• Study - "Vegans" Actually Eat MOST-"Processed" Foods

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 25 00:20:29 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.politics
    XPost: soc.culture


    Vegans eat more ultra-processed foods than any other diet.
    How bad is that really for health and the environment?

    Veganism has the potential to promote healthy eating as
    people ditch meat - but the rise of ultra-processed foods
    (UPFs) could hamper its positive effects.

    Product launches for plant-based convenience foods tripled
    between 2013 and 2018. In the UK, half the population have
    added meat substitutes to their diets, while almost a third
    opt for alternative milks.

    Many of these plant-based substitutes are classified as UPFs:
    foods that have undergone heavy processing to improve their
    perishability and taste. UPFs are often high in salt, sugar
    and saturated fat, with additional colourings, preservatives
    and additives.

    . . .

    "Veganism" was always a 'religion'.

    Hey, those poor widdle animals will eat YOU,
    no problem :-)

    In any case, as explained here, 'vegan' food has
    to be massively "processed" just so most people
    can stand to eat it at all.

    Nevermind the need for tons of vitamins and
    mineral supps also needed to keep vegans
    (barely) alive.

    Humans were not evolved to be vegan - but
    omnivores. Study of human health over the
    ages suggests that the "hunter-gatherers"
    were THE most healthy - meat AND veggies
    plus a decent amount of exercise required
    to obtain both. Farming/grains/veggies led
    to a considerable decline in health. The
    "Staff Of Life" was actually a club beating
    us over the head. The old bones tell the tale.

    Now, to be fair, the term "processed" is often
    used as a negative. There's nothing inherently
    wrong with "processing" foods - just depends
    on the details of what that MEANS in any
    particular micro-context.

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