• More of my philosophy about the IQ of GPT-4 and about the abstraction o

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 11:19:23 2023

    More of my philosophy about the IQ of GPT-4 and about the abstraction of the language and about programming and about the most important problem of artificial intelligence and about Reinforcement learning and about collective intelligence and about my
    views on super-intelligent AI and about the danger of super-intelligent AI and about my new proverb and about the attention mechanisms in Transformers and about the good accuracy and about the hybrid systems in AI and about logical reasoning of Large
    Language Models such as GPT-4 and about evolutionary algorithms and about GPT-4 and about common sense and nuanced understanding of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT and about my predictions about artificial intelligence and about the other
    weaknesses of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and about my abstraction and about the important weakness of Large Language Models and about the quality of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and about the deeper meaning and about mathematics and about
    Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I have just read the following article where it says that the IQ of GPT-4 is
    a verbal IQ of 126, a math IQ of 126, and a full-scale IQ of 124, you can read it here:


    But i think that the above article is not correct, since i think that IQ is the genetical expression, but i think that the smartness of GPT-4 comes from the the training data and not from genetics, so it is why it is not the same, so even if you test the
    IQ of GPT-4, we can not guarantee that it is representative, since i also think that GPT-4 is not smart at common sense and at nuanced understanding, and it is also why the above IQ tests of GPT-4 are not representative of real world situations that
    require common sense and nuanced understanding, and here is more proof that GPT-4 struggles with programming tests (and it is why i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not replace a lot of programmers):

    "Perhaps most impressive were the performances of GPT-4 in professional arenas. It scored a 298 out of 400 on the Uniform Bar Exam, which is high enough to be licensed as a lawyer in every state using the UBE system. It also scored a reasonable 75% on
    the MKSAP 19 medical knowledge test, and an impressive 77% on the Advanced-level Sommelier theory exam.

    In programming tests, GPT-4 did worse; the AI struggles with code, it seems. GPT-4 was able to get 31 out of 41 correct solutions in the "easy" Leetcode test, but got just 21/80 on the medium test and only 3 correct questions on the hard test. Meanwhile,
    its Codeforces rating is a measly 392, placing it below the 5th percentile of users."

    Read more here:


    And here is the answer of ChatGPT about my answer to you above:

    "As an AI language model, I don't have personal thoughts or beliefs, but I can provide you with information on the topic you mentioned.

    The article you read about the IQ scores of GPT-4 seems to be discussing the intelligence of the AI model based on specific tests or metrics. However, it's important to note that measuring the intelligence of AI systems using traditional IQ tests can be
    limited and may not fully capture their capabilities.

    IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is traditionally associated with human intelligence and is often measured through standardized tests. It primarily focuses on cognitive abilities such as logic, reasoning, and problem-solving. While these tests can provide some
    insights into certain aspects of intelligence, they may not fully capture the abilities and limitations of AI systems like GPT-4.

    AI models like GPT-4 derive their "intelligence" from extensive training on vast amounts of data rather than genetic inheritance. They are trained to generate human-like text based on patterns and information present in the training data. Their
    performance is heavily influenced by the quality, diversity, and relevance of the training data.

    While GPT-4 may demonstrate impressive performance in certain tasks and exhibit high accuracy in specific domains, it doesn't necessarily imply that it possesses common sense or nuanced understanding. AI models like GPT-4 lack true understanding,
    consciousness, and awareness of the world. They are limited to pattern recognition and generating text based on statistical associations.

    Evaluating the "smartness" of GPT-4 or any AI model requires considering various factors, including the specific tasks it has been trained on, its limitations, and the context in which it operates. Assessing AI intelligence in real-world situations that
    require common sense and nuanced understanding is a complex challenge that current AI models are still far from achieving"

    And you can carefully read my below previous thoughts about the limitations of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 so that to understand my views:

    So here is my new thoughts on programming:

