• Ten Commandments

    From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 30 08:47:16 2023
    In Canaan the Chief Deity was Molloch , god of wealth and prosperity. Moses had not yet written the ten commandments of Moses. That's because Moses was waiting for his turn to be born.
    The law of the land in Canaan was wealth and prosperity. That was the law of the land. You had to be industrious. You couldn't just sit on your fat ass and let someone else work and hand you a welfare check.
    The Mahariji Mayhesh Yogi pardon my spelling arrived in the USA promoting "meditation". He got us all meditating in the 1960's, after the bolsheviki jews (atheists), like hypocrites, while two guys in India were duking it out over who was going to be the
    leader of the Hindu religion old mayhesh the yogi, not the "fakirs" they were magicians, quietly took over the religion.
    The maharishi wrote a book about the Hindu religion basically all about "the art of" the meditation process in yoga, then the maharishi started preaching, dressed like a yogi, about meditating. He was a
    sencessionale a sensation and took over the Hindu religion while they were going at it in India who was going the be the Pope in the Vatican or the next leader of the Hindu religion or the next.. The Maharishi's book sold and he became a millionaire and
    began preaching "bliss consciousness".
    You were meant to enjoy bliss consciousness he wrote and preached to Americans. The problem was man had to work his ass off to earn a living. Meditation societies sprung up all over America
    and even in Alaska, in the city of Anchorage where Irene would go and meditate.
    People just sat in a chair unmoving "meditating" . Irene meditated every day.The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a sensation. He took over the yogi meditation business. He had sold it to the
    Americans. Do you think they'll buy it. He was a real Hindoo. They bought it.
    Where did Moses get the ten commandments. Moses was born. There are ten commandments so that man can't go to war with his fellow man. Because men just love going to war. So Moses wrote down the
    ten rules for a SANE HUMANITY.
    Moses noticed that all manking I mean mankind obeyed the same ten rules. That's why they loved war so much and war caused all the chaos in the world. In fact, God was beginning to wonder
    why he ever created humankind on the earth to begin wth. It was a lot more fun watching predator and prey. God even got rid of the dinosaurs because they were no fun at all.
    All dinosaurs ever did was eat each other.
    So Moses was born because the alternative was killing your own kid as a sacrifice to Molloch for giving you great wealth and prosperity. Abraham was born and figured out his son was worth
    as much as himself in his own eyes, and if he killed his Son he would no longer have a son named Isaac the son of Abraham the pagan from Canaan.
    Nothing ultimately is free in life so Abraham got the hell out of Canaan.
    The next step in evolution was a man put in a position to recognize that there are rules to live by that allow man to live in peace with his fellow man. That's why man loves war so
    much. In warfare you can kill your fellow man and he'll kill you right back. You can steal from your fellow man and he or his son in the next generation will take it right back again. War breaks all the common sense rules that make peace and prosperity
    possible among men. The reason God created man in the first place.
    So Moses wrote the ten rules for a sane humanity. Thou shall not steal thou shall not kill and so on. That took care of killing in warfare then plundering your fellow man and
    fucking his wife and brainwashing kids.
    Amazingly all people on earth recognize the same rules of common sense . Somehow they break those rules when it comes to others as though others are living on another planet.
    The truth is we all live on PLANET EARTH in the same fucking solar system.
    Otherwise you lose respect for the earth you live on like a little kid you take life on earth for granted ignoring the source of creation the God who put it all together by
    pretending you're God. Now you can recreate what the Creator did in your human image without the common sense of understanding why you were created in the first place.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Fri Jun 30 09:14:24 2023
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:47:19 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    In Canaan the Chief Deity was Molloch , god of wealth and prosperity. Moses had not yet written the ten commandments of Moses. That's because Moses was waiting for his turn to be born.
