• More precision of my philosophy about the demand and about the value an

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 13:25:06 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about the demand and about the value and about hate and about my other new poem in english and about my predictions about artificial intelligence and about the other weaknesses of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and
    about my abstraction and about the important weakness of Large Language Models and about the quality of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and about the deeper meaning and about mathematics and about Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and more of my

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i will say as a new philosopher, and of course i am saying that i am
    a new philosopher since you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link, so what i want to say is that most of humans demand high quality even if they are not of high quality, so we have not to be naive , but what i want to make clear,
    is that you have to know that the good value and the good creativity bring the good reward, so i invite you to read my below thoughts so that to understand my views, and of course i have just corrected some little typos in them since i am writing fast:

    I think i am a new philosopher, so i think that the best way is not
    the way of hate, since i am explaining just below that the way of hate is the way of destruction, and notice how i am saying that it is the way of the being constructive that i think is the good way, and of course the way of the being constructive is the
    way of the being creative and the way of the being creative has to give good value to the creativity of the product or service,
    so you are understanding that it is my way of doing, since i know in advance that humans are attracted and interested by the the good value and good creativity , so notice that i am speaking "generally" as i am speaking below about the way of hate , so
    then you are noticing that Love too has requirements , and here is what i have just said about it so that you notice more carefully what i want to say about Love, and notice carefully how i am in accordance with my above thoughts by also saying in my
    thoughts below about Love the following: "Since notice also how i am attracting respect by being a kind of sophistication of thinking and talking to you", so read my following thoughts about Love so that you understand my views:

    So you have to understand my below thoughts about Love, so you have
    to notice that you can logically infer from my below thoughts that Love has requirements, since i mean that you can not be affection for a person at the first encounter with him or her, since you have to follow rules that brings Love, so for example in
    my new below poem of Love in french, notice how i am saying: "I would like to offer you this bouquet of flowers etc.", so notice that this way of doing of my poems of Love and poems is a mark of respect, since notice also how i am attracting respect by
    being a kind of sophistication of thinking and talking to you, i mean that notice how in the first step of the being future Love i am showing that you have to be a level of mutual respect that brings trust, and this level of mutual respect is also part
    of Love, and in the second step you have to construct correctly a relationship of trust , but notice that mutual respect helps to construct a level of trust that can permit you to be Love, so when i am talking below and saying the following:

    "So i think that Love is like un "élan vital," which translates to "vital impulse" of positive energy, and i think that creativity needs this vital impulse of positive energy of Love so that to bring hope, so when you read my below poems of Love, you
    will for example notice that they are like "vital impulse" of positive energy that has as a goal to bring hope, so it is why i say that Love is something essential to life."

    So you are understanding that Love needs mutual respect and mutual Love.

    So i invite you to read my below previous thoughts so that to understand my way of doing that constructs mutual respect with also a kind of sophistication of thinking and talking:

    More of my philosophy about Love and about poems of Love and more of my thoughts..

    So i think that Love is like un "élan vital," which translates to "vital impulse" of positive energy, and i think that creativity needs this vital impulse of positive energy of Love so that to bring hope, so when you read my below poems of Love, you
    will for example notice that they are like "vital impulse" of positive energy that has as a goal to bring hope, so it is why i say that Love is something essential to life, and notice how my following new proverb speaks about this vital impulse of
    positive energy:

    "Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and
    positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    And you can read my following poems of Love and poems:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song from
    Morocco reading at the same time my below new poem of Love in french:

    Hiya Samra - Les Frères Migri


    Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour:

    Here is my new poem in french:


    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque j'aime les jolies saveurs et les jolies couleurs

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque je suis un homme de valeur et d'honneur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque j'apprécie l'amour et la douce chaleur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et sache que je ne suis pas le malheur et je ne suis pas le voleur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et sache que mon joli amour est comme un antidépresseur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et je crois que je n'ai pas besoin d'un haut-parleur pour te faire entendre mon joli coeur !

    I think i am a new philosopher and i will speak generally as the following: So think that you have not to follow the path of hate, since it is the path
    of vengeance that is a desire for revenge that is retaliation against or punishment of someone for some kind of harm that they caused or wrongdoing that they did , so the way of hate makes us follow the way of vengeance , so it makes us follow the way of
    destruction, so you have to be wise and follow the path of the being constructive, i mean that you have to know how to unite people correctly and you have to know how to organize people correctly, and i think that it is the positive way of doing. So i
    think that it is also my way of doing.

