• Jury from USA public will not rule Trump as guilty

    From Lazarus Cain@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 13 07:50:15 2023
    Prosecution of course fears acquittal by the jury because of the high probability of a jury nullification concerning the Trumped up charges and the resultant acquittal.
    Even if convicted by the jury, the US public can make the conviction an irrelevant issue and reelect Trump anyway.

    And what about Biden's war which Trump was avoiding?

    Yes, it is all there in public view.

    Is the bribery charge between Zelensky's government and the Bidens relevant?

    Only if a Ukrainian war is relevant.

    Well . . . Duhhhh! . . . I guess no one notices the war.

    The US voter is not willing to pay extra to secure a not so democratic Ukraine

    Technically, it was not bribery. It was payment for service already done. Biden and Hillary had supervised, armed and help fund those who overthrew the Moscow friendly Ukrainian government.

    Burisma is suspected to have CIA operatives . Why?

    "Ukraine is on the brink of civil war, Vladimir Putin has said, and he should know because the country is already in the midst of a covert intelligence war. Over the weekend, CIA director John Brennan travelled to Kiev, nobody knows exactly why, but some
    speculate that he intends to open US intelligence resources to Ukrainian leaders about real-time Russian military maneuvers. The US has, thus far, refrained from sharing such knowledge because Moscow is believed to have penetrated much of Ukraine’s
    communications systems – and Washington isn’t about to hand over its surveillance secrets to the Russians."

    So the big guy used Hunter Biden and Burisma to manage US intelligence resources to Ukrainian leaders, aand Zelensky.

    Trump interrupted this operation, but Joe Biden renewed the operation with a vengeance against Russia

    Now all that it TOP SECCRET, but easily seen as true.

    So it is indeed Joe Biden's war, but I suppose that is a matter of opinion to be voted on.

    Do we expect a jury to acquit Trump via the right to exercise jury nullification concerning certain indictments?

    I suppose so.

    The same reality causes Trump to get reelected as the US public reelects to allow another four years of a Biden administration while ignoring any convictions of Trump that have been managed.

    The press simply gives Trump the attention he wants while criticizing him. Trump supporters simply dig in all the more.

    I would say the Democrats have managed to grab defeat from the jaws of victory

    Woe to the USA!

    Another four years of Trump after a disastrous four years under Biden. I guess the inflation and the war have nothing to do with Biden?

    Would not the situation concening the war and inflatin be changed once Trump changes the direction and funding of Biden's war?
    This simple truth has Biden'd supporters in the CIA shtting in their pants, does it not?

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