• More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the language and abou

    From Amine Moulay Ramdane@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 28 16:15:12 2023

    More of my philosophy about the meaning and about the language and about artificial intelligence and about the civilized way and about mutual respect and about trust and about Love and about my poems of Love and more of my thoughts..

    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so from my below
    explanation of what is the important weakness of Large Language Models such as GPT-4, you can notice that the language is only an abstraction that comes from the much deeper meaning of the real world, so then the most important thing is not the language
    like english or french or arabic, but
    it is the deeper meaning that constructs the language and that articulate
    the language and that articulate with the meaning of the language, and of course the other most important thing is the being smart and the being wise. So i invite you to read my previous thoughts so that to understand my views:

    I think i am highly smart since I have passed two certified IQ tests and i have scored above 115 IQ, and i mean that it is "above" 115 IQ, so i think i am a new philosopher too, and you can read about the new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link,
    and now i will make you understand an important weakness of Large Language Models such as GPT-4, and it is the following:

    So i think that the language is just an abstraction of the real world, so then Large Language Models such as GPT-4 remain an "approximation" on the abstraction of the language, so then i think that we still can not say that Large Language Models such as
    GPT-4 are smart, so i think that
    what is missing is that the thoughts of humans come with much more deeper meaning of the real world that also comes from the human senses and there parts in the human brain that permit to construct a much more sophisticated meaning that needs much less
    data than artificial intelligence, but i say that we have not the choice, so we have in Large Language Models such as GPT-4 to continu to approximate with much more data and with multimodality of videos and images and text.

    So i think i am a new philosopher, and you can read my new ideas of my philosophy in the below web link, so i think that even tolerance needs
    to follow rules, so we can not be tolerance of the point of views in democracy if the point of views don't follow rules too, so i mean that tolerance is not free, since i mean that Democracy needs requirements, so i mean that the free speech is not free,
    since Democracy needs the requirement of the being correctly educated and correctly wise so that Democracy works correctly, so you have to understand then , that even free speech has the follow the way so that Democracy works correctly, so this way of
    following those rules is not what we call free speech, so then you are noticing that even Love has to follow rules as i am explaining it in my below thoughts:

    So you have to understand my below thoughts about Love, so you have
    to notice that you can logically infer from my below thoughts that Love has requirements, since i mean that you can not be affection for a person at the first encounter with him or her, since you have to follow rules that bring Love, so for example in my
    new below poem of Love in french, notice how i am saying: "I would like to offer you this bouquet of flowers etc.", so notice that this way of doing of my poems of Love and poems is a mark of respect, since notice also how i am attracting respect by
    being a kind of sophistication of thinking and talking to you, i mean that notice how in the first step of the being future Love i am showing that you have to be a level of mutual respect that brings trust, and this level of mutual respect is also part
    of Love, and in the second step you have to construct correctly a relationship of trust , but notice that mutual respect helps to construct a level of trust that can permit you to be Love, so when i am talking below and saying the following:

    "So i think that Love is like un "élan vital," which translates to "vital impulse" of positive energy, and i think that creativity needs this vital impulse of positive energy of Love so that to bring hope, so when you read my below poems of Love, you
    will for example notice that they are like "vital impulse" of positive energy that has as a goal to bring hope, so it is why i say that Love is something essential to life."

    So you are understanding that Love needs mutual respect and mutual Love.

    So i invite you to read my below previous thoughts so that to understand my way of doing that constructs mutual respect with also a kind of sophistication of thinking and talking:

    More of my philosophy about Love and about poems of Love and more of my thoughts..

    So i think that Love is like un "élan vital," which translates to "vital impulse" of positive energy, and i think that creativity needs this vital impulse of positive energy of Love so that to bring hope, so when you read my below poems of Love, you
    will for example notice that they are like "vital impulse" of positive energy that has as a goal to bring hope, so it is why i say that Love is something essential to life, and notice how my following new proverb speaks about this vital impulse of
    positive energy:

    "Human life is not a beautiful flower bouquet, so the way of doing is that you have to know how to use like the beautifulness of a beautiful flower as a "lever" of positive energy that permits you to be optimistic and positive, and this optimism and
    positive energy is the key to success and it gives you the will to live."

    And here is my other new proverb:

    "The sky and its beautiful stars on a beautiful night allow us to dream and they give us hope, and I think it's like the human imagination that is not a down-to-earth and it allows us to dream and it gives us hope."