    So in programming so that to not make the system harder to understand, test, and maintain, you have to implement what you need and you have to minimize at best complexity and you should avoid the duplication of code in your application and you should
    encapsulate data and behavior in your classes and objects, and take advantage of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as inheritance, composition, and polymorphism to create modular, manageable, and organized code, and of course you have to
    minimize at best coupling and maximize at best cohesion, and you should well document code so that it be much easier to manage, maintain, and debug and you should run unit tests often, and you have to use meaningful names, and of course you should
    refactor your code regularly by improving code quality since refactoring makes the code far easier to maintain over time.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i think there is still a really important problem to solve in artificial intelligence, and it is that the language
    is only an abstraction of the real world, so when you understand the language or logically infer the patterns from the language, like is doing it GPT-4, those patterns are not the understanding of the real world, and even if we use the hybrid system of
    both Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and evolutionary algorithms, so it can take too much time to explore with evolutionary algorithms so that to discover new problem-solving strategies or algorithms or even improvements to existing algorithms, so it
    is not like intelligence of humans, so i think it is why we can say that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence and will not attain artificial superintelligence, and i invite you to read my following thoughts that talk
    about how to solve the problem by understanding consciousness and i invite you to read my following thoughts that talk about my new model that explains human consciousness:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked more carefully at GPT-4 , and i think that as i have just explained it, that it will become
    powerful, but it is limited by the data and the quality of the data on wich it has been trained, so if it encounter a new situation to be solved and the solution of it can not be inferred from the data on wich it has been trained, so it will not be
    capable of solving this new situation, so i think that my new model of what is consciousness is explaining that what is lacking is the meaning from human consciousness that permits to solve the problem, so my new model is explaining that artificial
    intelligence such as GPT-4 will not attain artificial general intelligence or AGI, but eventhough , i think that artificial intelligence such as GPT-4 will become powerful, so i think that the problematic in artificial intelligence is about the low level
    layers, so i mean look at assembler programming language, so it is a low level layer than high level programming languages, but you have to notice that the low level layer of assembler programming language can do things that the higher level layer can
    not do, so for example you can play with the stack registers and low level hardware registers and low level hardware instructions etc. and notice how the low level layer like assembler programming can teach you more about the hardware, since it is really
    near the hardware, so i think that it is what is happening in artificial intelligence such as the new GPT-4, i mean that GPT-4 is for example trained on data so that to discover patterns that make it more smart, but the problematic is that this layer of
    how it is trained on the data so that to discover patterns is a high level layer such as the high level programming language, so i think that it is missing the low level layers of what makes the meaning, like the meaning of the past and present and the
    future or the meaning of space and matter and time.. from what you can construct the bigger meaning of other bigger things, so it is why i think that artificial intelligence will not attain artificial general intelligence or AGI, so i think that what is
    lacking in artificial intelligence is what is explaining my new model of what is consciousness, so you can read all my following thoughts in the following web link so that to understand my views about it and about different other subjects:


    So I believe I have smartly covered the subject of the limitations of Large Language Models such as GPT-4, and you can read about it in my below previous thoughts, but now i think there is still a limitation that remains,
    and it is that Reinforcement learning from human feedback of GPT-4 ensures an exploration from the discovered patterns in the data on wich it has been trained, so it can with rewards enhance itself, but the rewards come from the judgments of humans that
    use for example GPT-4 , so it has the same limitation that i am talking about in my below previous thoughts , and it is that ChatGPT cannot guarantee high quality of the professionalism, knowledge, or IQ , of those that make judgments that make the
    reward in Reinforcement learning from human feedback of GPT-4, so then since there is also the same limitation in the training data as i am explaining below, so i think that you understand from it that it is one more limitation, so i invite you to read
    all my below previous interesting thoughts so that to understand the other limitations of Large Language Models such as GPT-4:

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following new video of Mark Zuckerberg's timeline for AGI, and i think that he is
    talking about collective intelligence that can become superintelligence, so there is not only superintelligence that comes from a model of artificial intelligence like i am explaining below, but there is superintelligence that can come from humans
    specializing and also using artificial intelligence like Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and interacting in a way that is smart and that creates Superintelligence, so i invite you to look at the following video of Mark Zuckerberg so that to
    understand his views:

    Mark Zuckerberg's timeline for AGI: When will it arrive? | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips


    And so that to understand my views about Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and about Superintelligence, i invite you to read my below previous thoughts:

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just posted about how Superintelligent AI may be Impossible to control, but now i will give my views
    about Superintelligent AI, so i think that the Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not attain Superintelligence, since
    the exploration process of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 is limited by the training data, so what we need is the hybrid model of both Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and evolutionary algorithms that can explore much more beyond the training
    data and that can discover or invent new algorithms etc., so then by reading my below previous thoughts you will understand that it can take time to solve this problems, so i invite you to read all my below previous thoughts about the limitations of the
    Large Language Models such as GPT-4:

    Here is an interesting article that discuss more how Superintelligent AI may be impossible to control, so i invite you to read it carefully:

    Superintelligent AI may be Impossible to control; that's the good news postcard from the 23rd century: not even possible to know if an AI is superintelligent, much less stop it

    Read more here:


    Here is my new proverb in english and french:

    "Amidst the world's urgency, patience prevails as a virtuous ally, bearing fruits of sweetness."

