• FOUR Dead In "TikTok" Challenge

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 10 21:06:31 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics


    At least four Alabamans have lost their lives this year after
    attempting a challenge which has been widely shared on the social
    media platform, TikTok.

    The challenge, dubbed "boat jumping," involves jumping off the
    rear end of a boat traveling at high speed. Videos of boat jumping
    first began appearing on TikTok in 2020, but they seem to have
    increased significantly this year. Though the stunt may sound
    appealing during the hot summer months, water safety experts
    say it's anything but cool.

    "Hitting the water from a moving boat is like hitting concrete
    from jumping multiple stories stories up," claimed Gail Kulp,
    the executive director of the Sea Tow Foundation.

    . . .

    Um ... seems IQs still aren't quite up to average
    in parts of Alabama.

    But Darwin IS tryin' ! :-)

    Meanwhile, BAN TikTok for serious public-safety
    reasons. The work-load is killin' poor Darwin !

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