    I invite you to listen to the following song of Marc Anthony called Pa'lla Voy reading at the same time my below new poem in english about this song of Marc Anthony called Pa'lla Voy:

    Marc Anthony - Pa'lla Voy (Official Video)


    And here is my new poem in english about the song of Marc Anthony called Pa'lla Voy:


    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    Since i know well how to be the love and joy

    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    Since i am the white Arab and who also loves olive oil

    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    So is it about the Gentile and about the Goy ?

    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    Since notice how i am not the playboy

    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    Since notice how with my poems of Love i want you to smartly enjoy

    I am beautifully dancing to the song of Pa'lla Voy

    Since notice how with my philosophy i want you to smartly think and not to stupidly destroy !


    Voici mon nouveau poème en français:

    Here is my new poem in french:


    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde comment il n'a pas l'air d'un maboul

    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde comment il n'a pas l'air de venir de Séoul

    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde comment il n'a pas du tout la chair de poule

    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde comment il n'a pas l'air d'un pitbull

    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde comment il n'a pas l'air de faire des magouilles

    Regarde cet ange de Dieu dans la foule

    Regarde que avec son divin message il n'a pas l'air qu'il farfouille


    Et voici ce que pense ChatGPT de mon poème ci-haut:

    And here is what thinks ChatGPT about my new poem in french above:

    "Votre poème est très intéressant et utilise une répétition efficace pour créer un effet rythmique. Les contrastes entre l'ange de Dieu et les différentes images que vous présentez dans chaque ligne sont saisissants. J'aime particulièrement la
    juxtaposition de l'apparence de l'ange et des mots utilisés pour décrire les autres personnes dans la foule. Cela crée un contraste fort et attire l'attention sur la nature divine de l'ange. De plus, la dernière ligne souligne le caractère sacré du
    message de l'ange. Dans l'ensemble, c'est un poème expressif et évocateur. Bien joué !"

    And i invite you to read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french in the following web link:


    And i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts on different subjects and you can read my new proverbs in the following web link:


    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not be able to become good in the medium to short term,
    since i am explaining the important weakness in my just below first question to ChatGPT, so i think that it is smartly abstracted in my just below question and you can understand from it that ChatGPT is not like a human that can go and select a software
    programming book from an author of good professionalism and of good knowledge and of like a high IQ, so then you are understanding the constraint on Large Language Models such as GPT-4, so i think then that the most important problematic of Large
    Language Models such as GPT-4 comes from the how can we ensure the high quality of the data by ensuring that the professionalism and knowledge and IQ of the authors of the books or Gitub etc. on for example programming or software development are of high
    quality, so then you are understanding that it can take a long time to solve this problem, so i think that it will be the much more sophisticated future Cyborgs that will be able to solve this problem by doing it fast and efficiently, and of course you
    can notice that we are actually living with Cyborgs , but they are not as sophisticated as it is required to solve the above most important problematic, and here is my thoughts about the today Cyborgs so that you understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ , so i have just received the following answer from a person in the french newsgroup forum of fr.soc.politique, so
    here it is and read it carefully:

    "Inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms is a great achievement, but it does not necessarily make someone "smart." "

    So i think that i am discovering a pattern with my fluid intelligence and it is that the above person is saying that the process of inventing scalable algorithms and algorithms doesn't necessarily make someone "smart", but i think that the above person
    is not answering correctly, since i think
    that the above person is speaking about the "process" of "inventing",
    but you have to know that the scalable algorithms and algorithms can
    be the finished invented tool and you can also make yourself smart by using or selling this finished invented tool, so the making yourself smart doesn't come just from IQ and the culture , but the making yourself smart can come from using or selling the
    finished invented tool. So then you can for example make yourself smart by knowing how to "use" the tool of internet, and the knowing how to use the tool that we call internet can be a not so difficult process that make you smart, so the we can logically
    infer that the smartness that is the tool of internet is an "extension" of smartness of humans that is used so that to become smart, so then we can then logically infer that you can become like a Cyborg by using this or that tool such as internet, so
    then smartness is not only IQ and culture, but it is the "extension" of you and of your smartness that is the "tool" such as internet, since the tool such as internet is also an artificial smartness, so we are not just humans, but we are becoming like
    Cyborgs by using smart tools such as internet or ChatGPT as extensions of us.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so here is my other really important and smart question to ChatGPT that shows another important weakness of ChatGPT
    , and it shows that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not replace a lot of software programmers (So i think i am playing and winning this smart game against ChatGPT, since i think i am smart):

