• Very Interesting - Homo Naledi MARKED Burial Sites in S.African Cave Wi

    From 24D.224@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jun 7 00:48:02 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.science, alt.politics
    XPost: soc.culture


    World's oldest burial site challenges human evolution:
    Scientists discover small-brained primitive species that
    lived more than 200,000 years ago marked their dead
    with symbols

    The remains belong to an extinct human species known as
    Homo naledi

    Scientists found the remains were buried and the dead
    marked with symbols

    . . .

    This burial cave was discovered not so long ago.
    Many bones - but now closer examination shows
    that the bones weren't just dumped in there, but
    "sanctified" as well.

    Naledi had a brain roughly the size of an orange,
    yet we see very "human" aspects here. Maybe they
    got more bang for the brain cell than we ???

    Larger is good, but efficiency counts too. Some
    birds like parrots with brains the size of a small
    grape can demonstrate considerable intelligence.
    Their dino-derived brains are very efficient.
    Scale it up to our body mass and they'd have
    IQs of around 300.

    What did the Naledi grave markings MEAN ? We may
    never know. However is is now clear that they
    were intentional, some kind of 'epitaph'. That
    takes a certain depth of thought.

    We may be short-changing the ancestors. Hablis,
    Erectus, the Neanderthals ... more "a different
    kind of human" than "non-human". Even "Lucy" ...
    what was going through her head ? Not a "monkey".
    SOME mutation(s) very early on did a big job
    on our family tree - amplifying 'consciousness'

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