• UK - Oh The Glories Of Socialized Medicine ... NHS Is Simply IMPLODING

    From 36J.956@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 21 23:00:06 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture.uk, alt.politics.uk
    XPost: alt.politics


    Worst-rated GP practices in England, as ranked by YOU:
    Shock NHS analysis reveals just one in 10 patients are
    happy at some surgeries

    . . .

    Just ONE facet of the fractured jewel.

    The UK instituted the NHS shortly after WW-2. Back
    then the western countries were the ones who made
    pretty much everything "good" - and the world was
    their clients. Lots of money coming in.

    But NOW ...CHINA makes pretty much everything "good"
    (or at least affordable). No more money for the UK,
    except money going OUT.

    The NHS was *expensive* - and now far TOO expensive.
    The "rich" have been robbed about as much as they
    can be, there's nothing really left. Covid brutalized
    the system, and now the unions are demanding money
    that just isn't there anymore.

    Many younger docs have discovered that there's more
    money, and better working conditions, in Australia
    and NZ. They are moving there in droves. That means
    a gigantic hollow space in the current NHS. The UK
    is recruiting ("stealing") foreign (mostly Indian
    and Pakistani) docs but it's not working out so well.
    It also deprives/kills Indians and Pakistanis.

    It's just bad management all around. NHS long ceased
    to be practical and became a *political* football.
    Sorry, but "political economics" NEVER works out well.
    1+1=2 economics is how it has to be done, always.
    "Image"/"impression"/"propaganda" also is NEVER a
    substitute for proper - life & death - services.
    Labor, Tory, whatever ... they've ALL fucked it up
    and will CONTINUE to do so.

    It's OVER.

    Better find a radical new paradigm RIGHT NOW. Time
    is up. Boot all the existing pols and start fresh
    because What Is is going to bankrupt and KILL you.

    The few remaining 'rich' ... they're going to clear
    out of town, and will get their medicine in Thailand
    or Oz or somewhere where a medical system still works.

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