• Russia Attacks Odesa Grain Facilities

    From 36J.956@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 19 09:53:47 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.eu
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Ukraine accused Russia on Wednesday of deliberately striking
    its Black Sea grain facilities -- and destroying tonnes of
    food -- since Moscow quit an export deal meant to stave off
    a global crisis.

    . . .

    Yep, attacks on the Odesa port facilities.

    No real surprise though.

    However this new situation is going to cause
    food crises in a lot of middle-eastern and
    African countries. The rest of the world
    combined cannot make up for Ukraine dropping
    out of the picture. This year's severe weather
    will further reduce EU and US grain production.

    Note that shortages in the middle-east and Africa
    will cause (more) political instability. Iran will
    take advantage and problems in this part of the
    world tend to suck-in everyone else.

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