    The law of the land in Canaan was wealth and prosperity. That was the law of the land. You had to be industrious. You couldn't just sit on your fat ass and let someone else work and hand you a welfare check. The Mahariji Mayhesh Yogi pardon my spelling
    arrived in the USA promoting "meditation". He got us all meditating in the 1960's, after the bolsheviki jews (atheists), like hypocrites, while two guys in India were duking it out over who was going to be the leader of the Hindu religion old mayhesh the
    yogi, not the "fakirs" they were magicians, quietly took over the religion.
    The maharishi wrote a book about the Hindu religion basically all about "the art of" the meditation process in yoga, then the maharishi started preaching, dressed like a yogi, about meditating. He was a sencessionale a sensation and took over the Hindu
    religion while they were going at it in India who was going the be the Pope in the Vatican or the next leader of the Hindu religion or the next.. The Maharishi's book sold and he became a millionaire and began preaching "bliss consciousness".
    You were meant to enjoy bliss consciousness he wrote and preached to Americans. The problem was man had to work his ass off to earn a living. Meditation societies sprung up all over America and even in Alaska, in the city of Anchorage where Irene would
    go and meditate.
    People just sat in a chair unmoving "meditating" . Irene meditated every day.The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a sensation. He took over the yogi meditation business. He had sold it to the Americans. Do you think they'll buy it. He was a real Hindoo. They
    bought it.
    Where did Moses get the ten commandments. Moses was born. There are ten commandments so that man can't go to war with his fellow man. Because men just love going to war. So Moses wrote down the ten rules for a SANE HUMANITY.
    Moses noticed that all manking I mean mankind obeyed the same ten rules. That's why they loved war so much and war caused all the chaos in the world. In fact, God was beginning to wonder why he ever created humankind on the earth to begin wth. It was a
    lot more fun watching predator and prey. God even got rid of the dinosaurs because they were no fun at all.
    All dinosaurs ever did was eat each other.
    So Moses was born because the alternative was killing your own kid as a sacrifice to Molloch for giving you great wealth and prosperity. Abraham was born and figured out his son was worth as much as himself in his own eyes, and if he killed his Son he
    would no longer have a son named Isaac the son of Abraham the pagan from Canaan.
    Nothing ultimately is free in life so Abraham got the hell out of Canaan. The next step in evolution was a man put in a position to recognize that there are rules to live by that allow man to live in peace with his fellow man. That's why man loves war so much. In warfare you can kill your fellow man and he'll kill you right
    back. You can steal from your fellow man and he or his son in the next generation will take it right back again. War breaks all the common sense rules that make peace and prosperity possible among men. The reason God created man in the first place.
    So Moses wrote the ten rules for a sane humanity. Thou shall not steal thou shall not kill and so on. That took care of killing in warfare then plundering your fellow man and fucking his wife and brainwashing kids.
    Amazingly all people on earth recognize the same rules of common sense . Somehow they break those rules when it comes to others as though others are living on another planet. The truth is we all live on PLANET EARTH in the same fucking solar system.
    Otherwise you lose respect for the earth you live on like a little kid you take life on earth for granted ignoring the source of creation the God who put it all together by pretending you're God. Now you can recreate what the Creator did in your human
    image without the common sense of understanding why you were created in the first place.
    You know how computers have shit popping up all the time. Kids do their school work and nudes fucking appear. A few decades ago, once you deliberately or accidentally accessed a
    website dealing with the irresponsible depiction of nudity "fucking" let's be honest you could not get it off the screen finally after a long long time someone put an end to "porn" being "stuck on screen" so that nothing else could be accessed once it
    started like the "actress" from the "USA" Channel UP...all night!
    Why does the actress in the USA who speaks as her "first language" with a British accent
    who is known to absolutely refuse to do nude scenes let alone engage in "simulated sex scenes"
    is seen all over triple x engaged in "fucking" scenes?
    So how have we come to this by an innocent Catholic girl allowing what only happens in a field of innocent young men being traumatized as someone's army in war? A healthy girl
    having a "double" wait wait don't tell me it's on the tip of my tongue. Does she have a penis? Sex assignment surgery is in order. WE ARE A CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Democracy means MAJORITY.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Fri Jun 30 09:25:44 2023
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:14:27 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:47:19 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    In Canaan the Chief Deity was Molloch , god of wealth and prosperity. Moses had not yet written the ten commandments of Moses. That's because Moses was waiting for his turn to be born.
