• Giglo Beach Serial Killer - A Serious Enigma, or Do They Have It Wrong

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 18 00:36:12 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, talk.politics.guns


    . . .

    The (alleged) Gilgo Beach Serial Killer is indeed
    an interesting case. Seems he had it all - good
    prestigious job, good salary, lots of money and
    properties, good fun guy at the pub, strong and burly
    ... yet it SEEMS he was also an obsessive serial

    His social circle said they called him "Peter
    Griffin" - the fictional goofy fun guy from
    the animated series. This does not speak of
    a brooding plotting blood-soaked mad-man.

    VERY weird.

    Yes, people CAN have hidden 'kinks' ... but
    there's just something strange about all this.

    The prime evidence seems to be a couple of HAIRS,
    that can travel stuck to clothes, and transferred
    to other clothes, and others, without end. Follow
    the DNA too much and *everybody* is guilty.

    Yea, the MSM already has convicted him - but IMHO
    we should at least try to keep a slightly open mind.
    'Authorities' are oft wont to "close cases" and will
    blame some random person in order to close their files.
    The accused will be expected to prove his innocence
    rather than the usual other-way-around.

    Oh yea, he had GUNS ... and for the MSM that's proof
    of ultimate evil ! Oddly though, none of the victims
    were shot ...

    Apparently the other proof of evil was :

    "Speaking to DailyMail.com on Monday, Miyasota, 62,
    described his co-worker as a hard-nosed architect who
    had 'pissed off a lot of people because he liked to
    go to battle' and minced no words as he directed people
    how to adhere to code."

    Meaning he actually expected his co-workers to build
    things RIGHT and SAFE - what EVIL !!!

    As I said, there's something just WEIRD here ...

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