• Perv-Loving Disney DROPS Way Down in Corp Popularity - a DeSantis WIN

    From 23C.Z259@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 24 01:08:58 2023
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.elections


    Disney's fight against Ron DeSantis splits fans as it drops
    a dozen spots to 77 in new poll that ranks reputations of
    100 companies: Firm's popularity spikes among Dems - but
    Republicans' view of it craters

    . . .

    Oh well, the Disney execs can join the Busch execs
    and cry in their stale Wokie beer .....

    I hear Disney's online revenue has dropped like a
    rock as well as parents finally realize what the
    corporate plan for their little kiddies really is.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?V_=C3=B5_l_u_r?=@21:1/5 to All on Fri May 26 09:54:33 2023
    SGV5LCBjb21lIGNoZWNrIG91dArihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPi hpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPihpPi hpPihpMKCmFuZ2xlenp6enp6ei5saWtlc3lvdS5vcmcvYS5waHAKCmtvaHR1bWlzcGFpazMuNjZn aHouY29tLyQvYS5waHAKCvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnuKYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4 j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j+KYgO+4j/CfjJ7wn4ye 8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ7wn4ye8J+MnvCfjJ4K CkNhbm5vdCB3YWl0IHNlZWluZyBZb3UgdGhlcmUgLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)