    "En plein tumulte du monde, la patience prévaut en tant qu'alliée vertueuse, portant des fruits de douceur."

    And you can read my other new proverbs in the following web link of my other thoughts:


    So i will ask the following question:

    Do Large Language Models such as GPT-4 are capable of understanding ?

    So i will answer yes, since they detect patterns and they record them in
    the deep learning neural network, so read my following thoughts so that to understand my views about it:

    Transformers detect patterns using attention mechanisms that assign weights to input elements based on their relevance. These patterns are recorded in deep learning by updating the model's parameters.

    Recording patterns in deep learning refers to the process of updating the model's parameters (weights and biases) during training to learn the patterns and dependencies in the input data. In transformers, the attention mechanism and the feed-forward
    networks are trained jointly using backpropagation and gradient descent optimization.

    And attention mechanisms in transformers play a crucial role in capturing relevant information by assigning weights to different elements of the input sequence. These attention weights guide the model's decision-making process by determining which parts
    of the input are most influential in generating the output or prediction.

    And when you provide an input to a trained deep learning transformer model, it processes the input through its layers, including the attention mechanisms, and produces an output or prediction.

    So GPT-4 is based on transformers , so it is a deep learning model and it is distinguished by its adoption of self-attention, and with self-attention, the network of Transformer pay “attention” to multiple sentences, enabling it to grasp "context"
    and "antecedents", so for example when you say the following sentence:

    "The animal didn't cross the street because it was too tired"

    So we can ask how the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 that uses
    Generative Pre-trained Transformer will understand that the word "it" in
    the above sentence is not the street but the animal, so i say that
    it is with the attention mechanisms of artificial intelligence and with the training with more and more data and by looking at more and more sentences in the data on wich GPT-4 has been trained, that the transformer can "detect" the pattern of the "it"
    refers to the "animal" in the above sentence, so the attention mechanisms of the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 that we call Generative Pre-trained Transformer permit to grasp "context" and "antecedents" too, it is also like logically inferring the
    patterns using the attention mechanisms from the context of the many many sentences from the data, and since the data is exponentially growing and since the artificial intelligence of GPT-4 is also generative, so i think it will permit to make the
    artificial intelligence of the transformer of GPT-4 much more powerful, so as you notice that the data is King , and the "generative" word of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer refers to the model's ability to generate text, and of course we are now
    noticing that it is making GPT-4 really useful and powerful, but you have to understand the limitations of GPT-4 by reading carefully my below thoughts, and of course the transformer of GPT-4 is also deep learning , so it is the neural network with the
    many parameters where the patterns, like of the above example of the sentence, will be recorded, and of course the training of the transformer of GPT-4 is unsupervised, and as i just said that GPT-4 will be improved much more when it will be trained on a
    substantially larger amount of data, and considering an article that DeepMind just published a few days ago demonstrating that the performance of these models can be drastically improved by scaling data more aggressively than parameters ( Read it here:
    https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.15556.pdf ), and of course you have to understand that so that to make the transformer of GPT-4 energy efficient so that to scale it correctly, you have to know how to set the number of parameters.

    And GPT-4 has a maximum token limit of 32,000 (equivalent to 25,000 words), which is a significant increase from GPT-3.5’s 4,000 tokens (equivalent to 3,125 words), and having more tokens in a large language model like GPT-4 provides several benefits,
    and here they are:

    - Increased Context: More tokens allow the model to consider a larger context when generating responses. This can lead to a better understanding of complex queries and enable more accurate and relevant responses.

    - Longer Conversations: With more tokens, the model can handle longer conversations without truncating or omitting important information. This is particularly useful when dealing with multi-turn conversations or discussions that require a deep
    understanding of the context.

    - Enhanced Coherence: Additional tokens enable the model to maintain a coherent and consistent narrative throughout a conversation. It helps avoid abrupt changes in topic or tone and allows for smoother interactions with users.

    - Improved Accuracy: Having more tokens allows the model to capture finer details and nuances in language. It can lead to more accurate and precise responses, resulting in a higher quality conversational experience.

