• With Biden's War, who gives a crap about Dem charges against Trump?

    From Lazarus Cain@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 28 08:23:48 2023
    If any group mishandles the terms "secret" and "classified ", it has been the USA in its "crusade" against the "evils" of socialism.
    Clearly the film "Oppenheimer" illustrates how insane US Government's fear of socialism has been over the last 100 years. It would classify as secret the discoveries of the mathematical and natural science while attempting to lie about such knowledge as
    extraterrestial or alien technology, or as secret science to be kept secret by the US for military-industrial applications.
    Already, it is being forgotten about why Trump was impeached in the first place over communication with Zelensky when we see that Biden has had an agenda to instigate conflict between Ukraine and Russia for his own interests and vain pride. It doesn't
    end with communist Russia. Biden and associated jingoistic supporters wish to contain China as well in a similar fashion. They have such vain ambition!
    Biden, repeating Truman's and Eisenhower's mistakes, is relying on the century old tradition of battering the communists and reigniting Cold War attitudes. Such is the thinking of very stupid old men in my opinion.

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