corporate behavior and fostering innovation
    and economic growth is crucial to avoid stifling entrepreneurship and creativity. Overall, tackling the issue of powerful corporations abusing their influence will require a collective effort to create a fair and competitive business environment that
    benefits society as a whole.

    So you have to know that capitalism is not a zero sum game, since with a reasonable level of growth, capitalism can both deliver rising living standards for most, and still ensure a relatively high rate of return to the owners of capital, and of course
    competition with the good reward in capitalism is important since it for example increases quality and it lowers corruption, but of course you have to make the private sector the powerful motor of the economy so that it be efficient.

    So i think i can not be considered fully an arab, since i am living in Canada since year 1989, and i have come to Canada when i was young, so i am for example consuming products and services of Canada or from USA or the like , and for example i have also
    sold my software products to Europe and to USA etc. , and you have to know that I have worked both in Quebec Canada and in New Brunswick Canada as a software developer and as a network administrator, and i have also worked for an Hospital in USA as a
    software developer consultant and they were satisfied about my work, and I can talk more and more about me, so i am an experienced white Arab too,
    since i have also travelled around the world and i have visited Soviet Union in year 1986 for around 4 months when i was 18 years old and i have also learned about communism when i was in Soviet Union for around 4 months , and i have also travelled and
    visited Western Europe for around 1 year period when i was 14 years and when i was 19 years old , so i have then visited Spain and France and Belgium and Germany and the Netherlands and i have also travelled from my country Morocco to visit Libya for 4
    months when i was 17 years old and i have learned about it , and i have also travelled and visited Algeria , and i have of course lived in Canada since year 1989 , and of course i know a lot about USA and i have already worked for an Hospital in USA as a
    software developer consultant, and of course i can think and speak and write and read english or french or arabic, and i am now 54 years old. And so that to know more about my previous software products that i have sold to Western Europe and to USA etc.
    and so that to know about my Diploma and my education and so that to know more about me , i invite you read the following web page in the following web link:


    I invite you to read the following new article where the Nobel-Winning Economist Joseph Stiglitz is saying that there will be jobs created by artificial intelligence, but in his judgment there will be more jobs lost by artificial intelligence, so he is
    saying that we have to increase aggregate demand to keep the economy closer to full employment, and we have to have active labor market policies to train or retrain people for the new jobs [created by AI]. And here is the new article, read it carefully:

    Unregulated AI will worsen inequality, warns Nobel-Winning economist Joseph Stiglitz


    And i say that the saying above of Joseph Stiglitz of increasing aggregate demand to keep the economy closer to full employment refers to a macroeconomic strategy employed by governments and policymakers to maintain stable economic conditions and achieve
    full employment. Let's break down the key terms:

    Aggregate demand: In economics, aggregate demand refers to the total demand for goods and services in an economy over a specific period. It is the sum of consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports (exports minus imports).

    Full employment: Full employment does not necessarily mean that every individual in the economy has a job. Instead, it implies that the economy is operating at a level where the number of job vacancies roughly equals the number of people seeking
    employment, and the unemployment rate is at its natural or structural rate (unemployment due to frictional and structural factors rather than cyclical factors).

    Increase aggregate demand: When an economy faces a slowdown or recession, it experiences lower levels of economic activity, which can lead to unemployment and reduced output. To counter this, policymakers may use various tools to boost aggregate demand.
    These tools may include fiscal policy measures (such as increasing government spending or cutting taxes) or monetary policy measures (such as reducing interest rates or engaging in quantitative easing) to encourage consumer spending, business investment,
    and overall economic activity.

