• Re: Gavin Newsom Tries to Impose California's Extremism on 21 States

    From 24D.225@21:1/5 to Flush him Dano on Tue Jun 13 00:04:28 2023
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.republicans, talk.politics.misc

    On 6/11/23 5:20 PM, Flush him Dano wrote:
    Kurt Nicklas <namblamember@gop.org> wrote in news:slufs5$b7a$188@news.dns-netz.com:

    Rudy Canoza wrote

    Cut Newsom's dick off at the neck, then do the same thing to Nancy

    Here comes Gavin Newsom: Once again, California is trying to bully other states.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom announced back in early March that California would
    not renew a $54 million contract with Walgreens.

    Walgreens’ crime? The drug store chain had said it would not stock
    abortion pills in 21 states,

    Newsom is the Big Brother of the west.

    Anyway, Walgreens should join all the OTHER big
    companies DUMPING California entirely. Not worth
    the effort anymore.

    Let Joe Citizen buy his drugs from the street dealers
    from now on - like all the govt-favored people do.

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