• Sweden SUCKS UP To Islamist Fanatics

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 8 01:55:54 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics


    A recent incident at an authorised protest in Stockholm drew
    outrage from governments in several majority Muslim countries

    Sweden's justice minister has said his government may be open
    to amending a protest law, after the public burning of a Quran
    in Stockholm last month sparked fury across the Muslim world.

    Gunnar Strömmer told Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet the incident
    and others like it have helped make Sweden a target for jihadist

    "We have seen arrests in Sweden on suspicion of preparation
    for a terrorist offence," he said.

    . . .

    Yea, THAT'S the ticket - SUCK UP to fanatics and screw
    the basic civil liberties of your own EVERY TIME ....

    Sweden shouldn't be in NATO - let it join ISIS instead.

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