From 34J.935@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jun 22 23:06:26 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.uk, soc.culture.uk
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    UK's jails will run out of space to hold prisoners by 2025
    with a shortfall of 2,300 cells, leaked Ministry of Justice
    report reveals

    MoJ called memo 'internal, draft document' that was 'a year
    old' and 'not cleared'

    . . .

    In short it was The Truth - and the Minister wants
    to hide it .......

    It's not JUST the UK alas, the USA is also in the
    midst of a serious crime wave and does not have
    enough space to store all the guilty. Alas they
    are often put right back on the streets to do
    even more crimes.

    Now both the UK and USA have physical *space* for
    more prisons - but the MONEY involved (and to
    some extent the *politics*) are a serious problem.
    Prisons are expensive to build and even more
    expensive to maintain. Not a good match for times
    of high inflation and overall bad economics.

    BUT - something HAS to be done. The criminals are
    an expanding population and the degree of their
    crimes keeps escalating.

    In the very bad old days there would be mass
    executions - probably by the most horrible

    France and especially England used to export the
    worst, or most voluminous, criminals to some
    forsaken part of the world. They would not be
    doing their crimes in the homeland anymore.

    Sorry, but something LIKE that appears to be
    necessary again. We can't afford to have Musk
    rocket them off to Mars, so it's going to have
    to be remote gulags on this planet.

    The UK has the Falklands - FAR out of the way.
    The USA has many many Pacific holdings, hundreds
    of smallish islands. Treat the residents with
    fair respect, but they DON'T get to come back
    for 20 or 30 years and the Press is NOT invited.
    Mostly the residents will have to take care of
    their own affairs.

    People change slowly - so this crime wave is only
    going to GROW for many years to come until things
    become pretty much Mad Max. Hard choices have to
    be made NOW, no more putting it off, time's up.

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