• UK - Windmill Power WASTED - Power Bills to RISE

    From 24D.245@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 14 22:32:41 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.uk, soc.culture.uk
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    Energy bills will rise £200 a year within a decade to pay
    for wasted wind power as new turbines in Scotland are paid
    to switch off, according to new forecasts.

    Poor electricity grid infrastructure means energy created
    by turbines in Scotland cannot reach homes in England on
    very windy days.

    . . .

    But ... but ... I thought "renewable" was supposed
    to be much CHEAPER ! They SAID so !!!

    Thing is, you have to be able to effectively/affordably
    STORE 'excess' power. The UK does not have the means.
    It's actually rather difficult - well, expensive as
    hell at the very least.

    Elon Musk sells GIGANTIC lithium battery packs for
    the purpose - but at a gigantic pricetag. Also
    the batteries have a limited lifetime AND all the
    safety issues we expect from lithiums. His main
    customer has been Australia - where they park
    the things WAY out-back.

    Sure, other options have been explored. Giant
    flywheels, pumping water uphill, but there's
    always problems so we don't see these fixes.
    IF more efficient catalysts for converting
    water to hydrogen can be found (things ARE
    improving there) maybe that's how you do it -
    but again you've gotta park such facilities
    FAR away from anybody and there's a lot of
    up-front costs.

    The UK went whole-hawg into windmills quite a
    while back - all that North Sea wind seemed
    perfect. I think most of the things are made
    in Denmark though, not the UK. BUT, as now
    apparent, they SKIPPED the whole storage part
    of the equation. Now they pay maint costs,
    but miss much of the power potential.

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