• Mr. Dred Scott vs Sanford & Son (or was it the Jeffersons haha ha ha ha

    From Tell it like it is.@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 21 11:55:27 2023

    3 minutes and twenty six seconds (Spelling is imporrtant.) one d two t s.
    Mr. Dred Scott was born a slave in the USA, and a million men fought and died to rid the country of the curse of slavery in the United States of America.
    We are told by the Democrat Party,
    Human trafficked as a refugee makes you a citizen of the United States,
    but only if undocumented.

    Stupid is as stupid does.
    Fool me once
    Shame on you
    Fool me twice
    Shame on me.
    -President George W. Bush. http://Britannica.com/video/197581/Dred-Scott-court-case-video

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