• EIGHT NYC Cops Show Up To Arrest Businessman For Smoking TOBACCO In Par

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 11 22:53:22 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections


    How many NYPD cops does it take to arrest a businessman for
    smoking in park? Eight officers cuff businessman for smoking
    in public space

    . . .

    Oh the horror - TOBACCO - those farmers vote GOP !!!

    Yet the privileged class - the street bums - can smoke
    crack & meth all day long on public streets ... the city
    will even supply the crack pipes !

    Hey, WokieLibs ... now you KNOW who the real War is on,
    it's on YOU. You voted for it, over and over, and now
    the joke's on YOU.

    LEAVE NYC ! Do it NOW. Quick ! Take your businesses
    and factories and everything else of value FAR AWAY.
    Leave NYC like Wokies WANT it to be - like something
    out of "Escape From New York" ........

    East Texas is pretty nice, or maybe the I-4 Corridor
    in Florida ......

    Hmmm ... if you're old enough, remember those
    superhero comix about "Bizzaro World" ? NOW
    we know exactly where it is :-)

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