• GiantPharmaUSA *Sues* Over Medicare Price-Negotiation Plan. Sorry, They

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 23 01:22:37 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.medicine


    NEW YORK, June 21 (Reuters) - The Pharmaceutical Research
    and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the leading industry
    lobby group, and two other organizations on Wednesday said
    they were suing the U.S. government to block enforcement
    of a program that gives Medicare the power to negotiate
    drug prices.

    . . .

    Sorry, but gross past abuses mean this HAS to
    be done.

    BigPharmaUSA has RIPPED OFF everybody for decades
    and it HAS to end, indeed be substantially reversed.

    Normally govt intervention in the Free Market is a
    bad idea - but in THIS case .......

    Thing is there IS NO "free market" here, BigPharmaUSA
    has RIGGED the system. It's all tilted to forever
    increase profits no matter what the cost to citizens
    or insurers.

    And hey, the US Govt should start its OWN pharma
    research/manufacturing dept. Again sorry, but it's
    become THAT bad.

    Capitalism is Great - but not for Everything Always.
    In THIS case we all can easily see the problem -
    and NEED for an exception.

    Ya got WAY too greedy - WAY too controlling. It has
    to END.

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