• France - Police Orgs Describe "Immigrant" Thugs as "Vermin", Say They A

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 30 21:05:25 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    French police said they were “at war” with “savage hordes
    of vermin” on Friday night as France was rocked by violent
    waves of riots and looting.

    Two of the country’s top police unions threatened a revolt
    unless Emmanuel Macron’s government restored order after
    protests broke out over an officer’s shooting of a teenager
    outside Paris.

    “Today the police are in combat because we are at war.
    Tomorrow we will enter resistance and the government
    should be aware of this,” they said.

    . . .

    Oops ! Guess all those 'immigrants' weren't OK after all.

    The language used by the police is extraordinary in
    woke western countries these days. If they say
    "vermin" they are describing people and circumstances
    that are VERY bad, for which there are no other words.

    And that "enter resistance" bit - what ARE we talking
    about here ? Macron can't really call the police to
    arrest the police after all. Army -vs- cops ? The
    army might side with the cops ... and Macron has to
    know that.

    France seems to be falling apart these past years.
    It is not external foes, but forces within its
    own borders. France is the keystone of western
    Europe. If/when it goes to hell the effects will
    be far and wide.

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