    The law of the land in Canaan was wealth and prosperity. That was the law of the land. You had to be industrious. You couldn't just sit on your fat ass and let someone else work and hand you a welfare check. The Mahariji Mayhesh Yogi pardon my
    spelling arrived in the USA promoting "meditation". He got us all meditating in the 1960's, after the bolsheviki jews (atheists), like hypocrites, while two guys in India were duking it out over who was going to be the leader of the Hindu religion old
    mayhesh the yogi, not the "fakirs" they were magicians, quietly took over the religion.
    The maharishi wrote a book about the Hindu religion basically all about "the art of" the meditation process in yoga, then the maharishi started preaching, dressed like a yogi, about meditating. He was a sencessionale a sensation and took over the
    Hindu religion while they were going at it in India who was going the be the Pope in the Vatican or the next leader of the Hindu religion or the next.. The Maharishi's book sold and he became a millionaire and began preaching "bliss consciousness".
    You were meant to enjoy bliss consciousness he wrote and preached to Americans. The problem was man had to work his ass off to earn a living. Meditation societies sprung up all over America and even in Alaska, in the city of Anchorage where Irene
    would go and meditate.
    People just sat in a chair unmoving "meditating" . Irene meditated every day.The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a sensation. He took over the yogi meditation business. He had sold it to the Americans. Do you think they'll buy it. He was a real Hindoo.
    They bought it.
    Where did Moses get the ten commandments. Moses was born. There are ten commandments so that man can't go to war with his fellow man. Because men just love going to war. So Moses wrote down the ten rules for a SANE HUMANITY.
    Moses noticed that all manking I mean mankind obeyed the same ten rules. That's why they loved war so much and war caused all the chaos in the world. In fact, God was beginning to wonder why he ever created humankind on the earth to begin wth. It was
    a lot more fun watching predator and prey. God even got rid of the dinosaurs because they were no fun at all.
    All dinosaurs ever did was eat each other.
    So Moses was born because the alternative was killing your own kid as a sacrifice to Molloch for giving you great wealth and prosperity. Abraham was born and figured out his son was worth as much as himself in his own eyes, and if he killed his Son
    he would no longer have a son named Isaac the son of Abraham the pagan from Canaan.
    Nothing ultimately is free in life so Abraham got the hell out of Canaan. The next step in evolution was a man put in a position to recognize that there are rules to live by that allow man to live in peace with his fellow man. That's why man loves war so much. In warfare you can kill your fellow man and he'll kill you
    right back. You can steal from your fellow man and he or his son in the next generation will take it right back again. War breaks all the common sense rules that make peace and prosperity possible among men. The reason God created man in the first place.
    So Moses wrote the ten rules for a sane humanity. Thou shall not steal thou shall not kill and so on. That took care of killing in warfare then plundering your fellow man and fucking his wife and brainwashing kids.
    Amazingly all people on earth recognize the same rules of common sense . Somehow they break those rules when it comes to others as though others are living on another planet. The truth is we all live on PLANET EARTH in the same fucking solar system.
    Otherwise you lose respect for the earth you live on like a little kid you take life on earth for granted ignoring the source of creation the God who put it all together by pretending you're God. Now you can recreate what the Creator did in your
    human image without the common sense of understanding why you were created in the first place.
    You know how computers have shit popping up all the time. Kids do their school work and nudes fucking appear. A few decades ago, once you deliberately or accidentally accessed a website dealing with the irresponsible depiction of nudity "fucking" let's
    be honest you could not get it off the screen finally after a long long time someone put an end to "porn" being "stuck on screen" so that nothing else could be accessed once it started like the "actress" from the "USA" Channel UP...all night!