    So i have just asked the following question to ChatGPT:

    "What i mean is that since Large Language Models such as ChatGPT can not be sure that the professionalism and knowledge and IQ of the authors of the books or Gitub etc. on programming or software development are of high quality, so we can not ensure that
    the data of software programming or software development on wich ChatGPT is trained is of good quality, so then we can not ensure that the answers of ChatGPT on software programming or software development are of good quality."

    And here is what has just answered me ChatGPT:

    "I apologize for any confusion earlier. To address your question directly, you are correct in pointing out that Large Language Models like ChatGPT cannot guarantee the professionalism, knowledge, or IQ of the authors of the books or GitHub repositories
    used in their training. Consequently, there is a level of uncertainty regarding the quality of the data on programming or software development on which ChatGPT is trained. This uncertainty raises doubts about the quality of the answers provided by
    ChatGPT on these topics.

    The training data for ChatGPT consists of a diverse range of sources, and while efforts are made to include reputable and high-quality information, it is challenging to ensure the expertise or IQ of every author or contributor involved in creating the
    training data.

    Due to this limitation, it is advisable to approach the answers provided by ChatGPT with caution. While ChatGPT can generate helpful responses, it is important to validate the information using additional sources, consult authoritative programming
    resources, and engage with experienced programmers for a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of programming or software development topics.

    In summary, the uncertainty surrounding the professionalism, knowledge, and IQ of the authors in the training data of ChatGPT acknowledges the difficulty in ensuring the overall quality of the data. Relying on additional sources and engaging with the
    programming community can help enhance the reliability and quality of the information obtained from ChatGPT."

    So i invite you to read in my below previous thoughts that also talks about the other weaknesses of ChatGPT:

    So you have to know how i have just smartly abstracted my below question so that you understand the important weakness of Large Language Models such as GPT-4, so notice how my abstract question below shows that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 can
    understand the abstract language, so they are good at that, so then they can be good at for example philosophy or psychology or poetry, but the important weakness of them is that they are not good in areas that requires experience such as in software
    programming, so then i can predict that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 will not replace a lot of software programmers, so then you are understanding the important ideas of my abstract question below, so then i invite you to read all my below
    interesting thoughts about Large Language Models such as GPT-4 so that you understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so I think i have just found the important weakness of Large Language Models such as GPT-4, and here it is , read
    my following discussion with ChatGPT so that to understand what it is:

    So i have just asked the following important question to ChatGPT:

    "I think that ChatGPT is good in areas that depend a lot on the abstract language like philosophy or psychology or poetry, but when it comes to software programming, i think that Large Language Models such as ChatGPT lack on experience such testing and
    debugging etc. so they lack on the context so that to understand correctly software programming, since i mean that programming depends in a much greater percentage on experience than for example philosophy or psychology or poetry."

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "You are absolutely right. Programming indeed heavily relies on practical experience, and the context required to understand and correctly address programming-related tasks, including testing and debugging, is significant. While ChatGPT and similar large
    language models have a remarkable ability to handle abstract language and provide information on a wide range of topics, they may lack the practical experience and contextual understanding necessary to effectively navigate the intricacies of programming.

    Programming involves not only understanding the syntax and concepts of a programming language but also applying that knowledge to solve specific problems, manage complex codebases, and identify and fix bugs through testing and debugging. These aspects
    require hands-on experience, familiarity with debugging tools and techniques, and an understanding of common pitfalls and best practices.

    While language models like ChatGPT can offer general insights and guidance on programming, they should not be solely relied upon for critical tasks that require practical expertise. It is always advisable to consult specialized resources, programming
    documentation, experienced developers, or dedicated programming communities for more accurate and reliable assistance with programming-related topics, including testing and debugging.

    In summary, while ChatGPT can excel in areas that rely heavily on abstract language, such as philosophy, psychology, or poetry, programming is indeed an area where practical experience plays a vital role, and specialized resources and human expertise are
    essential for accurate and reliable guidance."