    By increasing aggregate demand, the government aims to stimulate economic growth, create job opportunities, and bring the economy closer to full employment. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of this strategy depends on various
    economic factors and the specific context of the economy in question. Additionally, maintaining a balance between inflation and unemployment is a crucial consideration when implementing policies to manage aggregate demand and ensure long-term economic

    And so that to understand much more , you can read more my thoughts about productivity and capitalism and the modern way of the modern monetarist school of economics of Milton Friedman and more in the following web link:


    So i think i am a new philosopher, and the new ideas of my philosophy and
    the new model of my philosophy is that the philosopher and economist Adam Smith the father of Liberalism has said that self-interest is most
    of time regulated by competition so that to not lead to corruption, but
    in my new model of my philosophy , i am explaining that self-interest is
    also regulated by self-interest, by my following rule:

    The vast majority of humans demand high quality even if they are not of high quality, since they want to be "happy", and this demanding high quality of most humans is "a strong need" , so it is a "pressure" that pushes us to be of higher and higher

    So the above rule also regulates egoism or self-interest so that it not lead to corruption, also in my new model of my philosophy i am saying that the vast majority of humans are not violent, so i think that it balances the things as i am saying it below,
    so it means that we can not say in philosophy that competition in capitalism makes us violent, also my new model of my philosophy says that since we are diversity of human values , like diversity of human genetics, so it also creates the division of
    Labor , and it makes a human specialized in what he does better and this increases much more productivity and quality. And my model of my philosophy says that since the vast majority of humans are not violent, so it becomes easy to make humans attractive
    , so we have to make humans more smart by making them well educated so that they be attractive so that for example they be able to love each others and so that they love to marry between them and so that they make enough babies , and of course you have
    to know how to "guide" people so that they be well educated so that they not lose there way, so then the very important thing is to show the good way of being well educated.

    And i am saying that the vast majority of humans are not violent and
    here is more proof of it from ChatGPT, so ChatGPT has answered me the following:

    "It's crucial to recognize that most human beings are not inherently violent. The vast majority of people seek peaceful interactions and cooperation with others."

    I have just read the following article from white supremacists
    and neo-nazis from the national vanguard and i invite you to read it and
    my answer is below:

    Regression: Only one way to escape


    So notice that it is saying the following:

    "..It happens because the recessive genes in the parents are likely to be typical of their race, even if they have a fortunate set of dominant genes."

    So i say that the above saying is not scientific, since science says that
    there is "regression to the mean", but science also says that people get their genetic makeup "only" from their parents, so the above saying from national vanguard is not true, and you can read the following article published in
    Towards Data Science so that to understand it:


    So i have just said the following:

    "So i think the human identity is: The most simple human identity that permits to recognize a human, like your name , and the simple human identity as saying that you are french , and the human identity that permits you to be accepted by others and that
    comes from the acts of perfecting much more the simple identity, but i think that my new model below of my philosophy says that the vast majority of humans are not violent, so we have not to be pessimistic about the human identity that permits you to be
    accepted by others."

    So i have just put an important pattern in my above definition of what is identity, and it is that notice how i am saying:

    "..and the human identity that permits you to be accepted by others"

    So as you are noticing, there is the way of enumerating the human identities
    by hierarchy, but i have not done it, but my definition is a kind of general definition that doesn't come with a kind of negativity, since the human identity is also the to be "successful" that permits you to be accepted by others (as successful), so you are noticing that my way of defining is general without coming with a kind
    of negativity in the definition, since as i am saying it below by talking about what is the essence of philosophy , that i have also to be this kind of positive spirit. So i invite you to reread all my following previous thoughts so that to understand my
    new model of my philosophy and so that to understand my views about different subjects:

    So i have just said the following, read it below in my previous thoughts:

    "..and the human identity that permits you to be accepted by others and that comes from the acts of perfecting much more the simple identity"

    So you have to be smart and understand that when we are still young, we are thinking about how to be accepted by others, for example we are thinking
    that we have to be well educated so that to be accepted by others, so it is
    why i am saying that the human identity comes from the acts of perfecting much more the simple identity that i am defining below, but you have to understand that in philosophy, humans want to be "happy", so they are demanding "quality", but i am saying
    below that we have not to be pessimistic about it and about the human identity that permits you to be accepted by others, since my new model below of my philosophy says that the vast majority of humans are not violent, so i invite you to reread all my
    below previous thoughts so that to understand my new model of my philosophy and so that to understand my views on different subjects:

    So i think the human identity is: The most simple human identity that permits to recognize a human like your name , and the simple human identity as saying that you are french , and the human identity that permits you to be accepted by others and that
    comes from the acts of perfecting much more the simple identity, but i think that my new model below of my philosophy says that the vast majority of humans are not violent, so we have not to be pessimistic about the human identity that permits you to be
    accepted by others, so i invite you to reread all my below thoughts so that to understand my new model of my philosophy and so that to understand my views on different subjects:

    I have just looked at the following video , and i invite you to look at it carefully:


    So i think i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the above video, and it is that the West is not understanding correctly, since the countries that you call muslims are mostly not muslims, but they are like republican conservatives in
    USA, since i mean that republican conservatives are mostly not religious , but they have religious values since they are conservatives, since a conservative has for example to protect the family values and such, so it is the same in muslim countries,
    since people in muslim countries are mostly not religious , but they use religious values so that to protect family values and such, and it is the same for the ones that
    you call muslims in France.

    So i come from Morocco and i think i am also a new philosopher, but
    i am also an inventor of many poems of Love and poems and you can
    read them in the below web link, and i am also an inventor of many proverbs
    and you can read them in the below web link, but i am also a musician who
    knows about music, so since i come from Morocco and i am moroccan,
    so i invite you to listen to how look like Moroccan songs and music in "english", so since Morocco is adapting quickly by also speaking english, so i invite you to listen to the following Moroccan new singer called Ahmed Chawki that also sings in english,
    and he is a singer, songwriter and producer and he has composed all his songs in english too, and his style of his english songs don't look like black Rap songs and music , but they come with a Moroccan style, so first you can read about him here in

    Ahmed Chawki


    And here is some of his beautiful songs in english, so i invite you to look at them and listen to them carefully so that you learn more about how moroccans sing in english:

    Here is the first one:

    Chawki ft. Dr. Alban - It's My Live (Don't Worry) [Official Video]


    And look at the following other beautiful song from him:

    Chawki - Time Of Our Lives (Official Music Video)


    So i also invite you to read my interesting new thoughts in the following web link about the new and future technologies:


    So i think i am a new philosopher, and i will now talk about the essence of philosophy, so the interesting philosophical question is what is the essence of philosophy ?

    So i think that the essence of philosophy is that when you look at human life and say that human life is not beautiful and not worth it, so it is not
    the good way of philosophy, so in philosophy we have to have a "purpose", so in philosophy the purpose needs an important requirement that is that you have to be "pragmatic", and in philosophy it is not enough to say to people to be pragmatic so that to
    be able to construct the purpose, since in philosophy you have to know how to create the positive spirit that brings the positive energy that permits to follow the way of the purpose and that permits also to regulate correctly the self-interest that i am
    talking about in my below thoughts when i am talking about president Putin, so then you are noticing more clearly the way of my philosophy, so i have to construct the purpose , but i have also the bring the positive spirit that brings the positive energy,
    so then i think that the essence of philosophy is about the purpose , since you have like to convince people about the purpose that you are creating and you have to explain the how , so you are noticing that it is the way of convincing, so you have to
    create the positive spirit and you have to have a diplomatic way of doing it.

    I invite you to read the following new interesting article:

    Ultra-processed foods largely missing from US food policy

    Read more here:


    And Ultra-processed foods may be linked to increased risk of cancer

    "For every 10 per cent increase in ultra-processed food in a person’s diet, there was an increased incidence of 2 per cent for cancer overall, and a 19 per cent increase for ovarian cancer specifically.

    Each 10 per cent increase in ultra-processed food consumption was also associated with increased mortality for cancer overall by 6 per cent, alongside a 16 per cent increase for breast cancer and a 30 per cent increase for ovarian cancer."

    Read more here:


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    So i have just looked at the following video of president Putin, and i invite you to look at it:

    Exclusive: Full Interview With Russian President Vladimir Putin


    So i think i am also a new philosopher, and i am discovering an important pattern with my fluid intelligence in the above video, so i think that the journalist that is doing the interview is naive in philosophy, since president Putin has also self-
    interest(s) that can go against the interest of USA or

    [continued in next message]

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