    Why does the actress in the USA who speaks as her "first language" with a British accent
    who is known to absolutely refuse to do nude scenes let alone engage in "simulated sex scenes"
    is seen all over triple x engaged in "fucking" scenes?
    So how have we come to this by an innocent Catholic girl allowing what only happens in a field of innocent young men being traumatized as someone's army in war? A healthy girl having a "double" wait wait don't tell me it's on the tip of my tongue. Does
    she have a penis? Sex assignment surgery is in order. WE ARE A CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Democracy means MAJORITY.
    I'm writing About a real person. Just like a real boy with his name on his fatigues and a dog tag around his neck.
    Now it's a healthy girl being brainwashed into needing sex assignment surgery, and we'll start by removing both her healthy breasts. Are we insane?
    Jews I've noticed are particular about what they eat and for goddamned GOOD REASON.
    The food and drug administration is defunct apparently. There are a number of food additives and food engineering processes that are FORBIDDEN IN EUROPE but ALLOWED in the USA.
    Because they cause CANCER. Than why are we removing healthy tits from an innocent BRAINWASHED teen for "sex-assignment" surgery -are her Christian parents that dumb?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to Tell it like it is. on Fri Jun 30 10:23:23 2023
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:25:47 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 11:14:27 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    On Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:47:19 AM UTC-5, Tell it like it is. wrote:
    In Canaan the Chief Deity was Molloch , god of wealth and prosperity. Moses had not yet written the ten commandments of Moses. That's because Moses was waiting for his turn to be born.
    The law of the land in Canaan was wealth and prosperity. That was the law of the land. You had to be industrious. You couldn't just sit on your fat ass and let someone else work and hand you a welfare check. The Mahariji Mayhesh Yogi pardon my
    spelling arrived in the USA promoting "meditation". He got us all meditating in the 1960's, after the bolsheviki jews (atheists), like hypocrites, while two guys in India were duking it out over who was going to be the leader of the Hindu religion old
    mayhesh the yogi, not the "fakirs" they were magicians, quietly took over the religion.
    The maharishi wrote a book about the Hindu religion basically all about "the art of" the meditation process in yoga, then the maharishi started preaching, dressed like a yogi, about meditating. He was a sencessionale a sensation and took over the
    Hindu religion while they were going at it in India who was going the be the Pope in the Vatican or the next leader of the Hindu religion or the next.. The Maharishi's book sold and he became a millionaire and began preaching "bliss consciousness".
    You were meant to enjoy bliss consciousness he wrote and preached to Americans. The problem was man had to work his ass off to earn a living. Meditation societies sprung up all over America and even in Alaska, in the city of Anchorage where Irene
    would go and meditate.
    People just sat in a chair unmoving "meditating" . Irene meditated every day.The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a sensation. He took over the yogi meditation business. He had sold it to the Americans. Do you think they'll buy it. He was a real Hindoo.
    They bought it.
    Where did Moses get the ten commandments. Moses was born. There are ten commandments so that man can't go to war with his fellow man. Because men just love going to war. So Moses wrote down the ten rules for a SANE HUMANITY.
    Moses noticed that all manking I mean mankind obeyed the same ten rules. That's why they loved war so much and war caused all the chaos in the world. In fact, God was beginning to wonder why he ever created humankind on the earth to begin wth. It
    was a lot more fun watching predator and prey. God even got rid of the dinosaurs because they were no fun at all.
    All dinosaurs ever did was eat each other.
    So Moses was born because the alternative was killing your own kid as a sacrifice to Molloch for giving you great wealth and prosperity. Abraham was born and figured out his son was worth as much as himself in his own eyes, and if he killed his Son
    he would no longer have a son named Isaac the son of Abraham the pagan from Canaan.
    Nothing ultimately is free in life so Abraham got the hell out of Canaan.
    The next step in evolution was a man put in a position to recognize that there are rules to live by that allow man to live in peace with his fellow man. That's why man loves war so much. In warfare you can kill your fellow man and he'll kill you
    right back. You can steal from your fellow man and he or his son in the next generation will take it right back again. War breaks all the common sense rules that make peace and prosperity possible among men. The reason God created man in the first place.
