• Carlee (Smolett) Russell May Face 2 Years Over Faked "Abduction"

    From 36J.256@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 29 01:26:31 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.poitics.usa


    Carlee Russell grins in mugshot as she's charged with faking
    with her own abduction: Spa therapist, 25, now faces up to
    two years in prison

    . . .

    Good - but, she's "black" - won't do the time.
    Bet on it.

    Her stunt WAS a vast waste of police time/money
    and there was a whole GoFundMe too ... and I'm
    not sure a penny has been returned.

    Her only plus ... this did NOT seem "political"
    like the Smolett thing, not some huge faux-racist
    thing. She just wanted to be "famous", a "celebrity".
    Yep, MONEY in that.

    Well, now she IS "famous" - but not in ways that
    are gonna pay off.

    For the ultimate judge - prohibit profiteering
    from any of this as part of the sentence.

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