• Some MORON At NASA Tells Voyager-2 to Point Antenna in WRONG DIRECTION

    From 23k.302@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 31 22:02:27 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, sci.space, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.science


    NASA is listening for any peep from Voyager 2 after losing contact
    with the spacecraft billions of miles away.

    Hurtling ever deeper into interstellar space, Voyager 2 has been
    out of touch ever since flight controllers accidentally sent a
    wrong command more than a week ago that tilted its antenna away
    from Earth. The spacecraft's antenna shifted a mere 2%, but it
    was enough to cut communications.

    . . .

    Umm ... does that come out of his paycheck ???

    Let's see, our most-distant probe, our pride,
    still working after all this time, still doing
    its job, now out beyond our solar system - and

    Not sure that can be fixed. Clearly being off
    even 2% is enough to cause a blackout now - the
    thing IS really really far away. MIGHT be able
    to send a new command using a VERY strong signal,
    but the longer they wait the lower the chances.

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