• What Joe and the Greenies WON'T Talk About - Massive SLAVERY and CHILD

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 01:36:36 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.global-warming
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    The rush for cobalt: Investigating the dark side of electric
    car batteries

    FRANCE 24 brings you a special debate about the rush for
    cobalt, a strategic mineral essential to making electric
    car batteries. Electric vehicles will help reduce the pollution
    caused by the internal combustion engine, the current standard
    for most motorised transport. But as our special full-length
    Reporters programme shows, the mining of the cobalt necessary
    for the batteries is already a source of human misery and
    damage to the environment, particularly in DR Congo. We delve
    into the issue with our guests, including the co-director
    of "The Battle for Cobalt", our documentary about the dark
    side of the cobalt rush.

    . . .

    Interesting ... the WokieLeft is gung-ho for "slavery
    repairations" and such - but it's A-OK if slavery and
    using-up child labor in CONGO is part of making batteries
    for their beloved electric vehicles.

    And what's being done for lithium in China and Bolivia,
    let's not talk about THAT either !

    In short, your E-Car runs on BLOOD MONEY - layers and
    layers of SLAVERY and BRUTALITY.

    What was that movie about "blood diamonds" ? Well, this
    is a LOT worse, a MUCH larger scale, and all the players
    KNOW it.

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