• Under Pressure TARGET Blinks and Carries Mark Levine's New Book

    From 36J.955@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 6 19:37:02 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans


    Target caves to conservative pressure to stock Mark Levin's
    new book after saying title would offend some shoppers

    Mark Levin, the BlazeTV host of "LevinTV," said that Target had reversed
    course after initially saying it would refuse to stock his new book
    because its title would be "offensive" to some shoppers.

    Levin made the announcement on Thursday after criticizing Target for the partisan censorship the previous day.

    "You folks are an immense force for free speech and market capitalism,
    and conservative authors and audiences everywhere will benefit from your patriotism," said Levin on Twitter.

    . . .

    The title is : "The Democrat Party Hates America".

    Which is more or less correct - at least the more lefty
    half of the DNC. Since the 60s, indeed to some degree
    even before, the Dems have dedicated themselves to a
    program of chipping away at the pillars of the USA.
    The goal is collapse - and they imagine they will
    emerge from the rubble as the new commie overlords.
    Kind of the same mindset as ISIS ... destroy the
    foundations and then take over as "saviors".

    However, an interesting flip is going on. For a long
    time it's been the far left protesting and pressuring
    and intimidating. Suddenly, kinda with Joe, they are
    the 'establishment'. It's the 'right' now making lots
    of noise and applying pressure to biz and govt. The
    pendulum swings.

    Now bear in mind, the left is MUCH better at this stuff
    by and large. It sticks together, is well organized and
    funded and even has the whole MSM as their Ministry Of
    Truth. So, it will take more and larger collective effort
    by the right to overcome that advantage.

    I suspect that when the left decided to pimp everyone's
    little kids to the letter people ... there are SOME lines
    you cannot cross .......

    Anyway, WELL DONE ! Don't get lazy though, Target is still
    kinda small-fry.

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