• Blood On Satan's Claw (1971)

    From 24D.225@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jun 13 02:28:26 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture



    Funky things show up on late-nite TV :-)

    Basically this movie was an excuse to
    show lots of nekked teen girls getting
    raped by Satanic minions and demons and
    stabbed to death.

    BUT ... as 'B' as it was ... not TERRIBLE.

    The best girl was "Angel" - the prime
    evil. Priest-seducer/persecutor and
    deceiver and #1 Satanic minion. Blonde
    and blue - with black pubic hair. Not
    very likely in the 1600s :-)

    Don't forget the "Devil's skin" appearing
    on many a supple teen thigh ... in one case
    rudely cut off by whatever passed for a
    "surgeon" in the Bad Olde Days.

    Oh well, Holy-ness eventually triumphs ...
    1971 was a tad before the "Bad Guy Wins"
    movie theme.

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