• More precision of my philosophy about quantum world and about conscious

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 4 11:37:43 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about quantum world and about consciousness and about mathematics and about the universe and about mathematical probability and about the positive behavior and about the positive mindset and about patience and about the
    positive energy and about the "packaging" or "presentation" and about the ideal and about the being idealistic and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just discovered many important patterns with my fluid intelligence, and you can read about them in my
    below thoughts, and now i have just discovered another important pattern that explains God, so i think the future already exists, since you have to look at it from the quantum perspective, since i think that the future that already exists looks like a
    register of qubits in the quantum computer, since in a parallel computer, we need to have one billion different processors. But in a quantum computer, a single register can perform a billion computations since a qubit of a register of a quantum computer
    can be both in two states 1 and 0, this is known as quantum parallelism, and it means that there is parallel worlds in the quantum world that constitute all the possibilities, so when you look at our world from the classical perspective, our world is
    invented by our consciousness, i mean
    that the many possibilities collapse with our consciousness into the classical perspective of our world. So i think that the one that we call
    God can invent reality from all the possibilities with the mechanisms of consciousness, so i think we have to understand what is consciousness so that to do the same thing, and i invite you to look at the other important patterns that i have discovered
    in my below thoughts:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so now i have just
    discovered another pattern with my fluid intelligence by looking at the following video, and i invite you to look at it:

    Is math discovered or invented? - Jeff Dekofsky


    So the important pattern that i am discovering with my fluid intelligence in the above video is the following:

    So i think that our universe is an evolutionary process, i mean that it is a random process , but it is not just a random process , since the random process is the "infinite" universes that have processed in like "Parallelly" and "Serially" and "SEMI-
    Parallelly" in groups of a number of universes, by combining in a kind of manner, so that to create our tuned universe, and the Parallelly is like in parallel programming that accelerates much more the process of creating our tuned universe or other
    tuned universes like ours, and the "tuned" means that we are just discovering mathematics as patterns, as i am doing it below, that is the result of our tuned universe .

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following video of Monte Carlo Simulation, and i invite you to look at it, and my
    answer to this video is just below:


    So i think that the above video is not so smart, since i am discovering patterns with my fluid intelligence in the above video, so the first important pattern that i am discovering is that when you want for example to find the average height of people
    world wide as is saying it the above video, so you have by logical analogy to look at the people world wide like a dice game, i mean even if the people distribution of height of the world is mixed up, it is by logical analogy like a dice, i mean that
    they are distributed with a weight that we call height , so when you select randomly a person , you are like, by logical analogy, playing at a dice game, so the selected person has a weight of height from the distribution that looks, by logical analogy,
    like a dice, so now you are understanding that when you select randomly more and more persons until for example 10000 persons, it will have the tendency to well approximate the distribution of all the heights of all the people around the world, so i also
    say that we have to select randomly since, by logical analogy, we have like to play at for example the game of dice "randomly".

    And so that to know my other pattern that i have discovered with my fluid intelligence that explains the logical implication in mathematical logic, you can read my thoughts about it in the following web link:


    I have just said yesterday the following:

    "So i think you are understanding more my philosophy, so you can
    say to me how can we be patience in front of life?, but i am a philosopher that says that my philosophy says that you have to be patience with a positive mindset , so patience in front of life can "appear" to be foolishness, but patience organized like a
    group with a positive mindset easy the things for you and it is the pleasant and attractive that brings the positive things, so i think that it is the way to go."

    So i invite you to read my following thoughts about the positive mindset and behavior so that to notice that it also makes you empathic and kind and it permits to solve the problem that i am talking about in my below thoughts:

    A positive mindset and behavior can be pleasant and attractive to others. When individuals display positivity, it often draws people towards them for several reasons:

    - Optimism and positivity are contagious: Positive individuals tend to radiate a sense of optimism, enthusiasm, and joy, which can be infectious. People are naturally drawn to those who emit positive energy and exude a sense of happiness. The positive
    mindset of one person can inspire and uplift the mood of others, creating a more welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere.

    - Emotional support and empathy: People with a positive mindset often display empathy, kindness, and genuine interest in others. They are more likely to offer emotional support, be good listeners, and provide encouragement. This compassionate behavior is
    attractive to others who appreciate being understood, supported, and valued.

    - Solution-oriented approach: Positive individuals tend to focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems. They approach challenges with a proactive and optimistic mindset, which can be appealing to those who seek a constructive and forward-
    thinking approach. People often appreciate being around individuals who can offer practical solutions and a positive perspective when faced with difficulties.

    - Enhanced social interactions: A positive mindset can improve social interactions by promoting open communication, active listening, and a sense of inclusiveness. People are naturally drawn to those who create a friendly and welcoming environment.
    Positive individuals often have good social skills and are adept at building connections, which can make them more attractive and likable in social settings.

    - Increased self-confidence: A positive mindset often goes hand in hand with increased self-confidence. When individuals believe in themselves and maintain a positive outlook, it can be appealing to others. Confidence is attractive because it conveys a
    sense of self-assurance, competence, and the ability to handle various situations, which can draw people towards individuals with a positive mindset.

