• Big Study - Veggie Men Suffer Many More Hip Fractures

    From 23k.302@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 31 22:42:47 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.politics.usa


    Men who adopt a vegetarian diet are 50 per cent more likely to
    break a hip than their meat-eating peers, a study has found.

    Women have long been known to suffer some frailty problems if
    they adopt a meat-free diet, but the link has never been seen
    in men before.

    A University of Leeds study of UK Biobank data of more than
    400,000 people found less than one in 100 of the middle-aged
    participants suffered a hip fracture.

    But despite the absolute risk being low, the data found a
    large discrepancy between regular meat-eaters and vegetarians.

    . . .

    Sorry cows ... you're DINNER !!! Yum !

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