• Re: FBI Knew Hunter Laptop Was Authentic in 2019 But Lied to Social Med

    From 23k.302@21:1/5 to pothead on Mon Jul 31 21:54:25 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 7/30/23 4:05 PM, pothead wrote:
    On 2023-07-30, Klaus Schadenfreude <klaus.schadenfreude.löschen> wrote:
    [Default] Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com> typed:

    On Sun, 30 Jul 2023 13:48:29 GMT, Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:

    It's really all the Democrat Party has because after all, they can't run on Biden's accomplishments
    because the only one he has is destroying the USA to which he has done a marvelous job.


    Inflation is already at Fed target.

    Yet Kamala says most of America is $400 away from bankruptcy.


    Thanks to Joe Biden's policies, she might actually be correct although I doubt she meant to utter

    Hate to say it, but this has been the case for a LONG time.
    Everybody spends every penny they make, or more. Usually
    hit retirement age IN DEBT, somehow believing their SS
    checks and 401 interest are gonna be HUGE. Surprise !!!

    These days, you'd better have the better part of a megabuck
    saved up in diverse ways before you retire and be CHEAP
    CHEAP CHEAP thereafter. No new Caddy, no beachfront condo,
    no lounging around in St. Tropez with the stars.

    There's a new annoying singing TV commercial that tells
    everybody to cash-in their life insurance policies. THEN
    you can take that EUROPEAN VACATION or whatever !!! The
    operative idea being money you should totally BLOW and have
    nothing left ....

    Like a broken clock, "K" is right every once in awhile.
    In THIS case she was indeed correct, no matter how dismal
    the truth. Thing is, nothing Joe's puppetmasters OR her
    are doing is making it ANY better. Mostly the opposite.

    As for Hunter, he'll sleaze out of everything (ok, maybe
    one, very very token, conviction just for looks). All
    the heads of the letter agencies have been working for
    the far left for quite awhile and they'll FIX it all.
    Looks like we have our own KGB/FSB now ... might not be
    completely repairable either .......

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