    So Moses wrote the ten rules for a sane humanity. Thou shall not steal thou shall not kill and so on. That took care of killing in warfare then plundering your fellow man and fucking his wife and brainwashing kids.
    Amazingly all people on earth recognize the same rules of common sense . Somehow they break those rules when it comes to others as though others are living on another planet. The truth is we all live on PLANET EARTH in the same fucking solar system.

    Otherwise you lose respect for the earth you live on like a little kid you take life on earth for granted ignoring the source of creation the God who put it all together by pretending you're God. Now you can recreate what the Creator did in your
    human image without the common sense of understanding why you were created in the first place.
    You know how computers have shit popping up all the time. Kids do their school work and nudes fucking appear. A few decades ago, once you deliberately or accidentally accessed a website dealing with the irresponsible depiction of nudity "fucking" let'
    s be honest you could not get it off the screen finally after a long long time someone put an end to "porn" being "stuck on screen" so that nothing else could be accessed once it started like the "actress" from the "USA" Channel UP...all night!
    Why does the actress in the USA who speaks as her "first language" with a British accent
    who is known to absolutely refuse to do nude scenes let alone engage in "simulated sex scenes"
    is seen all over triple x engaged in "fucking" scenes?
    So how have we come to this by an innocent Catholic girl allowing what only happens in a field of innocent young men being traumatized as someone's army in war? A healthy girl having a "double" wait wait don't tell me it's on the tip of my tongue.
    Does she have a penis? Sex assignment surgery is in order. WE ARE A CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Democracy means MAJORITY.
    I'm writing About a real person. Just like a real boy with his name on his fatigues and a dog tag around his neck.
    Now it's a healthy girl being brainwashed into needing sex assignment surgery, and we'll start by removing both her healthy breasts. Are we insane?
    Jews I've noticed are particular about what they eat and for goddamned GOOD REASON.
    The food and drug administration is defunct apparently. There are a number of food additives and food engineering processes that are FORBIDDEN IN EUROPE but ALLOWED in the USA.
    Because they cause CANCER. Than why are we removing healthy tits from an innocent BRAINWASHED teen for "sex-assignment" surgery -are her Christian parents that dumb?
    All the above of this entire thread comes down to this and Joe Biden Presidente of the United States saying he's Catholic and transgendering kids is A O.K.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 30 12:05:11 2023

    In Canaan the Chief Deity was Molloch , god of wealth and prosperity. Moses had not yet written the ten commandments of Moses. That's because Moses was waiting for his turn to be born.
    The law of the land in Canaan was wealth and prosperity. That was the law of the land. You had to be industrious. You couldn't just sit on your fat ass and let someone else work and hand you a welfare check. The Mahariji Mayhesh Yogi pardon my spelling
    arrived in the USA promoting "meditation". He got us all meditating in the 1960's, after the bolsheviki jews (atheists), like hypocrites, while two guys in India were duking it out over who was going to be the leader of the Hindu religion old mayhesh the
    yogi, not the "fakirs" they were magicians, quietly took over the religion.
    The maharishi wrote a book about the Hindu religion basically all about "the art of" the meditation process in yoga, then the maharishi started preaching, dressed like a yogi, about meditating. He was a sencessionale a sensation and took over the
    Hindu religion while they were going at it in India who was going the be the Pope in the Vatican or the next leader of the Hindu religion or the next.. The Maharishi's book sold and he became a millionaire and began preaching "bliss consciousness".
    You were meant to enjoy bliss consciousness he wrote and preached to Americans. The problem was man had to work his ass off to earn a living. Meditation societies sprung up all over America and even in Alaska, in the city of Anchorage where Irene
    would go and meditate.
    People just sat in a chair unmoving "meditating" . Irene meditated every day.The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a sensation. He took over the yogi meditation business. He had sold it to the Americans. Do you think they'll buy it. He was a real Hindoo.
