• "Gender Affirmation" BITES BACK - Girl Mutilated at 13 SUES Docs/Hospit

    From 23E.245@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 17 23:35:37 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    California woman, 18, sues doctors for removing her breasts
    when she was just THIRTEEN because she thought she was trans
    after seeing influencers online

    Kayla Lovdahl said doctors urged her to undergo a double
    mastectomy aged 13 that left her with 'deep physical and
    emotional wounds and severe regrets'

    . . .

    But ... but ........

    SUE baby SUE - and sue BIG ! Sue OFTEN !
    Encourage OTHERS !

    Manipulators and SERIOUSLY eager medical people
    made you an ideological VICTIM in terrible and
    irreversible ways.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From pothead@21:1/5 to 23E245@tpq25b.net on Sun Jun 18 03:44:00 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans

    On 2023-06-18, 23E.245 <23E245@tpq25b.net> wrote:

    California woman, 18, sues doctors for removing her breasts
    when she was just THIRTEEN because she thought she was trans
    after seeing influencers online

    Kayla Lovdahl said doctors urged her to undergo a double
    mastectomy aged 13 that left her with 'deep physical and
    emotional wounds and severe regrets'

    . . .

    But ... but ........

    SUE baby SUE - and sue BIG ! Sue OFTEN !
    Encourage OTHERS !

    Manipulators and SERIOUSLY eager medical people
    made you an ideological VICTIM in terrible and
    irreversible ways.

    That is so sick. I hope she makes millions off of these perverted butchers. Rather than rushing into irreversible surgery, what should be done is intense counseling by
    qualified professionals and then require the transgender to live as the sex they are interested in
    becoming for a year or two.
    This way they can play dress up and get it out of their system before permanent damage is done to
    their bodies.
    I don't see the need to rush this kind of life altering surgery other than the profit margin for
    the doctors.

    Tommy Chong For President 2024.
    Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
    Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 23E.245@21:1/5 to pothead on Sun Jun 18 01:31:41 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans

    On 6/17/23 11:44 PM, pothead wrote:
    On 2023-06-18, 23E.245 <23E245@tpq25b.net> wrote:

    California woman, 18, sues doctors for removing her breasts
    when she was just THIRTEEN because she thought she was trans
    after seeing influencers online

    Kayla Lovdahl said doctors urged her to undergo a double
    mastectomy aged 13 that left her with 'deep physical and
    emotional wounds and severe regrets'

    . . .

    But ... but ........

    SUE baby SUE - and sue BIG ! Sue OFTEN !
    Encourage OTHERS !

    Manipulators and SERIOUSLY eager medical people
    made you an ideological VICTIM in terrible and
    irreversible ways.

    That is so sick. I hope she makes millions off of these perverted butchers. Rather than rushing into irreversible surgery, what should be done is intense counseling by
    qualified professionals and then require the transgender to live as the sex they are interested in
    becoming for a year or two.
    This way they can play dress up and get it out of their system before permanent damage is done to
    their bodies.
    I don't see the need to rush this kind of life altering surgery other than the profit margin for
    the doctors.

    The Ideological Overlords see it very differently - 'convert'
    as many as possible as FAST as possible. No excuses, no delay.
    ARREST the parents and SEIZE the kiddies as needed. Any teen
    brainfart is 'justification'. Soon they won't even demand
    the brainfart - just some 'test'/eval result to cut up Junior.

    This case was basically State-Sponsored FGM.

    Well, the ultra-lefties have always leveraged the court
    system. REVERSE it - use the courts against THEM, big time.
    The thousand tweaks the lefties made in the 60s/70s CAN be
    used in reverse. Just need smart lawyers. The GOP and major
    supporters should FUND said lawyers. Soros does this kind
    of shit, DO IT BACK. I fear this is the Final Conflict.
    Can't lose - or ELSE.

    (oh, and anyone who wants to add a 'guns' group to the
    headers - forget it ! this is too complex/subtle to
    shoot your way out of - and any attempt would turn us
    into a 3rd-world disaster overnight. THIS will take
    some serious skull-duggery and maneuvering)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)