    - Expanded Knowledge Base: By accommodating more tokens, the model can incorporate a larger knowledge base during training, which can enhance its understanding of various topics and domains. This can result in more informed and insightful responses to a
    wide range of queries.

    - Reduced Information Loss: When a model is constrained by a token limit, it may need to truncate or remove parts of the input text, leading to potential loss of information. Having more tokens minimizes the need for such truncation, helping to preserve
    the integrity of the input and generate more accurate responses.

    - Support for Richer Formatting: Increased token capacity allows for more extensive use of formatting, such as HTML tags or other markup language, to provide visually appealing and structured responses.

    It's important to note that while having more tokens can bring these benefits, it also comes with computational limitations and increased inference time. Finding a balance between token count and computational resources is crucial for practical
    deployment of language models.

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    the most important thing is that you have to know how to predict the future, so i think that the future will be hybrid systems of both evolutionary algorithms and Large Language Models such as GPT-4, so the exploration of the evolutionary algorithm will
    evaluate the objective function by for example needing to test the new solutions by experimenting , so then the Large Language Models such as GPT-4 have to enhance there weaknesses by being able of acquiring new knowledge from experience, since they lack
    on experience, so i think that the future hybrid systems of both evolutionary algorithms and Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will be powerful, since they will also be able to invent new algorithms etc., since the system of only using Large Language
    Models such as GPT-4 in AI has an important weakness of not being able to explore for new solutions as the evolutionary algorithms do it, so i think that in about a decade or so we will implement those hybrid systems of both evolutionary algorithms and
    Large Language Models such as GPT-4, so it will solve an important problem, and of course i think we need a decade or more to solve the problem of acquiring the knowledge from experience so that to solve the lack of experience of Large Language Models
    such as GPT-4, so i think what remains is how to optimize Large Language Models such as GPT-4 for good precision and good accuracy so that they be apt at solving problems that require it, so then i think that artificial intelligence will become really
    powerful. So i invite you to read all my following thoughts so that to understand my views about Large Language Models such as GPT-4:

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so
    i have just talked about the weaknesses of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 , so read about it in my below thoughts, but i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 have another important weakness and it is that they do have limitations when it
    comes to exploration of new solutions, so the better way is to use an hybrid system of AI that uses both evolutionary algorithms and Large Language Models, but it can take some time to implement it , since the exploration of evolutionary algorithms needs
    much more powerful computers, so it can take another decade or more so that to solve this problem of the Large Language Models only, and here is my thoughts about the hybrid system so that to understand my views:

    The Large Language Models such as GPT-4, while powerful in language generation and pattern recognition, do have limitations when it comes to exploration of new solutions. These models primarily operate based on patterns and correlations found in the
    training data they are exposed to. While they can generate creative and novel text, they may not have the inherent ability to explore entirely new problem-solving strategies or invent entirely new algorithms.

    The exploration of new solutions typically requires a mechanism to search and optimize a space of potential solutions. This is where techniques like evolutionary algorithms excel. Evolutionary algorithms have the capability to explore a search space,
    generate and evaluate candidate solutions, and iteratively refine them over generations. They can provide a mechanism for creative exploration and optimization that complements the language generation capabilities of large language models.

    By combining evolutionary algorithms with large language models in a hybrid approach, you can leverage the exploration power of evolutionary algorithms to discover new problem-solving strategies, algorithms, or even improvements to existing algorithms.
    The large language model can assist in evaluating and refining these solutions, leveraging its language generation capabilities to assist in the evaluation and fine-tuning process.

    In summary, while large language models are proficient in language generation, they may benefit from the complementary exploration capabilities offered by evolutionary algorithms. The hybrid approach allows for a combination of exploration and generation,
    potentially leading to the discovery of new and innovative solutions.

    So I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ,
    so i think that GPT-4 is above average on logical reasoning, so the problems that remain is that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 lack knowledge from experience and i also think, as i am explaining it below, that the quality of the training data of
    Large Language Models such as GPT-4 is no so good, so it can still take time to solve those problems (So i think we have to wait for another decade or more), so read my below thoughts so that to understand my views, and of course here is the proof that
    GPT-4 is above average on logical reasoning:

    GPT-4 Performs Better Than the Average Person on a Test of Logical Reasoning, Study Claims

    Read more here:


    So i have not answered the following question of:

    Why didn't evolutionary algorithms become as popular as deep learning ?