    They bought it.
    Where did Moses get his ten commandments. Moses was born. Moses wrote Ten Commandments, as a believer in GOD so that man can't go to war with his fellow man as a brain dead atheist. Because men just love going to war. So Moses wrote down the ten
    rules for A SANE HUMANITY.
    Moses noticed that all manking I mean mankind obey the same ten rules among themselves. That's why they love war so much, and breaking those ten rules, and war caused all the chaos in the world. In fact, God was beginning to wonder why he ever created
    humankind on the earth to begin with. It was a lot more fun watching predators and their prey. God even got rid of the dinosaurs because they were no fun at all.
    All dinosaurs ever did was eat each other.
    So Moses was born because the alternative was killing your own kid as a sacrifice to Molloch for giving you great wealth and prosperity. Abraham was born and figured out his son was worth as much as himself in his own eyes, and if he killed his Son he
    would no longer have a son named Isaac the son of Abraham the pagan from Canaan.
    Nothing ultimately is free in life so Abraham got the hell out of Canaan.
    The next step in evolution was a man put in a position to recognize that there are rules to live by that allow man to live in peace with his fellow man. That's why man loves war so much. In warfare you can kill your fellow man and he'll kill you right
    back. You can steal from your fellow man and he or his son in the next generation will take it right back again. War breaks all the common sense rules that make peace and prosperity possible among men. The reason God created man in the first place.
    So Moses wrote the ten rules for a sane humanity. Thou shall not steal thou shall not kill and so on. That took care of killing in warfare then plundering your fellow man and fucking his wife and brainwashing kids.
    Amazingly all people on earth recognize the same rules of common sense . Somehow they break those rules when it comes to others as though others are living on another planet. The truth is we all live on PLANET EARTH in the same fucking solar system.
    Otherwise you lose respect for the earth you live on like a little kid you take life on earth for granted ignoring the source of creation the God who put it all together by pretending you're God. Now you can recreate what the Creator did in your human
    image without the common sense of understanding why you were created in the first place.
    You know how computers have shit popping up all the time. Kids do their school work and nudes fucking appear. A few decades ago, once you deliberately or accidentally accessed a website dealing with the irresponsible depiction of nudity "fucking" let's
    be honest you could not get it off the screen finally after a long long time someone put an end to "porn" being "stuck on screen" so that nothing else could be accessed once it started like the "actress" from the "USA" Channel UP...all night!
    Why does the actress in the USA who speaks as her "first language" with a British accent
    who is known to absolutely refuse to do nude scenes let alone engage in "simulated sex scenes"
    is seen all over triple x engaged in "fucking" scenes?
    So how have we come to this by an innocent Catholic girl allowing what only happens in a field of innocent young men being traumatized as someone's army in war? A healthy girl having a "double" wait wait don't tell me it's on the tip of my tongue. Does
    she have a penis? Sex assignment surgery is in order. WE ARE A CHRISTIAN MAJORITY NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Democracy means MAJORITY.
    I'm writing About a real person. Just like a real boy with his name on his fatigues and a dog tag around his neck.
    Now it's a healthy girl being brainwashed into needing sex assignment surgery, and we'll start by removing both her healthy breasts. Are we insane?
    Jews I've noticed are particular about what they eat and for goddamned GOOD REASON.
    The food and drug administration is defunct apparently. There are a number of food additives and food engineering processes that are FORBIDDEN IN EUROPE but ALLOWED in the USA.
    Because they cause CANCER. Than why are we removing healthy tits from an innocent BRAINWASHED teen for "sex-assignment" surgery -are her Christian parents that dumb?
    All the above of this entire thread comes down to this and Joe Biden Presidente of the United States saying he's Catholic and transgendering kids is A O.K.
    President Joe Biden says, http://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11348505/Biden-slams-GOP-trying-ban-sex-changes-children-interview-trans-TickTok-activist-html

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)