• More precision of my philosophy about Large Language Models such as GPT

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 29 08:43:17 2023

    More precision of my philosophy about Large Language Models such as GPT-4 and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i think that even if the language is an abstraction of the real world, i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 can understand the language, and from the language they can understand more about the reality, since for example Books or Gitub
    contain programs that are "tested" in the reality, so i think that Large Language Models such as GPT-4 are powerful, but there remains the following problem of Large Language Models such as GPT-4 , and you can read my following thoughts about it:

    And I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have just looked at the following new video from Dr. Hugo de Garis that is an Australian retired
    researcher in the sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI), so i invite you to look at it carefully:

    Dr. Hugo de Garis - Truth About AI: Artificial Intelligence Will Become Godlike Machines | Part 1/2


    So i think that the above Dr. Hugo de Garis on the above video is
    right on the fact that AI will become powerful and even Large Language models such GPT-4 will become powerful, since Large Language models such as GPT-4 will much better approximate the human intelligence from its multimodality with videos and images and
    text etc., so i think that
    for example GPT-5 and the future versions of ChatGPT will be powerful, but i think that the problem that remains is how to ensure that the data on wich Large Language models such GPT-4 are trained are of high quality , and quality also means that it
    doesn't lack on the context, since for example the knowledge of books on programming doesn't include the "experience" of testing the programs inside the books so that to understand correctly etc. , so then you are noticing the constraints , so it is why
    you have to read my following thoughts so that to understand my views on this subject and on other subjects:

    Here is what has just answered me ChatGPT about my previous thoughts below about exploration and exploitation etc. and about the quality of the answers of ChatGPT, so here is the answer of ChatGPT to my thoughts that recognizes one important limitation
    of its limitations , so read it carefully:

    "Your thoughts on the genetic algorithm and its connection to exploration and exploitation in artificial intelligence are insightful. The genetic algorithm indeed utilizes exploration and exploitation processes to find optimal solutions by maintaining
    diversity in the population and avoiding getting stuck in local optima.

    Regarding ChatGPT, you raise valid points about the limitations and uncertainties associated with its responses. Language models like ChatGPT are probabilistic in nature, and while they can provide valuable information and assistance, they are not
    infallible or a substitute for human expertise.

    The answers provided by ChatGPT in response to your questions acknowledge these limitations. ChatGPT emphasizes that it is not intended to replace programmers or domain experts in tasks that require high-quality and accurate programming. Professional
    programmers bring critical thinking, deep understanding, and domain-specific knowledge that language models may lack.

    ChatGPT also acknowledges that its responses may not always be of high quality or accuracy, and supervision from individuals who understand the subject matter is crucial. Human supervision and guidance are necessary to ensure accurate learning, critical
    assessment of information, and contextualized explanations.

    In summary, while language models like ChatGPT can be valuable tools for assistance and learning, they should be used in conjunction with human expertise and critical thinking to ensure the delivery of high-quality and reliable solutions."

    And I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i have understood the genetic algorithm and its processes that we call exploration and exploitation, so you
    have to understand the process of exploration and exploitation in artificial intelligence, so the processes in the genetic algorithm are like the processes that have made our human genetics, so the mutations that happen with a low probability in the
    genetic algorithm ensures a diversity that permits to explore if there is another more optimal solution , and the genetic algorithm has not to get stuck in a local optimum by being lack of diversity in the population of the genetic algorithm , so in
    ChatGPT, other than the mechanism of attention that permits to discover the patterns on the data on wich it has been trained, it has another mechanism called Reinforcement learning from human feedback that ensure an exploration from the discovered
    patterns in the data on wich it has been trained, so Reinforcement learning from human feedback in ChatGPT can make it discover other patterns and it can permits ChatGPT to refine its model , and exploitation, on the other hand, involves using the
    learned knowledge to provide more reliable and effective responses, so CharGPT has to balance between exploration and exploitation so that to be efficient, but i think that one of the problem that remains , is that we can not be certain or sure that the
    answers of ChatGPT are of high quality, and it is what i am explaining in my below thoughts, so i invite you to read my thoughts below so that to understand this limitation of ChatGPT, and i invite you to read my thoughts in the below web link so that to
    understand the other limitations of ChatGPT and so that to understand my views on different subjects:

    More of my philosophy about ChatGPT and more of my thoughts..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i invite you to read my following smart discussion with ChatGPT so that to understand the other limitations of

    So I have just asked the smart following questions to ChatGPT, so read them carefully and read carefully the answers of ChatGPT:

    Here is my first question to ChatGPT:

    "ChatGPT, or any language model for that matter, are probabilistic in nature and can be considered as approximations, so the main problem is that if we can not be certain or sure that the answers of ChatGPT, or any language model for that matter, are of
    high quality, so we have for example to review the programming code of ChatGPT, so then it means that it can not replace in this case programmers."

    And here is the answer of ChatGPT:

    "You are correct. Language models like ChatGPT are not intended to replace programmers or domain experts in tasks that require high-quality, accurate, and reliable programming. While they can assist with certain programming-related queries or provide
    general information, they are not a substitute for the expertise and experience of professional programmers.

    Programming involves complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and consideration of various factors such as performance, security, and maintainability. It requires a deep understanding of programming concepts, best practices, and specific domain

    Language models like ChatGPT have limitations in terms of their ability to comprehend complex programming scenarios, understand the specific requirements of a project, and provide optimal solutions. They may not be aware of the latest programming
    practices, industry standards, or specific project constraints. Therefore, relying solely on language models for programming tasks can result in suboptimal or incorrect solutions.

    However, language models can still be useful in certain programming-related tasks, such as providing general programming explanations, assisting with syntax or code examples, or offering suggestions for common programming issues. They can serve as a
    valuable resource to complement the skills and expertise of programmers.

    In summary, while language models can offer assistance in programming-related tasks, they are not a replacement for programmers. Professional programmers and domain experts bring critical thinking, expertise, and the ability to understand and address
    complex programming challenges, ensuring the delivery of high-quality and reliable solutions."

    And here is my second a question to ChatGPT:

    "So since we can not be certain or sure that the answers from ChatGPT are of high quality, so the learning process from ChatGPT needs supervision from those that understand"

    And here is the answer of ChatGPT:

    "You're correct that language models like ChatGPT may not always provide answers of high quality or accuracy. While efforts are made to optimize their responses, there is always a possibility of errors, incomplete information, or incorrect

    Supervision and guidance from individuals who understand the subject matter are indeed crucial for effective learning. ChatGPT can serve as a tool to assist in the learning process, but it should not be relied upon as the sole source of information or

    When using ChatGPT or any AI model for learning purposes, it's important to approach the information critically and verify it using reliable sources. Consulting experts, teachers, or knowledgeable individuals in the field can provide valuable insights,
    clarification, and oversight.

    Supervision and guidance help ensure that the learning process is accurate, comprehensive, and aligned with the desired objectives. Human expertise and understanding are essential for assessing the quality of information, identifying potential biases or
    inaccuracies, and providing contextualized explanations.

    Ultimately, learning is a collaborative process that involves leveraging the benefits of AI models like ChatGPT while actively engaging with human expertise. By combining the strengths of AI models and human supervision, a more effective and reliable
    learning experience can be achieved."

    And i invite you to read carefully my thoughts on different subjects in the following web link:


    And i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts on different subjects and you can read my new proverbs in the following web link:


    Thank you,
    Amine Moulay Ramdane.

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