    So the major problem with evolutionary algorithms is that they are very slow. And this only gets worse as your problems become more complex. So it is why i am talking below about Large Language Models such as GPT-4, so i invite you to read carefully my
    below thoughts about them:

    So i have just talked about Large Language Models such as GPT-4,
    read below my thoughts about it, and here is more proof that
    GPT-4 struggles with programming tests (and it is why i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not replace a lot of programmers):

    "Perhaps most impressive were the performances of GPT-4 in professional arenas. It scored a 298 out of 400 on the Uniform Bar Exam, which is high enough to be licensed as a lawyer in every state using the UBE system. It also scored a reasonable 75% on
    the MKSAP 19 medical knowledge test, and an impressive 77% on the Advanced-level Sommelier theory exam.

    In programming tests, GPT-4 did worse; the AI struggles with code, it seems. GPT-4 was able to get 31 out of 41 correct solutions in the "easy" Leetcode test, but got just 21/80 on the medium test and only 3 correct questions on the hard test. Meanwhile,
    its Codeforces rating is a measly 392, placing it below the 5th percentile of users."

    Read more here:


    "Despite all their efforts, GPT-4 has similar limitations to earlier GPT models since it continues to have “hallucinations”, makes reasoning errors, and does not learn from experience. It is therefore always advisable to be careful not to use the
    model outputs “as is”."

    Read more here:


    So I have just asked the following questions to ChatGPT so that
    to show another weakness of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT,
    so here is my discussion with ChatGPT and i invite you to read it
    carefully and to read my below thoughts so that to understand the
    other weaknesses of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT:

    Here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    "What that means that Large Language Models such as ChatGPT don't have common sense ?"

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Large language models like ChatGPT, do not possess true common sense in the same way humans do. While these models have been trained on massive amounts of text data and can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses, they lack the inherent
    understanding and background knowledge that humans acquire through real-world experiences.

    Common sense is the ability to make reasonable assumptions, understand implicit information, and apply general knowledge about the world in everyday situations. It involves a deep understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, social norms, and context.
    While language models can generate responses based on patterns they have learned from training data, they do not have genuine experiences or an understanding of the world outside of the text they have been trained on.

    Language models like ChatGPT rely on statistical patterns in the training data to generate responses. They excel at mimicking human-like language but can also produce outputs that are plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical. They lack the ability
    to reason, think critically, or possess true understanding.

    It's important to be cautious when relying solely on language models for information or decision-making, especially when it comes to areas that require common sense or nuanced understanding. While these models can provide valuable assistance and
    information, their responses should be verified, critically analyzed, and cross-checked with reliable sources and human judgment to ensure accuracy and avoid potential pitfalls."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    "So that means that Large Language Models such as ChatGPT are not good for software development that requires common sense or nuanced understanding ?"

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "That's correct. While large language models like ChatGPT can provide assistance and generate code snippets, they may not be the best choice for software development tasks that require common sense or nuanced understanding.

    Software development often involves complex problem-solving, architectural design, and decision-making that goes beyond basic language understanding and generation. Common sense and nuanced understanding are crucial for tasks such as designing user
    interfaces, handling edge cases, and making judgment calls based on real-world context.

    Large language models like ChatGPT lack the ability to truly understand the underlying concepts and principles behind software development. They can generate code based on patterns learned from training data, but they may not possess the ability to
    reason about the specific needs of a software project or make informed decisions about architectural trade-offs, performance optimizations, or security considerations.

    For software development tasks that require common sense and nuanced understanding, it is generally recommended to rely on the expertise of experienced software engineers and architects who possess domain knowledge and have a deep understanding of the
    specific requirements and constraints of the project. While language models can provide some guidance or generate code snippets, they should be used as tools to complement human expertise rather than replacing it entirely."

    And here is my third question to ChatGPT:

    "Give me the the software development tasks that require common sense and nuanced understanding"

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Several software development tasks require common sense and nuanced understanding. Here are a few examples:

    - Architectural Design: Designing the architecture of a software system requires an understanding of the problem domain, scalability requirements, performance considerations, and trade-offs between different design patterns. It involves making decisions
    about the best way to structure the codebase and components to ensure maintainability, extensibility, and efficient resource utilization.

    - User Interface Design: Creating user-friendly and intuitive interfaces involves considering user experience, usability principles, accessibility, and visual design. It requires an understanding of how users interact with software, anticipating their
    needs, and making design decisions that align with common usage patterns.

    [continued in next message]

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