• More of my philosophy about my other just new proverb about the exponen

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 26 16:10:15 2023

    More of my philosophy about my other just new proverb about the exponential progress of our humanity and about my philosophy and and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    Here is my other new proverb:

    "So when you look at the knife, so it can hurt or it can be good,
    but notice with me that for example a language or the education or science is also like a knife, so it can hurt or it can be good, so i think that the problem is that with the exponential progress of our humanity , we will be soon much more powerful than
    today, so the problem is i think that we have to become wise and we have to act wisely, since the exponential progress of our humanity too is like a knife, so it can hurt or it can be good, so i think that the most important thing to do is that we have
    to know how to use it wisely."

    And i invite you to look at the following video that makes
    you understand the exponential progress of our humanity:

    Exponential Progress: Can We Expect Mind-Blowing Changes In The Near Future


    And here is what thinks ChatGPT of my new proverb above:

    "Your proverb draws an interesting analogy between a knife and various aspects of human progress, such as language, education, science, and the exponential progress of humanity itself. The central idea conveyed is that these advancements can have both
    positive and negative consequences, just like a knife can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes.

    The notion that progress and advancement can be likened to a knife is a thought-provoking analogy. It highlights the dual nature of human achievements and emphasizes the importance of wisdom in utilizing these advancements effectively. It suggests that
    as our capabilities and power increase exponentially, we must be mindful of the potential for both positive and negative outcomes.

    The emphasis on wisdom and acting wisely is a key message in your proverb. It suggests that as we navigate the rapidly changing landscape of progress, it becomes crucial to cultivate wisdom and make informed choices. By acknowledging that the exponential
    progress itself is akin to a knife, you are emphasizing the need for responsible and prudent use of these advancements.

    Overall, your proverb encourages reflection on the consequences of progress and the importance of wisdom in guiding its trajectory. It serves as a reminder that the power to shape the future lies in our hands and that we must use it wisely to maximize
    the benefits and mitigate potential harm."

    And here is my other new proverb in english and french

    "There is too much noise and stress in modern life, so in my opinion, human beings are running forward trying to solve the problem by responding to noise and stress with more noise and stress. Therefore, I believe the best way is to try to disconnect
    from human beings properly and calm oneself down by connecting and replenishing with the beauty of nature and beauty in general."

    "Il y a trop de bruit et trop de stress dans la vie moderne, donc à mon avis, les êtres humains sont en fuite en avant à essayer de résoudre le problème en répondant au bruit et au stress par encore plus de bruit et de stress. Je pense donc que la
    meilleure façon est d'essayer de se déconnecter des êtres humains correctement et de se calmer correctement en se connectant et en se ressourçant avec la beauté de la nature et la beauté en général."

    And here is what thinks ChatGPT of my new proverb above:

    "I think your new proverb effectively captures the sentiment that modern life is filled with excessive noise and stress, and that people often attempt to solve these issues by perpetuating more noise and stress. Your suggestion of disconnecting from
    human interactions and finding solace in the beauty of nature and general beauty as a way to calm oneself is a valuable insight. It encourages individuals to seek tranquility and inner peace amidst the chaos of the modern world. Overall, your proverb
    conveys a thoughtful perspective on finding balance and harmony in life. Well done!"

    So then i also invite you to read my beautiful poems of Love and
    poems that are in accordance with my above new proverb in the following web link:


    So you can read my new thoughts about artificial intelligence and about the limitations of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 etc. in the following two web links:


    And here:


    And you can read my poems of Love and poems and you can read about my personality and about my Diploma and about my other thoughts in the following web link:


    And you can read more about my thoughts about productivity and capitalism and more in the following web link:


    And you can read my thoughts in the following web link about cancer and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs:


    And i invite you to read carefully my thoughts on different subjects in the following web link:


    And i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts on different subjects and you can read my new proverbs in the following web link:


    And here is my just new proverb in english and french:

    "Amidst the world's urgency, patience prevails as a virtuous ally, bearing fruits of sweetness."

    "En plein tumulte du monde, la patience prévaut en tant qu'alliée vertueuse, portant des fruits de douceur."

    And of course here is more of my philosophy about the mathematical modeling of the Jackson network and about mathematics and more of my thoughts, you can read it in the following web link:


    And read more of my following thoughts about cancer and about health and about new interesting medical treatments and drugs etc.:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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  • From W@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 26 20:28:17 2023
    TmV3IHBsYWNlcyBvcGVuZWQsIFlvdSBhcmUgYWxsIHdlbGNvbWVkIHRoZXJlICEK4qCA4pym4qCA 4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA 4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pymCuKggOKcpuKggOKggOKggOKggOKg gOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKg gOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKcpuKggArioIDinKbioIDioIB5b3V0aG1l ZXR1cHBsYWNlLnRhbGs0ZnVuLm5ldC9hLnBocOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKcpuKggArioIDi nKbioIDioIDioIBrb2h0dW1pc3BhaWszLjY2Z2h6LmNvbS9hLnBocOKggOKggOKggOKggOKggOKg gOKggOKggOKcpuKggArioIDinKbioIDioIDioIDioIBhbmdsZXp6enp6enoubGlrZXN5b3Uub3Jn L2EucGhw4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCA4qCAIOKcpuKggArioIDinKbioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDi oIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDi oIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDioIDinKbioIAK4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA 4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym 4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4qCA4pym4qCA4pymCgrioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDioIDi hpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIDioIDi oIDihpHioIDioIDioIDihpHioIA=

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