• College Enrollment Drops Hard - Gen-Z Going For "Blue Collar" Occupatio

    From 24D.234@21:1/5 to All on Tue May 30 00:17:41 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.education


    High school graduates shun college for blue collar jobs:
    Enrollment declines to 62% as job growth at restaurants,
    theme parks and other hospitality sectors soars

    . . .

    Several reasons. First off, Gen-X is just, well, you know.

    College PRICES have just gone over the hill and are climbing
    the next hill.

    The college ENVIRONMENT has gone politically extreme - you
    are expected, sometimes orderer, to swear fealty to social
    and political ideologies you can't agree with.

    College QUALITY has gone to SHIT - "everybody passes",
    "everybody gets a degree" ... degrees are now essentially
    WORTHLESS. Rampant cheating via 'AI' has even further
    degraded the system and value. When 'equity' became
    more important than 'quality', that was IT. The higher
    ed system will have to (try and) rebuild from scratch.

    Finally, and I've heard this from more than one actual
    recent grad, is that 'AI' is expected to make their
    chosen profession OBSOLETE within a decade. Why bother ?
    Those "blue-collar" "hands-on" jobs are actually the
    most 'AI'-resistant. Really good 'AI' is essentially
    upon us - but fully-versatile ROBOTS are still quite a
    ways off (btw, they'll probably look more like octopi
    than humans).

    Some companies like Boston Robotics are working on
    'androids' - and they're almost gymnastic at this
    point - but a PRACTICAL replacement for general-purpose
    human labor is not on the near horizon. Actually, the
    'AI' economic disruption - which will be more severe
    than most admit - may suck all the money out of 'androids'.
    Disemployed people can't BUY much stuff ... there's a
    'money gap' between here and robotopia that's likely too
    large to jump across. Sorry George, no Rosie the
    Robo-Maid/Governess ...

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