    Overall, a positive mindset tends to make individuals more pleasant and attractive to others. It can create a ripple effect, spreading positivity and building strong connections. By cultivating a positive outlook, individuals can not only improve their
    own well-being but also attract others who appreciate and value their positive mindset and behavior.

    And i invite you to read my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views and so that to understand my philosophy (And don't forget to read my thoughts in the below web link):

    So i think i am a smart philosopher and thinker, so i think that there is still an interesting philosophical subject, so i am not of the cynical philosophers , i mean that i am not saying that humans are just guided by egoism, but i mean that there is
    like a pressure of the wanting to be happy as i am explaining it in my below thoughts of my philosophy in the below web link, but i think i am not a pessimistic philosopher, since i think that we have by logical analogy to organize it like in Islam, i
    mean that we have to be organized as a group around a positive mindset , and from the positive energy of the positive mindset we become pleasant and attractive that counter-balance, so it is in accordance with the below pattern that says that we have to
    know how to wrap it in pleasant and attractive way, so my philosophy is also that it is the positive mindset, that by logical analogy with the below pattern, wrap it in a pleasant and attractive way that attracts efficiently people. So i invite you to
    reread all my previous below thoughts so that to understand my views:

    So you have to understand me more, so i think i am a philosopher
    and i am a thinker, so i think that in philosophy one of the most
    important thing is to know how wrap the things in a pleasant
    and attractive way , i mean that you have not to be naive,
    since you can think that black people help correctly the poor and the needy of black people , but you are naive to think so, so i am not racist, but i am a philosopher and i am a wise man that is showing you the way,
    so look at my below thoughts about the ideal and about the to be idealistic, and you will notice the pattern, and one of the most important pattern when you want people to help the poor and the needy, is to wrap it in a pleasant and attractive way, so when you are saying to people, for example in a video, to help the poor and the
    needy, you have to wrap it in a pleasant and attractive way, so you have for example to show to people the ones that are beautiful of the poor and the needy or you have to show the ones that are beautiful of the handicaped people, so that it be pleasant
    and attractive so that people help them , so you have not to be naive, so it is the same for pedagogy and for the high ideal and principles. So i invite you to reread my below thoughts so that to understand correctly my views on different subjects:

    I have just looked at the following video, so i invite you to look
    at it:

    Viktor Frankl on why idealists are real realists


    And i think that the above video is forgetting about an important thing,
    and read my second important question to ChatGPT below so
    that to understand what is it:

    And here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    "What is idealism and what is it to be idealistic ?"

    And here is what has answered me ChatGPT:

    "Idealism is a philosophical perspective that asserts the primacy of ideas or the mind in understanding and shaping reality. It suggests that reality is fundamentally mental or conceptual in nature, and that ideas, thoughts, or consciousness are the
    ultimate reality. Idealism stands in contrast to materialism, which posits that the physical world is the primary reality.

    In general, to be idealistic means to hold and pursue high ideals or principles, often with an emphasis on the possibility of achieving a better and more perfect state of affairs. Idealistic individuals tend to have a strong belief in the power of ideas,
    values, and moral principles to drive positive change in society. They often envision an ideal or utopian vision of the world and strive to bring it into existence.

    Idealism can manifest in various fields and contexts, such as politics, social activism, personal relationships, and artistic endeavors. Idealistic individuals may be driven by a sense of purpose, moral values, or a desire to create a more just and
    harmonious society. However, it's important to note that idealism can also be criticized for being overly optimistic or detached from practical realities."

    And here is my second important question to ChatGPT:

    "And of course , so that to pursue high ideals or principles, it has to be attractive , i mean you have to be able to wrap the high ideals or principles with something that pleases and that attracts, and i think that it is an efficient way of doing even
    in pedagogy"

    And here is what answered me ChatGPT:

    "Yes, you're right. In order to effectively pursue high ideals or principles, it can be beneficial to present them in an attractive and appealing manner. This is often referred to as "packaging" or "presentation" in the context of communication or

    When ideals or principles are presented in an engaging and appealing way, they have a greater chance of capturing people's attention and resonating with them emotionally. This can help generate interest, enthusiasm, and motivation to embrace and work
    towards those ideals or principles.

    In pedagogy, making use of attractive and engaging teaching methods, such as interactive activities, visual aids, storytelling, or real-life examples, can enhance students' understanding and retention of the subject matter. By presenting high ideals or
    principles in a relatable and appealing way, educators can foster a deeper connection and inspire students to embrace those values and apply them in their lives.

    However, it's important to maintain the integrity and substance of the ideals or principles being presented. While attractive packaging can help draw initial interest, it is crucial to ensure that the underlying ideals or principles are meaningful, well-
    founded, and capable of withstanding critical examination. Balancing attractiveness with substance is essential for fostering genuine and lasting commitment to high ideals or principles."

    And i invite you to carefully read my thoughts of my philosophy and my thoughts about technology and my other thoughts in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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