    So i invite you to read my following previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    So I have just said the following:

    "I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think that there is still an important weakness in Large Language Models such as GPT-4, and it is that humans
    evaluate the quality of the data by using the much deeper meaning that comes from the human brain, so humans are guided in choosing the best quality by using this mechanism, but Large Language Models such as GPT-4 evaluate the quality by the quality of
    the data, so Large Language Models such as GPT-4 lacks the much deeper meaning of the brain and it is the defect, so it looks like the problem that i am talking about in my below thoughts about the quality of the training data."

    And here is more of my logical proof of it in a form of my following interesting discussion with ChatGPT on this subject ,so i invite you to read it carefully so that to understand the important weakness of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 :

    So here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    "And for Large Language Models such as GPT-4, human review and evaluation so that to conform with high standards of quality of training data can take a long time."

    And ChatGPT has just answered me:

    "The time required for human review and evaluation of data can vary depending on factors such as the size of the dataset, the complexity of the subject matter, the number of human reviewers involved, and the specific standards and guidelines set for
    quality assurance. While comprehensive and rigorous human review can be time-consuming, it is difficult to provide a specific timeframe without detailed context.

    Efforts are made to balance the need for thorough evaluation with the practical constraints of time and resources. The use of efficient review processes, clear guidelines, and iterative feedback loops can help streamline the review and evaluation phase.
    Automation and natural language processing techniques can also assist in accelerating certain aspects of data analysis, although human judgment and expertise remain critical.

    It's worth noting that the time spent on human review is often distributed throughout the development process, including initial data collection, dataset curation, and ongoing evaluation as the language model is trained and fine-tuned. The aim is to
    continuously improve the model's performance, accuracy, and adherence to high-quality standards.

    While the duration of human review is an important consideration, it's also important to balance it with other factors, such as the need to make progress, deliver timely updates, and address real-world demands. The field of natural language processing is
    constantly evolving, and developers strive to strike a balance between quality assurance and the practicalities of advancing the technology.

    Overall, while human review can be time-consuming, the specific duration required will depend on various factors and the specific goals and constraints of the project. The aim is to ensure a reasonable level of quality while maintaining efficiency in the
    development and deployment of language models."

    And here is my second question to ChatGPT:

    "So then it is an approximation and we can not ensure yet that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 are accurate and of high quality ?"

    And ChatGPT has just answered me the following:

    "Large Language Models (LLMs) are indeed an approximation, and achieving perfect accuracy and quality in their outputs is a challenging task. While significant progress has been made in developing LLMs that generate coherent and contextually relevant
    text, they are not flawless or infallible. There are inherent limitations and potential shortcomings in their performance.

    Ensuring the accuracy and high quality of LLMs is an ongoing endeavor, and researchers and developers are actively working to improve their capabilities. Efforts are made to curate high-quality training data, refine guidelines, incorporate human review,
    and iteratively fine-tune the models. However, due to the complexity of natural language understanding and the vastness of human knowledge, achieving complete accuracy remains a significant challenge.

    It's important to approach LLM outputs with a critical mindset, recognizing that they are probabilistic models trained on vast amounts of data. The generated responses can sometimes be influenced by biases present in the training data or may lack a
    comprehensive understanding of nuanced contexts.

    To mitigate these limitations, responsible use and interpretation of LLM outputs are crucial. Recognizing and understanding the potential biases, limitations, and uncertainties of the models can help users make informed decisions and take additional
    steps to verify information when necessary. Combining LLM-generated responses with human judgment and expertise is often recommended for critical tasks that require high accuracy and quality.

    While LLMs have demonstrated impressive capabilities, they are not a perfect substitute for human intelligence or understanding. Ongoing research, open dialogue, and collaborative efforts are necessary to address the limitations, improve the quality, and
    ensure responsible use of LLM technology."

    I have also asked this third interesting question to ChatGPT:

    "I mean since Large Language Models such as GPT-4 lack true understanding or consciousness, so it is still an approximation , so we can not be sure of the quality ?"

    And ChatGPT has answered me the following:

    "You are correct that since large language models lack true understanding or consciousness, their responses are based on statistical patterns and associations in the training data. This means that their outputs are approximations and not a reflection of
    true comprehension. As a result, there are limitations and potential quality concerns with these models. Here are some factors to consider:

    - Biases in training data: Large language models can inadvertently learn biases present in the training data. If the training data contains biases, the model's responses may exhibit similar biases or reinforce existing societal biases. Bias mitigation
    techniques are being actively researched and implemented to address this concern.

