• OK - This Russian "Coup" Stinks of FAKE

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 25 01:54:42 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Wagner chief leaves Russia for Belarus following Minsk-
    brokered deal

    Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said Saturday that
    a contingent of his fighters who advanced towards Moscow
    in what he described as a rebellion against Russian military
    leaders would turn back to avoid bloodshed, de-escalating
    a major challenge to President Vladimir Putin's grip on
    power. In a deal brokered by Minsk, Prigozhin will move
    to Belarus and Wagner fighters who took part in the advance
    will not be punished, the Kremlin said. Read our blog to
    see how the day's events unfolded.

    . . .

    OK ... there's a very fishy smell to all this.

    Wagner/Prigozhin were fully-owned entities of
    Putin himself - had been for a LONG time.

    Given the massive PROFITS and POWER ... I have
    severe doubts this was a real "mutiny".

    Erdogan, not so long ago, orchestrated a fake
    "coup" to justify a massive purge of "traitors",
    ie political opponents.

    Putin is in no way above emulating this trick.

    Putin has been getting more and more resistance
    for his Ukrainian war. His internal enemies have
    thus multiplied. However SOME excuse to purge
    them all WAS required. This "coup" may be
    exactly that. Also, "exile" in BELARUS ???
    Putin OWNS Belarus for all intents and purposes.
    It's a FAKE "exile" for Prigozhin.

    IMHO, Prigozhin was acting under Putin's direct
    orders here. A fake 'coup'/insurrection. It all
    ended almost immediately - so fast it doesn't
    seem real. Also "exile" in BELARUS ???

    I think Putin has taken his cue from Erdogan.
    Now he can justify massive purges - in govt,
    military and beyond.

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