• Gerrymandering

    From 23k.302@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 30 22:44:55 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa

    The more you think about it - in the context of the US system
    and traditions - the more you see there IS NO "fix".

    Reps are chosen from geographical localities - ones they
    themselves live in. This makes them actual "representatives".

    But the fine nuances of those "localities" can be tweaked
    and tweaked again - always with "good reasons". What a
    rep should exactly rep ... it's mostly subjective, there
    are no hard and fast criteria for "fairness". Don't think
    there can be.

    Do away with 'districts' ? So then, San Diego should be
    "represented" by someone from Alturas - a completely
    different physical/social/economic environment ? Sorry,
    that's just not a 'rep'.

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