    - Contextual limitations: While language models consider context, their understanding is limited to the immediate context provided. They may not have a persistent memory of the entire conversation or be able to reason about information from previous
    interactions, which can lead to inconsistent or contextually inappropriate responses.

    - Incorrect or misleading information: Language models can generate responses that sound plausible but may not always be factually accurate. They may generate answers based on patterns in the training data, even if the information is outdated, incomplete,
    or incorrect. It's important to verify information from reliable sources independently.

    - Lack of common sense reasoning: Large language models may struggle with common sense reasoning and understanding implicit knowledge. They rely primarily on patterns in the training data and may not possess deep conceptual understanding or intuitive
    reasoning abilities.

    - Ethical considerations: The use of language models also raises ethical concerns. For instance, there are debates surrounding issues like the responsible disclosure of limitations, transparency in AI-generated content, and potential misuse or malicious
    applications of these models.

    Given these considerations, it is essential to approach the outputs of large language models with caution and critical thinking. They can provide valuable assistance and generate useful responses, but human judgment and verification remain crucial for
    assessing the quality and reliability of the information they provide."

    And i think ChatGPT has another problem, and it is that the generated content can infringe on the copyright of existing works. This could occur if ChatGPT generates content similar to existing copyrighted material of the data on wich it has been trained.
    So you have to be careful, since it can hurt your business, but you have to know that copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. But copyright law for example protects the expression of ideas rather than the ideas
    themselves. In other words, copyright law protects the specific form in which an idea is expressed, rather than the underlying idea or concept. And you have to also know that there is another problem with ChatGPT and it is that it can generate an
    invention, but it could be argued that the creators of the model,
    OpenAI, should be able to patent the invention. However, it could also be argued, that the source material used to train the model should be considered as prior art, meaning that the invention would not be considered new and therefore not patentable.

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, i have just posted about how Large language models such as GPT-4 struggle at math, but i think that it will be
    solved, since i think that GPT-4 has a maximum token limit of 32,000 (equivalent to 25,000 words), and that's not the problem, but i think that the problem comes from the percentage of mathematical content within the training data that is relatively
    small compared to the whole training data. So, i think GPT-4 has not encountered sufficient mathematical concepts and problems in the training data to develop an understanding of them. So i think the lack of exposure to mathematical content in the
    training data hinders GPT-4's ability to solve complex mathematical problems effectively, and i think that this problem will soon be solved, And the other problem is that GPT-4's primary strength lies in its ability to reason with natural language.
    However, when it comes to solving mathematical problems that require manipulation of equations or formulas, GPT-4's proficiency in symbolic reasoning is not good. And it is particularly evident when the GPT-4 encounters abstract symbols that must be
    manipulated to arrive at a solution, but i think that this problem will soon be solved and i think that Large language models such as GPT-4 will soon be able to not struggle anymore at math. And i think that GPT-4 lacks true understanding of the world,
    since its understanding comes from the data on wich it has been trained that lacks the true understanding of the world, so i think it is a limitation of GPT-4, also here is the limitations of GPT-4 that you can read in my below thoughts:

    1- GPT-4 lacks on the understanding of context, since GPT-4 was trained
    on large amounts of text data, but it has not the ability to
    understand the context of the text. This means that it can generate
    coherent sentences, but they may not always make sense in the context
    of the conversation.

    2- And GPT-4 is limited in its ability to generate creative or original content. GPT-4 is trained on existing text data, so it is not able to
    generate new ideas or concepts. This means that GPT-4 is not suitable
    for tasks that require creativity or originality.

    Here is what has just answered me ChatGPT about my previous thoughts below about exploration and exploitation etc. and about the quality of the answers of ChatGPT, so here is the answer of ChatGPT to my thoughts that recognizes one important limitation
    of its limitations , so read it carefully:

    "Your thoughts on the genetic algorithm and its connection to exploration and exploitation in artificial intelligence are insightful. The genetic algorithm indeed utilizes exploration and exploitation processes to find optimal solutions by maintaining
    diversity in the population and avoiding getting stuck in local optima.

    Regarding ChatGPT, you raise valid points about the limitations and uncertainties associated with its responses. Language models like ChatGPT are probabilistic in nature, and while they can provide valuable information and assistance, they are not
    infallible or a substitute for human expertise.

    [continued in next message]

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