• MORE Lies About "AI" Threat - All Are Sci-Fi ...But The REAL Threat Is

    From 24D.245@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 16 01:15:07 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture, alt.politics
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    “The issue with AI is not that the robots are going to kill
    us all, it’s that people are going to use AI in ways that
    are dangerous,” Bremmer said Thursday on “CUOMO.”

    In the interview, recorded in the player above, Bremmer
    talks about the risks of AI and what can be done to
    mitigate them.

    . . .

    They're all still LYING.

    It's not "Terminators", it's not "Disinfo" - it's
    JOBS - millions upon millions of JOBS that "AI"
    is gonna disappear REAL SOON. There will be no
    place for the "obsolete" people - a large and
    growing permanent 'welfare' class with No Future.

    But They - from Musk on down - won't TELL you that.

    Shit, McDonalds is ready to turn all their places
    into giant AI-run vending machines. IBM has basically
    stopped hiring humans ..... it gets worse.

    THIS is the very imminent threat - making humans, LOTS
    of humans, obsolete. No money. No control of their lives.
    A daily existence in the line for Soylent products ...

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