• Re: Joe Biden at State Dinner with Modi; "Enjoy Your Meal. Where Are We

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to pothead on Fri Jun 23 23:13:07 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 6/23/23 8:33 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2023-06-23, Paul Ragna <tpragna1900O@gmail.com> wrote:
    Here is the Democrat's choice for POTUS.
    This should scare everyone.

    "Joe Biden at State Dinner with Modi: “Enjoy Your Meal. Where Are We?”"


    "Joe and Jill Biden on Thursday evening hosted Indian Prime Minister Modi
    for a State Dinner on the South Lawn.

    Joe Biden’s family of grifters also attended the State Dinner.

    Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa were spotted chatting with guests.

    Hunter was rubbing elbows with the wealthy and powerful just hours after
    Republican lawmakers released depositions from whistleblowers detailing
    Biden corruption.

    Dr. Peter McCullough: Understand Spike Shedding Before It’s Too Late

    They’re laughing at us."

    "Joe Biden’s slimy brother James Biden is also at the White House

    Joe Biden’s granddaughter Naomi Biden (Hunter’s daughter) attended the
    dinner with her husband.

    Biden was totally confused after a toast.

    “Enjoy your meal. Where are we?” Biden said as he shuffled away from the >> lectern.

    He’s completely shot."

    The world is laughing at Joe Biden but they won't admit it

    Aw ... we all know JOE ain't running things - it's
    all his puppeteers. They keep him pumped on enough
    meds so he can kind-of walk and talk and WokieComs
    think that's just fine.

    The REST of the universe though ... :-)

    Based on his medical history Joe will likely have
    another stroke pretty soon. Some of those meds are
    likely like Adderal too - basically speed - which
    will raise his blood pressure and damage blood
    vessels. They're gonna keep their puppet moving
    for as long as possible - and then don't CARE
    what happens to the human wreck left over. Guess
    they'll move him to some very private, very
    expensive, 'memory-care' home and not allow any
    visitors for 'security' reasons.

    THE problem is K ... she's as bad or even worse
    than Joe in her own ways. She was Joes "Dan
    Quayle", someone SO bad that nobody would DARE
    impeach Joe for any reason. However this 'safety'
    has also left the WokieComs kind of TRAPPED -
    they HAVE to stick with Joe no matter what
    because K would be electoral DOOM. Shit,
    she'd probably provoke a revolution in a week
    and Wokies are far more talk than action ...

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