• Joe Brings HUNTER To State Affair with Modi

    From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 22 23:41:08 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.india, alt.politics.usa


    Hunter Biden makes first public appearance since 'sweetheart'
    tax crimes deal at glamorous White House state dinner with
    India: President turns lavish Modi event into a family affair
    by inviting scandal-hit son, daughter and granddaughter

    . . .

    If YOU had been $1.95 off in your taxes a squad of
    those militarized agents would show up and bury
    you in some dungeon.

    But HUNTER ......... MILLIONS ? No Problem Dude !

    And now Joe invites him to a top state affair two
    days after. India is a Big Deal, most populous
    nation on earth, with nukes and a space program.
    Also WAY too close to Russia nowadays ...

    So ... will Hunter make another "Ukraine Deal"
    with Modi ? Mo' Millions ???

    Modi should be INSULTED to be subjected to the
    presence of someone as nefarious and ethically
    decayed as Hunter. However this is politics ...
    under-the-table deals WILL be made.

    Maybe Hunter can set him up with some hot
    crackhead hookers ?

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