    "Le ciel et ses belles étoiles d'une belle nuit nous permettent de rêver et de nous donner de l'espoir, et je pense que c'est comme l'imaginaire humain, qui n'est pas du terre à terre, qui nous permet de rêver et de donner de l'espoir."

    And i invite you to read carefully my following thoughts on different subjects and you can read my new proverbs in the following web link:


    And you can read my other thoughts here:


    And you can read my following poems of Love and poems:

    I invite you to listen to the following beautiful song from
    Morocco reading at the same time my below new poem of Love in french:

    Hiya Samra - Les Frères Migri


    Voici mon nouveau poème d'amour:

    Here is my new poem in french:


    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque j'aime les jolies saveurs et les jolies couleurs

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque je suis un homme de valeur et d'honneur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Puisque j'apprécie l'amour et la douce chaleur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et sache que je ne suis pas le malheur et je ne suis pas le voleur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et sache que mon joli amour est comme un antidépresseur

    Je voudrais t'offrir ce bouquet de fleurs

    Et je crois que je n'ai pas besoin d'un haut-parleur pour te faire entendre mon joli coeur !


    And i invite you to read my poems of Love and poems in english and french that i have invented in the following web link:


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Ne vois-tu pas comme je marche

    Puisque je ne suis pas là pour jouer à cache-cache

    Ne vois-tu pas comme je marche

    Car je ne suis pas ici pour te vendre du hasch

    Ne vois-tu pas comme je marche

    Puisque les mots de ma poésie ne sont point le clash

    Ne vois-tu pas comme je marche

    Car je suis les pas d'Abraham le Patriarche

    Ne vois-tu pas comme je marche

    Et comme les mots de Dieu ne sont point le trash

    Alors c'est à la sagesse que je me rattache

    Et c'est ainsi que ma poésie a du panache !


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Le joli soleil

    C'est ce qui me donne des ailes

    Le joli soleil

    C'est ce qui me fait aimer le ciel

    Le joli soleil

    Cela a quelque chose de spirituel

    Le joli soleil

    C'est comme à la fois du joli moderne et traditionnel

    Le joli soleil

    C'est aussi comme surnaturel

    Puisque c'est le joli soleil

    Et que l'on peut en faire un très joli cocktail !


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car je ne veux pas être gros et jouer au sumo

    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car je ne veux pas devenir un chameau

    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car je ne veux pas vivre comme un esquimau

    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car j'aime jouer intelligemment aux jeu de mots

    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car je n'aime pas finir bête à faire du porno

    J'aime la philosophie et les mots

    Car je n'aime pas habiter dans un sale ghetto

    Mais j'aime paraître en bon intello

    Et avoir comme un gros cerveau en bon maestro


    I am a white arab from Morocco, and i think i am smart since i have also invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..

    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Je ne suis pas du tout un jaloux

    Car j'aime être tranquillou avec une gentille Loulou

    Je ne suis pas du tout un jaloux

    Car mes jolies poésies sont comme un avant-goût

    Je ne suis pas du tout un jaloux

    Car j'aime être ici au Canada au bon rendez-vous

    Comme bien étudier à l'université de Waterloo

    Et je ne mange pas ici au Canada du caribou

    Car j'ai aussi un beau coté végétarien qui a du goût

    Je ne suis pas du tout un jaloux

    Car mon joli intellect est comme mon si joli bijou

    Alors constatez bien que je ne suis pas un tabou

    C'est pour cela que je ne suis pas du tout un jaloux


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so here is another proof of it, so here is my other new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Alors je vous invite à ecouter la montre suivante faire tic tac tic tac en lisant mon autre nouveau poème ci-bas:


    Voici mon autre nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'électrochoc

    Mais j'ai bien un joli esprit antichoc

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas de la provoque

    Mais puisque je vie en une jolie époque

    La montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mais puisque je ne suis pas un Hitchcock

    Et je ne viens pas non plus de Bangkok

    Mais je suis bien un Arabe intelligent qui vient du Maroc

    Alors même si la montre fait tic tac tic tac

    Mon bel amour n'a pas besoin d'un missile Tomahawk !


    So i can write and read and think and talk arabic or english or french, so
    here is another proof of it, so here is my new poem in french (and read my other poems of Love and poems in english and french below):

    Voici mon nouveau poème en français (et lire mes autres poèmes ci-bas):


    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Alors l'automne ici à Montréal est joliment expressif

    Alors la vie n'est pas avec lui en dépressive

    Les jolies saisons se suivent

    Et l'hiv